
BUUCTF V&N-misc内存取证

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-01-13 02:01:34
分析镜像: volatility -f mem.raw imageinfo 查看进程: volatility -f mem.raw --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 pslist 列出我认为的可疑的进程: explorer.exe TrueCrypt.exe notepad.exe iexplore.exe mspaint.exe DumpIt.exe dump记事本、画图进程: volatility -f mem.raw --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 memdump -p 3552 --dump-dir=./ volatility -f mem.raw --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 memdump -p 2648 --dump-dir=./ 2648.bmp的后缀改为data 查看IE浏览器历史: volatility -f mem.raw --profile=Win7SP1x86_23418 iehistory <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="60%" height="60%"></a>


北城以北 提交于 2020-02-29 17:56:24
TheBrain (点击下载) 是一款与众不同的思维导图软件,其所有信息通过一个又一个的节点进行联系,最终形成一个杂而不乱的网状结构。从头开始设计,让您捕获您的想法和信息在一个网络的联想,匹配您的思维方式。 TheBrain功能亮点: 数字思维 整合分散的资源 随时访问 快速搜索 强大的文档管理功能 一目了然的图形 TheBrain最新最热问答集锦 Q: 有没有办法快速搜索网址或者名字?也就是说,如果有多个原型分散在TB上,网址为“”。我现在必须找到所有这些。 搜索例如“ Invisionapp”或URL名称(屏幕截图中的“ CV线框”)不会返回任何结果。 我尝试使用Spotlight缓存清除技巧来排除Spotlight问题,但仍然没有结果。 A: 可以根据以下步骤: 打开报告标签 将“想法”下拉列表更改为“按附件” 将类型更改为URL附件 在名称中,输入您的查询 如果非常需要该报告,请点击底部的汉堡菜单,选择另存为并命名。然后,可以打开“报告”窗格,选择菜单下拉菜单,然后转到“保存的报告”>“ [名称]” Q: 如果需要保护TheBrain。即使注销,包含所有文件和注释的TheBrain目录也可以在Windows资源管理器中访问。有什么办法吗? A: ①除了保护TheBrain应用程序免于使用您的个人帐户信息打开之外

Detect when a new virtual drive is created

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-31 03:44:05
问题 How can I know what trueCrypt volumes are mounted on a computer? Note I already know what files can be mounted. In other words the only volumes that can be mounted are: C:\ , C:\ and C:\ . How do I know when a volume is dismounted? I manage to do that by using the .net class FileSystemWatcher . Every time I dismount a volume I notice that the event FileSystemWatcher.Changed fires. How do I know when a volume is mounted? Here is where I am having trouble! Do I constantly

Determine the Drive Letter of a mounted TrueCrypt volume

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-19 06:16:14
问题 After a TrueCrypt container has been mounted to a drive letter, is it possible to determine in a batch file which container the drive letter was mounted from, or which drive letter the container was mounted to? In a batch file, I want to mount a specified TrueCrypt container to a specified drive letter. TrueCrypt errors if the container is already mounted or if the drive letter isn't available, so I want to run TrueCrypt only if the specified container hasn't already been mounted to the

How to write a “truly” private method in C#?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-12 09:41:17
问题 In fact, private methods are implemented in C# that can still be searched with Reflection . What I am going to do is to write public string Encrypt(string data) and private string Decrypt(string cipher) methods to perform encryption and decryption. Unfortunately, if someone knows .NET framework, he can use Reflection to find Decrypt methods and it decrypt everything that is encrypted. It seems that is not that secure. So I want to make Decrypt method to truly private method. But how to do


血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-11 22:05:32
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 如何有效地一起使用 Git 和 Dropbox ? #1楼 我遇到了类似的问题,并为此创建了一个小脚本。 想法是尽可能简单地将Dropbox与Git一起使用。 目前,我已经快速实现了 Ruby 代码,并且我将很快添加更多代码。 该脚本可从 访问。 #2楼 对于使用Dropbox的小型团队: 如果每个开发人员在Dropbox上都有自己的可写的裸存储库( 仅 可拖给其他开发人员),则这将促进代码共享而不会造成损坏! 然后,如果您想要一个集中的“主线”,则可以让一个开发人员从他们自己的存储库中管理所有推送到它的推送。 #3楼 我认为Dropbox上的Git很棒。 我一直都在用它。 我有多台计算机(两台在家,一台在工作),我将Dropbox用作中央裸仓库。 由于我不想将其托管在公共服务上,并且我无法访问总是可以通过ssh连接到的服务器,因此Dropbox通过在后台同步(非常快)来解决此问题。 安装程序是这样的: ~/project $ git init ~/project $ git add . ~/project $ git commit -m "first commit" ~/project $ cd ~/Dropbox/git ~

Using CreateProcess to invoke an exe file?

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-07 15:22:07
问题 Been trying to invoke the Truecrypt exe from my Visual Studio C++ application, but CreateProcess just isn't working. GetLastError() shows 127 . The objective is to invoke the exe without showing the command window . Please help. I've tried searching and also reading the CreateProcess parameter explanation. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include<Windows.h> int main( void ) { HANDLE StdInHandles[2]; HANDLE StdOutHandles[2]; HANDLE StdErrHandles[2]; CreatePipe(

TrueCrypt alternative with API

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-06 02:43:08
问题 I am searching for a TrueCrypt alternative that has an API to programmatically access the files. Does anyone know a solution? The API should support the listing, creating, changing and deleting of files. 回答1: Diskcryptor does not have an API, but it is GPL. If I may, I beleive what you are asking for is for a abstract file system library. I understand that you want to load a TrueCrypt or similar container and list its content. When it is opened, such a container is just raw bytes reprenting

Using CreateProcess to invoke an exe file?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-06 00:22:45
Been trying to invoke the Truecrypt exe from my Visual Studio C++ application, but CreateProcess just isn't working. GetLastError() shows 127 . The objective is to invoke the exe without showing the command window . Please help. I've tried searching and also reading the CreateProcess parameter explanation . #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include<Windows.h> int main( void ) { HANDLE StdInHandles[2]; HANDLE StdOutHandles[2]; HANDLE StdErrHandles[2]; CreatePipe(&StdInHandles[0], &StdInHandles[1], NULL, 4096); CreatePipe(&StdOutHandles[0], &StdOutHandles[1], NULL, 4096

How to write a “truly” private method in C#?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-05 14:06:42
In fact, private methods are implemented in C# that can still be searched with Reflection . What I am going to do is to write public string Encrypt(string data) and private string Decrypt(string cipher) methods to perform encryption and decryption. Unfortunately, if someone knows .NET framework, he can use Reflection to find Decrypt methods and it decrypt everything that is encrypted. It seems that is not that secure. So I want to make Decrypt method to truly private method. But how to do that? Updated 09 Jan 2012 10:52PM Sydney Time bdares provides the technical explanation of this question