
How to traverse a Btree?

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-01-28 06:27:17
问题 I have a Btree and I'm trying to figure out how traverse it so that the keys are displayed ascending order. All I can figure out is that this can be done with a recursive function. What's the pseudo-code to do it? 回答1: Assuming you have a definition like: template <class T> class btree_node { btree_node **child; // an array of child nodes T **element; // the elements in this node unsigned int child_count; // the number of children // the number of elements is 1 less then child_count }; Then

Amortized Time Calculation in AVL tree

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-12-27 07:24:49
问题 My professor showed the following problem in class and mentioned that the answer is O(1) while mine was quit different, I hope to get some help knowing of what mistakes did I made. Question: Calculate the Amortized Time Complexity for F method in AVL tree, when we start from the minimal node and each time we call F over the last found member. Description of F: when we are at specific node F continues just like inorder traversal starting from the current one until the next one in inorder

Find Path to Specified Node in Binary Tree (Python)

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-06-12 22:09:16
问题 I'm having trouble computing the path from the root to a specified node in a binary tree (this is specifically about a Python solution to this problem). Here's an example. Given the binary tree below, if I specify the node whose value is 4, I want to return [1, 2, 4]. If I specify the node whose value is 5, I want to return [1, 2, 5]. 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 Here's my attemped solution. class TreeNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.left = None self.right = None def path(root, k, l=[]):

Find Path to Specified Node in Binary Tree (Python)

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-06-12 22:05:57
问题 I'm having trouble computing the path from the root to a specified node in a binary tree (this is specifically about a Python solution to this problem). Here's an example. Given the binary tree below, if I specify the node whose value is 4, I want to return [1, 2, 4]. If I specify the node whose value is 5, I want to return [1, 2, 5]. 1 / \ 2 3 / \ 4 5 Here's my attemped solution. class TreeNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x self.left = None self.right = None def path(root, k, l=[]):

How to print a binary tree in as a structure of nodes in Python

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-05-14 07:25:17
问题 I have a python code to convert a string mathematical expression into a binary tree and order the nodes of the tree so the left child will be always smaller than the right child. I want to print the binary tree in the following order. For example consider the mathematical expression ((2 * 75) / 4). buildParseTree() converts the string expression into a tree and printNodeInLevels() rearranges the nodes so left child is smaller than the right right child at each level. Operands < operators and

How to print a binary tree in as a structure of nodes in Python

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2020-05-14 07:19:31
问题 I have a python code to convert a string mathematical expression into a binary tree and order the nodes of the tree so the left child will be always smaller than the right child. I want to print the binary tree in the following order. For example consider the mathematical expression ((2 * 75) / 4). buildParseTree() converts the string expression into a tree and printNodeInLevels() rearranges the nodes so left child is smaller than the right right child at each level. Operands < operators and

How to detect circular reference in a Tree?

我的梦境 提交于 2020-03-23 08:18:05
问题 I have a Node class as follows: public class Node{ Object data; List<Node> children; } I need to traverse this tree in post order and I am using Guava TreeTraverser for for the same. TreeTraverser<Node> treeTraverser = new TreeTraverser<Node>() { @Override public Iterable<Node> children(Node node) { return node.children; } }; treeTraverser.postOrderTraversal(node); The catch is that there chances that the given tree could have circular dependencies(means it could be a cyclic graph). What

How to detect circular reference in a Tree?

人走茶凉 提交于 2020-03-23 08:18:02
问题 I have a Node class as follows: public class Node{ Object data; List<Node> children; } I need to traverse this tree in post order and I am using Guava TreeTraverser for for the same. TreeTraverser<Node> treeTraverser = new TreeTraverser<Node>() { @Override public Iterable<Node> children(Node node) { return node.children; } }; treeTraverser.postOrderTraversal(node); The catch is that there chances that the given tree could have circular dependencies(means it could be a cyclic graph). What

Inorder tree traversal: Which definition is correct?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-20 14:22:42
问题 I have the following text from an academic course I took a while ago about inorder traversal (they also call it pancaking) of a binary tree (not BST): Inorder tree traversal Draw a line around the outside of the tree. Start to the left of the root, and go around the outside of the tree, to end up to the right of the root. Stay as close to the tree as possible, but do not cross the tree. (Think of the tree — its branches and nodes — as a solid barrier.) The order of the nodes is the order in

Inorder tree traversal: Which definition is correct?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-20 14:22:19
问题 I have the following text from an academic course I took a while ago about inorder traversal (they also call it pancaking) of a binary tree (not BST): Inorder tree traversal Draw a line around the outside of the tree. Start to the left of the root, and go around the outside of the tree, to end up to the right of the root. Stay as close to the tree as possible, but do not cross the tree. (Think of the tree — its branches and nodes — as a solid barrier.) The order of the nodes is the order in