
How to record video and take picture at the same time with single camera in GStreamer?

风格不统一 提交于 2021-01-29 11:48:58
问题 I'm trying to record video and take picture at the same time with single camera in GStreamer. But I have an issue. I use tee to use both record video and take a picture. To set video duration, I use num-buffers , assume that I set 100. When take picture, the num-buffers needed is only 1 . But when using tee , num-buffers of take picture pipeline is also 100. So It's mean, my program take 100 picture and my image file is up to 5Mb(320x240). I just want it's take a single picture each 1 minute


柔情痞子 提交于 2020-12-29 00:39:00
tee [-ai][--help][--version][文件...] 功能: tee以标准输入作为输入,标准输出和文件作为输出。 例子:tee testfile 用tee生成一个文件,包含你敲入的内容 用标准输入输入内容,然后敲回车会将你输入的内容写入testfile和输出到标准输出,如果用[Ctrl]d结束输入([Ctrl]c也行)。如果原来testfile有内容,将会覆盖 tee -a testfile 把内容追加到文件的末尾行 tee -i testfile 生成一个文件,敲入的时候,不接受中断信号 执行ls列表目录文件同时将输出保存到文件test中:ls | tee testfile 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/566829/blog/228358

Simulate the Linux command tee in C

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-11-29 10:13:38
问题 I have to do the simulation of the command tee in C for Linux. How does tee work internally? It looks like a T-shaped pipe, so should I use a pipe? Is there a special kind of pipe? 回答1: tee takes stdin and copies the data stream to stdout as well as a file given as an option, it can be used in many very different situations. An implementation in C is quite simple, just make a program that copies all data from stdin to stdout, but also use the same output statements for stdout on a file that

Simulate the Linux command tee in C

戏子无情 提交于 2020-11-29 10:13:30
问题 I have to do the simulation of the command tee in C for Linux. How does tee work internally? It looks like a T-shaped pipe, so should I use a pipe? Is there a special kind of pipe? 回答1: tee takes stdin and copies the data stream to stdout as well as a file given as an option, it can be used in many very different situations. An implementation in C is quite simple, just make a program that copies all data from stdin to stdout, but also use the same output statements for stdout on a file that

Simulate the Linux command tee in C

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-11-29 10:11:38
问题 I have to do the simulation of the command tee in C for Linux. How does tee work internally? It looks like a T-shaped pipe, so should I use a pipe? Is there a special kind of pipe? 回答1: tee takes stdin and copies the data stream to stdout as well as a file given as an option, it can be used in many very different situations. An implementation in C is quite simple, just make a program that copies all data from stdin to stdout, but also use the same output statements for stdout on a file that

Simulate the Linux command tee in C

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-11-29 10:11:09
问题 I have to do the simulation of the command tee in C for Linux. How does tee work internally? It looks like a T-shaped pipe, so should I use a pipe? Is there a special kind of pipe? 回答1: tee takes stdin and copies the data stream to stdout as well as a file given as an option, it can be used in many very different situations. An implementation in C is quite simple, just make a program that copies all data from stdin to stdout, but also use the same output statements for stdout on a file that

Making Python loggers log all stdout and stderr messages

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-07-31 05:07:08
问题 Using the python logging package, and writing a class Log, I'd like to tee stdout and stderr to a log file : log = Log("log.txt") print "line1" print "line2" print >>sys.stderr, "err1" del log print "line to screen only" The output log file would contain : 16/11/2017 09:51:58 INFO - line1 16/11/2017 09:51:58 INFO - line2 16/11/2017 09:51:58 INFO - err1 Any idea how to write this Log class, keeping the advantages of the "logging" package (time-stamps, ...) ? 回答1: The right way to achieve what

Making Python loggers log all stdout and stderr messages

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-07-31 05:07:03
问题 Using the python logging package, and writing a class Log, I'd like to tee stdout and stderr to a log file : log = Log("log.txt") print "line1" print "line2" print >>sys.stderr, "err1" del log print "line to screen only" The output log file would contain : 16/11/2017 09:51:58 INFO - line1 16/11/2017 09:51:58 INFO - line2 16/11/2017 09:51:58 INFO - err1 Any idea how to write this Log class, keeping the advantages of the "logging" package (time-stamps, ...) ? 回答1: The right way to achieve what

how to use threads and tee to log the telnet response from a server?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-05-27 09:28:11
问题 context: there are distinctions between different telnet clients, and certainly a distinction from those clients to, for example, the Apache library. In this case, yes, using an actual telnet client for MUD's, where the servers can be quite finnicky, so that API's or sockets just won't work. How do I go about: Spawn a new Process for every piped command. Create Threads that read the output from one command and write it to the input of the next command. right now there's no output for: package

how to use threads and tee to log the telnet response from a server?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-05-27 09:25:31
问题 context: there are distinctions between different telnet clients, and certainly a distinction from those clients to, for example, the Apache library. In this case, yes, using an actual telnet client for MUD's, where the servers can be quite finnicky, so that API's or sockets just won't work. How do I go about: Spawn a new Process for every piped command. Create Threads that read the output from one command and write it to the input of the next command. right now there's no output for: package