
How to build specific multiple targets parallelly using make?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-01-29 10:07:47
问题 There are three source files. Each source files are corresponding targets. For example, the target of a.cpp is a, b.cpp is b, and c.cpp is c. src/a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp build/ I can build the targets parallelly using -j option. For example, cd build make -j3 target a, b, and c build parallelly. Is there any way to specify some of targets and parallel build ? For example make -j2 a b Unfortunately, it works sequentially. First, build a and then build b . I want to build only a and b parallelly. I


走远了吗. 提交于 2020-12-15 02:30:05
刚刚过去的周六(6月7号)是今年高考的第一天,同时也是GPCT杯大学生程序设计大赛颁奖的日子,下面我们用图文再回顾一下本次大赛颁奖的过程.   评审过程的一些花絮《 感谢各位评审这些天的付出!》: 感谢葡萄城给我的这次的锻炼的机会,让我学会了很多,也明白了很多!最重要的是感谢评委们!你们辛苦了! 感谢MTV…我在上嵌入式课…… 永远别忘了为你付出的人,成就永远不属于一个人。就是装也得怀有一颗谦卑感恩之心。版主大人受小弟一拜! 再次感谢品审大人,我们组还很多要改进的,到时候一定要跟各路大神好好交流, 我从屏幕上听到咚咚咚的声音就飘过来看看。你俩互拜,要死循环滴。 我也在上软件工程课,我也用的c,撸了一个月,但是仿佛问题比较严重,虽然觉得奖项已经几乎和我无缘了,但是就是好兴奋,毕竟是一个月的心血啊,,,,   GPCT活动总结: 参赛数据统计 GPCT活动总结: 参赛所使用编程语言统计 GPCT活动总结: 获奖团队或个人名单   一进公司大门,就看到微软金牌合作伙伴的醒目的标语   首先,评审老师在认真的给大家分享评审过程中遇到的主要问题   获奖团队合影:   一等奖获得者讲述自己的作品,才华横溢。付出就有收获! 参观环节   草坪合影留念: GPCT:全称为 葡萄城杯大学生程序设计大赛 ,已经连续举办了11届, 旨在为在校大学生提供一个实践所学知识的机会,鼓励和发掘优秀人才

can I create uwp project in .net framework ? how?

为君一笑 提交于 2020-08-10 23:48:10
问题 1.I have Universal Windows Platform project with .net core I think. 2.I want to convert it to target .net framework . 回答1: You can indeed build a UWP app using .NET and C#, but UWP apps includes only a subset of the types provided in the full .NET Framework for each namespace. A main difference between a UWP app and a .NET desktop application is that the former runs in a sandbox that is isolated from other processes, whereas a traditional desktop application typically runs as a full-trust

can I create uwp project in .net framework ? how?

允我心安 提交于 2020-08-10 23:47:57
问题 1.I have Universal Windows Platform project with .net core I think. 2.I want to convert it to target .net framework . 回答1: You can indeed build a UWP app using .NET and C#, but UWP apps includes only a subset of the types provided in the full .NET Framework for each namespace. A main difference between a UWP app and a .NET desktop application is that the former runs in a sandbox that is isolated from other processes, whereas a traditional desktop application typically runs as a full-trust

can I create uwp project in .net framework ? how?

二次信任 提交于 2020-08-10 23:47:21
问题 1.I have Universal Windows Platform project with .net core I think. 2.I want to convert it to target .net framework . 回答1: You can indeed build a UWP app using .NET and C#, but UWP apps includes only a subset of the types provided in the full .NET Framework for each namespace. A main difference between a UWP app and a .NET desktop application is that the former runs in a sandbox that is isolated from other processes, whereas a traditional desktop application typically runs as a full-trust

Adding target attribute to <a> of DisplayTag

半腔热情 提交于 2020-07-23 06:20:25
问题 I am using display tag library for downloading the content as CSV and XLS. I am able to download the files but after opening the downloaded file am unable to click on any other links in the application. (This is specific to IE Browser) But am able to click on a button . I understood that adding target="_blank" in the Anchor tag that is dynamically created by just passing requestURI="....." and some of the properties from will resolve this (I tested this in developer tool).