
Why does TortoiseGit run prepare-commit-msg after commit message edit?

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-19 06:37:06
问题 I have two hook files, "prepare-commit-msg" and "commit-msg" in my .git/hooks directory: prepare-commit-msg #!/bin/bash echo "prepare-commit-msg" exit 0 commit-msg #!/bin/bash echo "commit-msg" exit 0 If I commit using Git Bash "prepare-commit-msg" is run before message edit and "commit-msg" after message edit, as expected: But if I commit using TortoiseGit both hooks run after message edit: I know that TortoiseGit has settings for hooks scripts (Start Commit, Pre-Commit,...), but I have none

Tag specific files in git

痞子三分冷 提交于 2021-02-08 10:13:47
问题 I am new git, I want to tag specific files from branch. Example: I have file1 , file2 , file3 , file4 in master and tagged these 4 files as V1.0 for my initial release Now I have added file5 in next release and merged into master . I have to tag only file5 in new tag as V2.0 not all the previous files ( file1 , file2 , file3 , file4 ). Can this can be done in git? Can anyone help me how to do this in git or any other solution where I can update my every release of my project? 回答1: Can this

How to use Submodules with EGit

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-08 05:21:55
问题 The Eclipse Team Provider for Git works but i do not see any changes for submodules when I use synchronize. I see changes with the diff on the command line and also with tortoise i see the changes. So, does anyone know ho to use Git and Eclipse in a way that synchronize and commit works with submodules? 回答1: The "Working with Submodules" section shows the submodules in the Git Repositories view: From there, you have access to two actions: Selecting the Update Submodule action on a submodule

Where is “remote tracking branch” in TortoiseGit?

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-02-07 16:12:35
问题 How to find "remote tracking branch" in TortoiseGit to set default branch to pull from? 回答1: Open the "Browse Refs" dialog (cf. There you can see all local branches and the corresponding remote-tracking branches (you can change the remote-tracking branch using the context menu). On the pull and fetch dialog, the currently set remote tracked branch should be selected automatically (based on the current local branch) - or the

Where is “remote tracking branch” in TortoiseGit?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-07 16:05:10
问题 How to find "remote tracking branch" in TortoiseGit to set default branch to pull from? 回答1: Open the "Browse Refs" dialog (cf. There you can see all local branches and the corresponding remote-tracking branches (you can change the remote-tracking branch using the context menu). On the pull and fetch dialog, the currently set remote tracked branch should be selected automatically (based on the current local branch) - or the

how to nest a git project in a git project?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-07 10:17:28
问题 Issue: Nest a git repo in a git repo WITHOUT storing the second repo in the hosts master repo. The repos need to be two separate entity's. This way I can easily update a client sites base code (used on multiple sites). Reason for two repos: I have a base php framework that my projects use. Each client gets their own repo that has the files required for that site. Due to the way git/submodules work I have to keep the "framework" as the master repo with the "clients code" as the submodule. The

how to nest a git project in a git project?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-07 10:16:33
问题 Issue: Nest a git repo in a git repo WITHOUT storing the second repo in the hosts master repo. The repos need to be two separate entity's. This way I can easily update a client sites base code (used on multiple sites). Reason for two repos: I have a base php framework that my projects use. Each client gets their own repo that has the files required for that site. Due to the way git/submodules work I have to keep the "framework" as the master repo with the "clients code" as the submodule. The

SSL certificate issue while creating git clone with TortoiseGit

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-02-05 13:13:43
问题 I want to clone the git repository with the help of TortoiseGit, but I am getting error : error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed while accessing fatal: HTTP request failed git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128). Any help or guidance will be well appreciated. 回答1: You can choose to ignore the

SSL certificate issue while creating git clone with TortoiseGit

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-02-05 13:11:07
问题 I want to clone the git repository with the help of TortoiseGit, but I am getting error : error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed while accessing fatal: HTTP request failed git did not exit cleanly (exit code 128). Any help or guidance will be well appreciated. 回答1: You can choose to ignore the

图形化工具Tortoise Git

风格不统一 提交于 2020-11-21 02:57:23
安装图形化工具:Tortoise Git 1.安装 1.2安装完成后,第一次使用向导 1.安装 我自己使用的TortoiseGit- 百度云连接: 提取码:jjxu 步骤1:安装向导 步骤2:许可介绍 步骤3:选择SSH客户端(默认) 步骤4:选择安装路径 步骤5:进行安装 步骤6:安装成功 安装完成,出现此提示,表示需要重启电脑,先点击No,完成“第一次向导”后再重启。 1.2安装完成后,第一次使用向导 步骤1:选择语言安装包,默认只有英语English(默认) 步骤2:图形工具简单介绍(默认) 步骤3:选择Git安装目录 步骤4:配置用户信息,填写自己的信息 步骤5:认证和密钥配置,设置访问方式为OpenSSH。 步骤6:安装成功,任意位置右键 重启电脑 在之后的操作中,如果没有重新,将没有特殊图标(绿色对勾) 来源: oschina 链接: