
how to using dateadd in sqlalchemy with filter?

主宰稳场 提交于 2021-02-05 06:31:28
问题 The sql expression : select * from order where status=0 and adddate(created_time, interval 1 day)>now(); python code: from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, text from datetime import datetime closed_orders = DBSession.query(Order).filter(func.dateadd(Order.create_time, text('interval 1 day'))>datetime.now()).all() but it's got wrong. how to do it correctly? thanks REF :Using DATEADD in sqlalchemy 回答1: Try this: from sqlalchemy import func import datetime DBSession.query(Order)\ .filter

Python REST(Web服务)框架的建议? [关闭]

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-03-14 19:49:06
是否有一个列表,其中包含不同的基于Python的REST框架的建议,以便在服务器端使用以编写自己的RESTful API? 优选有利有弊。 请随时在此处添加推荐。 :) #1楼 看一眼 Itty ( 博客文章 ) 瓶子 web.py 朱诺 #2楼 我强烈推荐使用TurboGears或Bottle: TurboGears的: 比django更简洁 更灵活,更少面向HTML 但是:不那么有名 瓶子: 非常快 很容易学习 但是:简约而不成熟 #3楼 以下是有关REST的CherryPy文档中的讨论: http : //docs.cherrypy.org/dev/progguide/REST.html 特别是它提到了一个名为MethodDispatcher的内置CherryPy调度程序,它根据HTTP动词标识符(GET,POST等)调用方法。 #4楼 Piston 是一个非常灵活的框架,用于为Django应用程序创建RESTful API。 #5楼 惊讶没人提到 烧瓶 。 from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/") def hello(): return "Hello World!" if __name__ == "__main__": app.run() 来源: oschina 链接: https://my

Django vs other Python web frameworks?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-17 10:14:51
问题 I've pretty much tried every Python web framework that exists, and it took me a long time to realize there wasn't a silver bullet framework, each had its own advantages and disadvantages. I started out with Snakelets and heartily enjoyed being able to control almost everything at a lower level without much fuss, but then I discovered TurboGears and I have been using it (1.x) ever since. Tools like Catwalk and the web console are invaluable to me. But with TurboGears 2 coming out which brings

How to extend the Turbogears 2.1 login functionality

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-12 12:15:25
问题 I'm using Turbogears 2.1 and repoze.who/what and am having trouble figuring out how to extend the basic authentication functionality. I am essentially attempting to require users to activate their account via an emailed link before they can login. If they try to login without activating their account, I want to display an appropriate error message. The default Turbogears functionality simply displays one message for all errors. I created my own authentication plugin which works fine. It won't

Psycopg2 under osx works on commandline but fails in Aptana studio

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-11 15:40:02
问题 I have been developing under Python/Snowleopard happily for the part 6 months. I just upgraded Python to 2.6.5 and a whole bunch of libraries, including psycopg2 and Turbogears. I can start up tg-admin and run some queries with no problems. Similarly, I can run my web site from the command line with no problems. However, if I try to start my application under Aptana Studio, I get the following exception while trying to import psychopg2: ('dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2

Sprox form with Turbogears, using Mako, only displays plain text

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-11 03:44:48
问题 I'm generating a Sprox form with Turbogears 2.1 and trying to display it in a Mako template. Here is my code: To define the form: class NewUserForm(AddRecordForm): __model__ = User newuserform = NewUserForm(DBSession) The controller definition that assigns the form and calls the template: @expose('limelight.modules.users.templates.register') def register(self, **kw): tmpl_context.register_form = newuserform return dict(value=kw) And the relevant template code: ${tmpl_context.register_form

python/genshi newline to html <p> paragraphs

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-07 17:38:42
问题 I'm trying to output the content of a comment with genshi, but I can't figure out how to transform the newlines into HTML paragraphs. Here's a test case of what it should look like: input: 'foo\n\n\n\n\nbar\nbaz' output: <p>foo</p><p>bar</p><p>baz</p> I've looked everywhere for this function. I couldn't find it in genshi or in python's std lib. I'm using TG 1.0. 回答1: def tohtml(manylinesstr): return ''.join("<p>%s</p>" % line for line in manylinesstr.splitlines() if line) So for example,

Turbomail Integration with Pyramid

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-07 06:43:08
问题 I am in need of a method to send an email from a Pyramid application. I know of pyramid_mailer, but it seems to have a fairly limited message class. I don't understand if it's possible to write the messages from pyramid_mailer using templates to generate the body of the email. Further, I haven't seen anything regarding whether rich-text is supported, or if it's just simple plain-text. Previously, I was using Turbomail with the Pylons framework. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any

Simple ascii url encoding with python

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-04 02:15:57
问题 look at that: import urllib print urllib.urlencode(dict(bla='Ã')) the output is bla=%C3%BC what I want is simple, I want the output in ascii instead of utf-8, so I need the output: bla=%C3 if I try: urllib.urlencode(dict(bla='Ã'.decode('iso-8859-1'))) doesn't work (all my python files are utf-8 encoded): 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-1: ordinal not in range(128) In production, the input comes unicoded. 回答1: Have a look at unicode transliteration in python: from unidecode


不想你离开。 提交于 2019-11-30 12:24:33
准备学习编程前,你一定会打开电脑搜索一下“先学 Python 还是先学 Java ?”扑面而来的是海量回答。 如果你问一名 Java 程序员,肯定会建议你先学 Java ,因为他们认为Python像个乳臭未干的黄毛小子。但如果你问Python程序员,可能会得到一个完全相反的答案,他们认为Java是刻板啰嗦的老大爷,而人生苦短,我用 Python 。 但别担心,今天我们将会从 语言特色 学习曲线 职业方向 市场需求 等多个方面为你解答 “选择 Python 还是Java的人生难题” 语言历史 Python:生而为简 Python是一门拥有简洁语法的高级编程语言。一个名为Guido van Rossum的荷兰大佬在1991年设计了它。Rossum设计这门语言的初衷,就是为了让代码读起来更轻松,并且让程序员们比起用其他语言,可以写更少的代码,事半功倍。 Java:出生就想当老大 而Jame Gosling在1995年设计了Java。 Java是一门以Class为单位,高度面向对象的高级编程语言。Java的设计初衷是“写一次代码,在哪里都可以用。” Java可以完成任何规模的任务,所以它也是很多公司在做商业级项目的时候的普遍选择。 语言本身 Python: 语法简洁,容易上手 Java:语法稍微复杂 从语言本身来说,Python是出了名的简洁,容易上手