
Extracting text from a table in R

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-01-25 03:56:56
问题 I am having significant trouble attempting to use the tabulizer package in R to extract text within tables. The issue is that the tables have a very odd structure (merged cells)... I am trying to extract a section of the table that is highlighted in red. The numbers at the top of the highlighted portion are the days of the month. For each day, I need to records the values for "Row1" to "Row5". However, when I use the extract_tables function I get the following table (only a small portion)...

Extracting text from a table in R

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-01-25 03:56:23
问题 I am having significant trouble attempting to use the tabulizer package in R to extract text within tables. The issue is that the tables have a very odd structure (merged cells)... I am trying to extract a section of the table that is highlighted in red. The numbers at the top of the highlighted portion are the days of the month. For each day, I need to records the values for "Row1" to "Row5". However, when I use the extract_tables function I get the following table (only a small portion)...

Extracting text from a table in R

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-01-25 03:55:16
问题 I am having significant trouble attempting to use the tabulizer package in R to extract text within tables. The issue is that the tables have a very odd structure (merged cells)... I am trying to extract a section of the table that is highlighted in red. The numbers at the top of the highlighted portion are the days of the month. For each day, I need to records the values for "Row1" to "Row5". However, when I use the extract_tables function I get the following table (only a small portion)...

Make a table showing the 10 largest values of a variable in R?

心已入冬 提交于 2021-01-20 16:54:02
问题 I want to make a simple table that showcases the largest 10 values for a given variable in my dataset, as well as 4 other variables for each observation, so basically a small subset of my data. It would look something like this: Score District Age Group Gender 17 B 23 Red 1 12 A 61 Red 0 11.7 A 18 Blue 0 10 B 18 Red 0 . . etc. whereby the data is ordered on the Score var. All the data is contained within the same dataframe. 回答1: This should do it... data <- data[with(data,order(-Score)),]

Make a table showing the 10 largest values of a variable in R?

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-01-20 16:53:12
问题 I want to make a simple table that showcases the largest 10 values for a given variable in my dataset, as well as 4 other variables for each observation, so basically a small subset of my data. It would look something like this: Score District Age Group Gender 17 B 23 Red 1 12 A 61 Red 0 11.7 A 18 Blue 0 10 B 18 Red 0 . . etc. whereby the data is ordered on the Score var. All the data is contained within the same dataframe. 回答1: This should do it... data <- data[with(data,order(-Score)),]

线上直播丨国际人工智能会议AAAI 2021论文北京预讲会,33场报告+31个Poster等你来...

安稳与你 提交于 2020-12-19 08:50:46
注册官网: 国际人工智能会议AAAI 2021论文北京预讲会 由中国中文信息学会青年工作委员会主办、智源社区承办,将于 12月19日 在北京北大科技园北领讲堂举办。 AAAI( The National Conference on Artificial Intelligence)会议是国际人工智能领域最高级别的学术会议之一,主要是为促进人工智能(AI)的研究和为人工智能研究人员、从业人员、科学家以及附属学科工程师之间提供一个良好的学术交流平台。正式会议将于明年召开。 本次预讲会对于部分国内研究人员录用的论文进行提前召集以及汇报预讲,旨在加强国内相关学者之间的交流,同时为不能参会的人员提供一次学术分享,从而促进我国人工智能研究的发展。 本届论文预讲会的形式分为特邀报告、口头报告和海报展示三类。此外,还安排了两场面向技术前沿的特邀报告,由本领域的两位优秀青年学者担任报告人。 本次报告会用于提前分享被顶级会议接受的论文,所有报告的著作权/版权由报告人所有,论文的版权/著作权遵从相关会议的约定,也提醒大家尊重作者和会议的相关权利。整个会议报告人和听众均自愿参与,主办方仅承担议程协调和会务组织工作。 时间形式 会议时间:2020年12月19日(周六)08:40-17:50 在线观看:微信扫码入群

Proper ARIA attribute for field/value pairs outside of a table?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-12-11 09:03:25
问题 We need to layout a large amount of data. A simple table would work well, but we're making this entirely responsive so for simple field/value pairs, we're trying to avoid going too crazy with table markup to make things reflow a bit easier. In the past, I would have first gone with a definition list: <dl> <dt>Label</dt> <dd>Value</dd> </dl> but...they also had drawbacks...namely that the semantic value of this markup wasn't always recognized by screen readers and the like, so was often

赠书 | 新手指南——如何通过HuggingFace Transformer整合表格数据

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-11-28 13:51:12
作者 | Ken Gu 翻译| 火火酱~,责编 | 晋兆雨 出品 | AI科技大本营 头图 | 付费下载于视觉中国 *文末有赠书福利 不可否认,Transformer-based模型彻底改变了处理非结构化文本数据的游戏规则。截至2020年9月,在通用语言理解评估(General Language Understanding Evaluation,GLUE)基准测试中表现最好的模型全部都是BERT transformer-based 模型。如今,我们常常会遇到这样的情形:我们手中有了表格特征信息和非结构化文本数据,然后发现,如果将这些表格数据应用到模型中的话,可以进一步提高模型性能。因此,我们就着手构建了一个工具包,以方便后来的人可以轻松实现同样的操作。 在Transformer的基础之上进行构建 使用transformer的主要好处是,它可以学习文本之间的长期依赖关系,并且可以并行地进行训练(与sequence to sequence模型相反),这意味着它可以在大量数据上进行预训练。 鉴于这些优点,BERT现在成为了许多实际应用程序中的主流模型。同样,借助HuggingFace Transformer之类的库,可以轻松地在常见NLP问题上构建高性能的transformer模型。 目前,使用非结构化文本数据的transformer模型已经为大众所熟知了。然而,在现实生活中


最后都变了- 提交于 2020-10-06 03:45:14
基于NAT网络配置centos8 默认网卡配置文件:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 [root@A8 ~]#vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 BOOTPROTO=static NAME=eth0 DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes IPADDR= GATEWAY= PREFIX=24 DNS1= DNS2= 配置完网卡文件之后我们就可以使用nmcli命令重启网卡使其生效 [root@A8 ~]#nmcli c load /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 nmcli命令解释 nacli使用: 用法:nmcli [选项] OBJECT 选项: -o[verview] 概览模式(隐藏默认值) -t[erse] 简洁输出 -p[retty] 整齐输出 -m[ode] tabular|multiline 输出模式 -c[olors] auto|yes|no 是否在输出中使用颜色 -e[scape] yes|no 在值中转义列分隔符 -a[sk] 询问缺少的参数 -s[how-secrets] 允许显示密码 -w[ait]

What is the best way to show data in a table in Tkinter?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-08-27 05:25:40
问题 I have written a program which takes data from a text file and displays it in a table style format. Data from text file: Jim,0.33 Dave,0.67 James,0.67 Eden,0.5 Formatted using the program: Position | Name |Score ----------------------------------- 1 |Dave |0.67 2 |James |0.67 3 |Eden |0.5 4 |Jim |0.33 Without importing Pandas / SQL etc is there a better way of displaying this data? The code I have written is below: from tkinter import * def show(): tempList= [['Jim', '0.33'], ['Dave', '0.67']