
Delphi: TTcpServer, connection reset when reading

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-10 00:12:40
问题 I'm trying to implement a Fitnesse Slim server for delphi, but have some problems with the communication. Fitnesse will start my process, and give me a portnumber as a commandline argument. Then I'm supposed to create a socket at the given portnumber, and Fitnesse will connect to that port. I'm using a TTcpServer for the job: TcpServer1.LocalPort := ParamStr(ParamCount); TcpServer1.Active := true; In the OnAccepted( )-event, I send the protocol version to use, as specified in the spec.

Delphi: TTcpServer, connection reset when reading

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-04 22:23:21
I'm trying to implement a Fitnesse Slim server for delphi, but have some problems with the communication. Fitnesse will start my process, and give me a portnumber as a commandline argument. Then I'm supposed to create a socket at the given portnumber, and Fitnesse will connect to that port. I'm using a TTcpServer for the job: TcpServer1.LocalPort := ParamStr(ParamCount); TcpServer1.Active := true; In the OnAccepted( )-event, I send the protocol version to use, as specified in the spec. procedure TForm1.TcpServer1Accept(Sender: TObject; ClientSocket: TCustomIpClient); var s: ansistring; begin