
What is Haskell's style of polymorphism?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-29 18:37:03
问题 With Haskell's type classes it almost seems that it enables ad hoc polymorphism, but its functions declarations seem parametric polymorphism. Am I mixing my understanding of different things? 回答1: Indeed, Haskell supports both (higher rank) parametric polymorphism, and ad hoc (or bounded ) polymorphism. Parametric polymorphism in Haskell is supported via its Hindley-Milner/System F type system. Ad hoc polymorphism is supported via type classes. For the origin of type classes and ad hoc

Unable to map on HList

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-28 03:00:48
问题 I was trying to solve this problem with shapeless. However I am for some reason unable to map on the HList . I'll let the code speak for itself. import shapeless._ import HList._ case class Foo(a: Option[Int], b: Option[Int]) val a = Foo(Some(3), None) val b = Foo(Some(22), Some(1)) implicit val fooIso = HListIso(Foo.apply _, Foo.unapply _) val mapper = new (({ type O2[+A] = (Option[A], Option[A]) })#O2 ~> Option) { def apply[A](x: (Option[A], Option[A])): Option[A] = x._1.orElse(x._2) }

The type system in Scala is Turing complete. Proof? Example? Benefits?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-28 02:38:29
问题 There are claims that Scala's type system is Turing complete. My questions are: Is there a formal proof for this? How would a simple computation look like in the Scala type system? Is this of any benefit to Scala - the language? Is this making Scala more "powerful" in some way compared languages without a Turing complete type system? I guess this applies to languages and type systems in general. 回答1: There is a blog post somewhere with a type-level implementation of the SKI combinator

Why does one select Scala type members with a hash instead of a dot?

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-28 02:04:27
问题 In Scala, the syntax for selecting a type from a class is different from that of selecting anything else from a class. In that the former uses a hash as the selection operator instead of a dot. Why is that? Example: If we have a class like so... class Example { type Foo = String } Why do we select the type from the class like this... val example:Example#Foo = "1" instead of like this? val example:Example.Foo = "1" 回答1: Example#Foo is called a type projection and will match any type Foo of any

Scala Seq - accept only elements of the same subtype

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-22 07:08:02
问题 Assuming I have a type hierarchy like the following: trait Color case class Red(r: String) extends Color case class Green(g: String) extends Color Is it possible to create a method that accepts a Seq[Color] that contains elements of either all Red , or either all Green , but not both? For example in the following code: def process[T](colors: Seq[T]) = colors.size process(Seq(Red("a"), Green("g"))) what should [T] be so that the above does not type-check? Edit The original problem is the

From Static Typing to Dynamic Typing

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-22 06:48:30
问题 I have always worked on statically typed languages (C/C++, Java). I have been playing with Clojure and I really like it. One thing I am worried about is: say that I have a windows that takes 3 modules as arguments and along the way the requirements change and I need to pass another module to the function. I just change the function and the compiler complains everywhere I used it. But in Clojure it won't complain until the function is called. I can just do a regex search and replace but it

Haskell: Specifying equal-length constraints of lists in the type system

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-21 09:20:58
问题 In Haskell, I often have a function like f , which accepts a list and returns a list of equal length: f :: [a] -> [a] -- length f(xs) == length xs Similarly, I might have a function like g , which accepts two lists that should be of equal length: g :: [a] -> [a] -> ... If f and g are typed as above, then run-time errors may result if their length-related constraints are not satisfied. I would therefore like to encode these constraints in the type system. How might I do this? Please note that

What are cumulative universes and `* : *`?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-21 04:46:27
问题 In Agda, there is Set n . As I understand, Set n extends the Haskell-style value-type-kind hierarchy to infinite levels. That is, Set 0 is the universe of normal types, Set 1 is the universe of normal kinds, Set 2 is the universe of normal sorts, etc. In contrast, Idris has the so called "cumulative hierarchy of universes". It seems that for a < b , Type a: Type b , and universe levels are inferred. But what does it mean in real world programs? Can't we define something that only operate on

Scala: Ordering contravariance

风格不统一 提交于 2019-12-20 20:21:21
问题 Is there any reason why Scala's Ordering trait is not contravariant? A motivating example follows. Suppose I want to perform an ordered insert. I may have a function with the signature def insert[A, B >: A](list: List[A], item: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): List[A] Here, I have an Ordering which accepts super types of type A . I imagine this is useful when you're dealing with case classes . For example: abstract class CodeTree case class Fork(left: CodeTree, right: CodeTree, chars: List[Char

What are type projections useful for?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-20 08:48:06
问题 What are type projections in Scala useful for? Why does Scala's type system support both type projections and path dependent types? What was the rationale behind this design decision? 回答1: Not a complete answer, but here are some uses for type projections that I have encountered: Type level metaprogramming . For examples, see Michid's series (parts I, II, III), Jesper's implementation of HList, and the series at Apocalisp. A workaround to enable type inference (for examples, here are some