
Merge trunk into branch with SVN: “Secure Connection Truncated”

心已入冬 提交于 2020-02-01 19:00:30
问题 after trying to merge changes to an svn trunk back to the branch with the following command: ../branches/myBranch$ svn merge -r 94:171 https://.../trunk --dry-run I get the following error from SVN: svn: REPORT of '/svnroot/simspark/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read chunk size: Secure connection truncated ( We already tried to google this for quite a while and concluded that this is kinda pointless. I won't stop you from trying yourself of course, but you

Merge trunk into branch with SVN: “Secure Connection Truncated”

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-02-01 18:58:43
问题 after trying to merge changes to an svn trunk back to the branch with the following command: ../branches/myBranch$ svn merge -r 94:171 https://.../trunk --dry-run I get the following error from SVN: svn: REPORT of '/svnroot/simspark/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read chunk size: Secure connection truncated ( We already tried to google this for quite a while and concluded that this is kinda pointless. I won't stop you from trying yourself of course, but you

Drawing pseudorandoms from a truncated normal distribution

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-10 03:19:00
问题 Matlab has the function randn to draw from a normal distribution e.g. x = 0.5 + 0.1*randn() draws a pseudorandom number from a normal distribution of mean 0.5 and standard deviation 0.1. Given this, is the following Matlab code equivalent to sampling from a normal distribution truncated at 0 at 1? while x <=0 || x > 1 x = 0.5 + 0.1*randn(); end 回答1: Using MATLAB's Probability Distribution Objects makes sampling from truncated distributions very easy. You can use the makedist and truncate

Mysql timestamp Data truncated for column

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-24 19:25:07
问题 I'm attempting to use python to insert a timestamp into column created_by of a mysql db. Here is my database table setup.. CREATE TABLE temps ( temp1 FLOAT, temp2 FLOAT, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ); temp1 and temp2 and populating correctly but receiving an error for the timestamp Warning: Data truncated for column 'created_at' at row 1 cursor.execute("""INSERT INTO temps VALUES (%s,%s,%s)""",(avgtemperatures[0],avgtemperatures[1],st[2])) ((71.7116, 73.2494, None),) Here

MYSQL Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value while updating

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-24 18:00:19
问题 Here is request for mysql database. "UPDATE client_storrage SET LastMatched =UTC_TIMESTAMP() WHERE XUID =01100000000000" It gives error Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: '01100000000000' XUID varchar(20) utf8_bin LastMatched datetime Can any one help to fix this ? 回答1: if XUID is a varchar you have to use quotes around it in your query: UPDATE client_storrage SET LastMatched = UTC_TIMESTAMP() WHERE XUID = '01100000000000' 来源:

Android gets HTTPS page truncated

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-24 05:51:53
问题 I am fetching a web page on Android using HTTPS (ignoring the certificate as it is both self-signed and outdated, as seen here - don't ask, it's not my server :)). I've defined my public class MyHttpClient extends DefaultHttpClient { public MyHttpClient() { super(); final HttpParams params = getParams(); HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(params, REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT); HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(params, REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT); ConnManagerParams.setTimeout(params, REGISTRATION

Google Chart Tools truncating y axis labels

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-22 01:40:36
问题 Working with a Google bar chart, here is what I got: Here my custom options var options = { width: 500, height: 240, legend : 'none', vAxis:{title:'Answers',textStyle:{color: '#005500',fontSize: '12', paddingRight: '100',marginRight: '100'}}, hAxis: { title: 'Percentage', textStyle: { color: '#005500', fontSize: '12', paddingRight: '100', marginRight: '100'} } }; Can't I set a width for these <g> / <rect> tags? 回答1: I believe the chartArea.left option is what you are looking for. Try

mysql error 1292 when using cast in update statement

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-20 05:18:13
问题 The below statement returns "Error Code: 1292. Truncated incorrect INTEGER value: '95.00' 1.132 sec " update new2006 set new2006.emp=cast(emp as unsigned) where IsNum(emp)=0; But if I use the below statement, I can get result 95 successfully. select cast(emp as unsigned) from new2006 where IsNum(emp)=0; Can anyone help me? Thanks in advanced. PS:The data type of emp is varchar(7). 回答1: You are in a strict SQL mode; as documented (emphasis added): Strict mode controls how MySQL handles invalid

`Math.trunc` vs `|0` vs `<<0` vs `>>0` vs `&-1` vs `^0`

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-18 06:12:33
问题 I have just found that in ES6 there's a new math method: Math.trunc . I have read its description in MDN article, and it sounds like using |0 . Moreover, <<0 , >>0 , &-1 , ^0 also do similar things (thanks @kojiro & @Bergi). After some tests, it seems that the only differences are: Math.trunc returns -0 with numbers in interval (-1,-0] . Bitwise operators return 0 . Math.trunc returns NaN with non numbers. Bitwise operators return 0 . Are there more differences (among all of them)? n | Math

How can I get the full string of PHP’s getTraceAsString()?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-17 17:57:27
问题 I'm using getTraceAsString() to get a stack trace but the string is being truncated for some reason. Example, an exception is thrown and I log the string using: catch (SoapFault $e) { error_log( $e->getTraceAsString() ) } The string thats prints out is: #0 C:\Somedirectory\Somedirectory\Somedirectory\Somedir\SomeScript.php(10): SoapClient->SoapClient('http://www.ex...') How can I get the full string to print? 回答1: I created this function to return a stack trace with no truncated strings: