
NX二次开发-Ufun API Example【持续更新】

三世轮回 提交于 2020-12-06 18:18:31
外部开发模式exe(不打开NX进行后台操作)以及封装exe传参调用 https://www.cnblogs.com/nxopen2018/p/12386103.html 图为张弛每天幻想开车 飞驰人生-张弛一段很励志的话:当拉力赛车在我身边呼啸而过,我知道!这将是我的一生热爱,我将为此一直奋斗! UF公共类型 1 UF_begin_timer计时函数 https://www.cnblogs.com/nxopen2018/p/10957135.html 2 UF_end_timer计时函数 https://www.cnblogs.com/nxopen2018/p/11099462.html 3 UF_initialize初始化 https://www.cnblogs.com/nxopen2018/p/10952538.html 4 UF_terminate终止 https://www.cnblogs.com/nxopen2018/p/10957141.html 5 UF_translate_variable获取环境变量路径 https://www.cnblogs.com/nxopen2018/p/10957146.html 6 UF_ask_system_info获取系统相关信息 https://www.cnblogs.com/nxopen2018/p/10957155.html 7

element-ui select多选情况下获取label和value

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-08-17 09:42:37
html部分 <el- select v -model="value" multiple collapse - tags ref ="select" @change ="changeLocationValue" //将用到此方法 style ="margin-left: 20px;" placeholder ="请选择角色"> <el- option v - for ="item in options" //options 数据源 :key ="item.id" :label ="item.roleName" //我的label是 roleName :value ="item.id"> //我的value 是 id </el-option> </el-select> data(){ return { options:[ {id: 1,roleName:'dafe' }, {id: 2,roleName:'gged' }, {id: 3,roleName:'dafgddvde' }, {id: 4,roleName:'hjrtb' }, {id: 5,roleName:'fgdcbd' } ], departmentIds:[], departmentNames:[] } } js部分 changeLocationValue(val){ this .departmentIds = [

How to make an autocomplete just like google auto suggest in angular ui-select

早过忘川 提交于 2020-01-29 05:30:53
问题 I am using angular ui-select for autocomplete. When the user start typing, I want to show the best matching item as watermarked, and when the user press tab, it should be selected (same like google auto suggest) Please see the image also. you can see that, when I type 'auto' 'complete' is shown as watermark and if I pres TAB, it will be selected. 回答1: there are a bower plugin autocompletelikegoogle and you can create an angular directive to render an autocomplete input in your application.

How to make an autocomplete just like google auto suggest in angular ui-select

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-01-29 05:30:10
问题 I am using angular ui-select for autocomplete. When the user start typing, I want to show the best matching item as watermarked, and when the user press tab, it should be selected (same like google auto suggest) Please see the image also. you can see that, when I type 'auto' 'complete' is shown as watermark and if I pres TAB, it will be selected. 回答1: there are a bower plugin autocompletelikegoogle and you can create an angular directive to render an autocomplete input in your application.

Angularjs ui-select (select2) not working with 'Controller as' syntax not getting selected ite

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-01-06 03:10:09
问题 I'm trying to get a select HTML control working with AngularJS ui-select which is located here on GitHub. For some reason, I am able to get the item selected when using $scope syntax, but not when I use the Controller As syntax. The plunker I am trying to get working with Controller as syntax is located here. I'm not sure what I am missing especially since the $scope syntax works perfectly. I'm not getting any errors to report. Here is a snippet from what is in plunker. Controller var app =

Is ng-init truely a bad way set variable in view without controller

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-06 00:00:51
问题 I am using ui-select to create a complex page with multuple views. For those that don't know each view is loaded via ajax when a user selects a tab (or in my case a dropdown). Views traditionally have their own controller and html templet. Views inherrit the scope of the parent page they are on, but have their own child scope. In my case some of our views have no controller at all. They are so simple that we only have html pages for them. The problem is that I would like them to be able to

How to make the ui-select more bootstrap?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-01 22:08:06
问题 I'm using ui-select select-boxes and regular bootstrap select-boxes side by side, and I want them to look exactly the same. More precisely, I want the ui-select boxes to look like the bootstrap ones. I noticed a few differences: The shape of the arrow. The ui-select box turns grey when being hovered. The bootstrap box doesn't. There's a lot of spacing between options inside the ui-select box and there is a margin on the side. There should only be margin when the grouping feature is activated

ui-select multiselect is very slow in displaying the choices

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-31 09:16:13
问题 I ran into this problem, and I don't know how to solve it. I have used a ui-select multiselect in my page. First, a http.get request is made to a url which gets the data, then the ui-select choices are populated. The data is big - the length of the data is 2100. This data is to be shown as choices. (The data is fetched at the beginning during the loading of the page and is stored in an array) But the problem is each time I click on the multiselect to select a choice, it takes 4-5 seconds to


北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-22 11:27:26
今年3月接触AngularJs,并且在6月的项目中开始应用,从踩坑到填坑花了不少时间,根据项目中的实际应用情况总结了一些经验,如下: 一.UI控件选择 Angularjs是不缺控件的,Github里现成的控件非常丰富,基本上足以应付一个普通管理系统中常见的控件需求。但是控件的丰富会带来选择的困难。选择控件要满足几个原则: 原则1:符合业务场景 原则2:控件持续更新 原则3:满足性能要求 举几个例子。首先是上传附件的控件。项目中要用到附件上传,谷歌上搜到了三个控件,分别是 https://github.com/leon/angular-upload https://github.com/danialfarid/ng-file-upload https://github.com/nervgh/angular-file-upload 因为项目需要兼容IE9,就重点关注了这三个控件对浏览器的兼容性。第一个控件没有任何说明,第二个控件支持IE9,但是前提是要安装flash,第三个控件支持IE8和9,但是只支持部分功能。从浏览器兼容性的角度考虑,最终选择了控件三。 再举一个例子,下拉框控件。html原生的select功能比较单一,并且option的样式很难修改,在前端各个框架所用的下拉框基本上都是重新实现的。Angularjs也不例外。项目中刚开始选用了ui-select2。后来在ui

Angular ui-select tagging lose text input on blur

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-22 05:14:22
问题 THE SITUATION Hello guys! I am using Angular ui-select for my app in order to select users from a database. Using Tagging is possible to enter a new entry in the event the user is not present in the list. By writing the name and pressing ENTER or TAB the new entry is saved as a new tag. Everything is working fine except one little thing: if i focus out with the mouse i lose the input i have entered, and this is not quite user-friendly. CODE <h3>Array of objects</h3> <ui-select multiple