
How to get the EventMachine gem to compile on OSX Lion 10.8.2 with Xcode 4.5.1

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-01-14 09:52:09
问题 I looked everywhere I can find but can't seem to find a solution to this. I'm using Xcode 4.5.1 on Lion 10.8.2, and am trying to run bundle for a Rails project and it keeps jamming up on this. I'm using the Thin gem for Heroku. Bolanos@Jeremys-Mac-mini ⦿-1.9.3 fishfarm $ sudo gem install eventmachine Password: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing eventmachine: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /Users/Bolanos/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin

Checking if the Faye server exists before running it for my Rails app

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2020-01-04 06:15:31
问题 In relation to a previous question of mine found here: Autorun the Faye server when I start the Rails server I am now running the Faye server whenever I start Rails. However, this means it is trying to run the Faye server when I run the Rails server, the Rails console, or anything else Rails related. Is there a way to check if the Faye server is already running? And if it is, not attempt to run a new one? Or maybe this isn't the best approach, I welcome all ideas and tips. 回答1: You can use

Checking if the Faye server exists before running it for my Rails app

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-01-04 06:14:35
问题 In relation to a previous question of mine found here: Autorun the Faye server when I start the Rails server I am now running the Faye server whenever I start Rails. However, this means it is trying to run the Faye server when I run the Rails server, the Rails console, or anything else Rails related. Is there a way to check if the Faye server is already running? And if it is, not attempt to run a new one? Or maybe this isn't the best approach, I welcome all ideas and tips. 回答1: You can use

Thin server QUERY_STRING is longer than the (1024 * 10) allowed length

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-01-04 05:25:25
问题 How can I increase the maximum allowed value for QUERY_STRING using either thin , puma , or unicorn web servers in Rails? I'm attempting to make a POST request to my Rails API that exceeds the limit, and just need to increase the server's maximum threshold Specific error on POST: Invalid request: HTTP element QUERY_STRING is longer than the (1024 * 10) allowed length. I only came across this question in one other place (HTTP query string length with thin web server) and I couldn't quite make

thin: waiting for n connection to close while trying to stop server

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-02 23:10:48
问题 I have put my application (Ruby on Rails) on (Ubuntu) Amazon EC2 server which is running on thin and nginx. Whenever I stop my thin production server I am getting this message as "waiting for n connection(s) to finish,can take up to 30 sec, CTRL + C to stop" Below is the attached screenshot..... What does it mean and why is it coming.I had to wait for a long time for the connections to stop.I have Thin version 1.5.1. And since this is Live environment We don't want the website to go down for

How to include SSL Certificate in Rails 3 project

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-01 06:55:49
问题 I have developed a Rails 3 project which uses thin as server, along with Devise and Doorkeeper for Authentication I would like to add SSL Certificate in my project. I have seen some posts which describes how to use SSL Certificate in Rails 3 Project,but none of then showing how to add certificate in Rails 3 project. I have enabled config.force_ssl = true in my applicationcontroller.rb , and I tried starting thin server like: thin start --ssl It works without adding certificate and I can now

Http streaming with thin & eventmachine

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-01-01 05:48:27
问题 I'm playing with EM to achieve streaming and concurrency. I had a problem with streaming... I run the following rack app using $ rackup -s thin -p 3000 While testing with $ ab -c 10 -n 20 http://localhost:3000/ , the app seemed accepting parellel requests. Great! I expect it to achieve streaming meanwhile. When I test it in Firefox8, it works so well. And using $ curl -i http://localhost:3000/ , the result is streamed just as expected too! But

Thin + Nginx + Websockets configurations | Rails

可紊 提交于 2020-01-01 05:13:10
问题 I have a Ruby on Rails 3.2 app with the websocket-rails gem, running in a thin webserver behind a nginx reverse proxy. Except for the nginx reverse proxy, everything works just fine. By removing the nginx reverse proxy, the websocket communication works just fine. (both development and production). Using nginx as a reverse proxy for the websockets is where the problem starts. Nginx version 1.3.13 and up should be able to support websocket proxying. Based on the docs here and here I created