Building System.Data.SQLite from Source, Builds with Target Framework 4.0

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2021-02-19 08:26:48
问题 I'm trying to build System.Data.SQLite in Visual Studio using the source code downloaded from I was able to build the solution, but when I tried to reference the System.Data.SQLite.dll from a project with TargetFramework=3.5, I received the following message: "System.Data.SQLite.dll or one of its dependencies, requires a later version of the .NET Framework than the one specified in the project." I noticed that their managed

sqlite query to get all list of table names with number of records in it

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-12-26 03:43:12
问题 Please help on below query : sqlite query to get all list of table names with number of records in it : I want to get the count of rows in every table in a Sqlite3 database. I want to avoid writing out a longhand query. I can get the list of tables like this: SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' and I would like to use it in a subquery like this: select count (*) from (SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'); but would just return the total rows in the subquery, which

“Unable to open the database file” (warning: Wide error)

你。 提交于 2020-08-23 09:52:07
问题 I cannot seem to get anything out of SQLite other than "Unable to open the database file" on IIS. I'm convinced SQLite's error messages are as brusque as Oracle's. Pre-deployment in Visual Studio 2010/IIS Express I can both read and write to the file. When I tried to read/write it with the same VS2010 project deployed to IIS7.5, all "create", "read" and "write" commands fail. The same occurs when I deploy the database file through the project and try to read it. I've given Full control access

C#操作SQLite数据库增、删、改、查 欢迎转载

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-08-09 21:25:42
C#操作SQLite数据库增、删、改、查 欢迎转载 转载记得留下链接地址哦!!! 最近项目上要使用SQLite数据库,不怕大伙笑话毕业四年多了,一直使用Oracle或者MySQL或者SQLServer,但是真的是没有用过SQLite数据库,据说非常轻量级,但是真没有用过,于是网上大概搜索下,例子比较多,但是么有一个完整的,即使有,也五花八门。。看的人头晕,可能对于他们大神来讲这都太简单了,算求了更新一篇,新来的小伙伴请看下文,大神你就直接飘过吧! 本例子运行效果 正式开始吧 1.SQLite的下载安装 自然官网下载对应版本即可,我这里下载的是 Precompiled Binaries for 32-bit Windows (.NET Framework 4.0) 不愿意下载的 可以直接使用我下载过的 点击这里下载 2.减压找出我们所需要的库文件 这里我们只需要俩个文件下图所示 3.下载一个数据库管理系统来创建数据库 我是用的是SQLiteStudio3.1.1版本 自己下载吧 下载地址: 4.创建数据库以及表 这里创建一个简单的表 UserInfo 完了代码中会有这个数据库 在Debug\bin目录下 SQLite数据库文件就一个后缀为.db的文件,就没了。。


不羁的心 提交于 2020-08-04 17:23:52
Windows 7 64 bit(刚扩到4G内存,果断换64位的,那速度杠杠的) Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 32bit(在64位系统里运行正常) sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x64-2010- 首先要先下载SQLite的开发环境安装包(我是这么理解的,貌似只搞到System.Data.SQLite.dll这个文件引用过去都行),下载页面: 根据自己的VS版本,我下载的是 Setups for 64-bit Windows (.NET Framework 4.0) sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x64-2010- (12.00 MiB) This setup package features the mixed-mode assembly and will install all the necessary runtime components and dependencies for the x64 version of the System.Data.SQLite (3.8.2)

C# SQLite 数据库操作

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-07-29 10:02:52
C# SQLite 数据库操作学习 运行环境:Window7 64bit,.NetFramework4.61,C# 7.0 参考: SQLite 官网 SQL As Understood By SQLite System.Data.SQLite 菜鸟教程 SQL 教程 章节: 1、下载安装 2、数据类型 3、创建数据库 4、删除数据库 5、创建表 6、删除表 7、查询表结构 8、更改表名 9、增加列(字段) 10、读取创建表的 SQL 语句 11、更改列名 12、删除列 13、插入数据 14、替换数据 15、更新数据 16、删除数据 17、查询数据 18、获取查询数据的行数(多少条记录) 19、事务 Transaction 20、整理数据库 正文: 一、下载安装 这段时间在学习 C# 编程中,想写一个简单的进销存程序,就想到了用数据库,需要一个简单便携的桌面数据库,想自己写个,功力太浅,可以做为以后练手学习的项目。原来会用的 Foxpro 已经被微软不知丢在哪个旮旯了,在网上找了一下,发现只有 Access 和 Sqlite 可选,看了很多对比,决定还是学习使用 Sqlite。 在 System.Data.SQLite 官网 的 download 中的 Setups for 64-bit Windows (.NET Framework 4.6) sqlite-netFx46

Set password for SQLite v3 database

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-07-05 05:13:33
问题 My application uses a database stored in a file available via network. So far, I've been using a MS-Access file (.accdb), but I'm trying to migrate to SQLite Version 3 (.db3) . I added SQLite NuGet package to my project and created a SQLite database using SQLiteStudio. I refactored my database objects to work with System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection instead of System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection and it worked well. However, my previous accdb database was password protected, and I don't know how

引用.NET 4.0项目中的.NET 2.0混合模式程序集,需要什么“附加配置”?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-02-27 04:46:17
我有一个项目,我想在其中使用某些.NET 4.0功能,但核心要求是我可以使用针对2.X编译的System.Data.SQLite框架。 我看到有可能提及此问题,例如 此处接受的答案, 但我看不出如何实际实现。 当我尝试在引用2.X程序集的同时运行4.0项目时,我得到: 混合模式程序集是针对运行时的版本“ v2.0.50727”构建的,如果没有其他配置信息,则无法在4.0运行时中加载。 需要什么“附加配置”? #1楼 通过添加具有 “ useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy” 属性集的 “ startup” 元素可以解决此问题。 <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"> <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/> <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/> </startup> 但是必须将其作为App.config中配置标记的第一个子元素才能生效 。 <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"> <supportedRuntime

System.Data.SQLite vs Microsoft.Data.Sqlite

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-01-29 00:53:10
问题 What are the differences between System.Data.SQLite and Microsoft.Data.Sqlite? I understand that System.Data.SQLite is older and got .NETStandard support after Microsoft.Data.Sqlite, but now both of them support .NETStandard 2. What are the advantages of one over the other? 回答1: An advantage of System.Data.SQLite is that it is developed by the SQLite team who have stated a long-term commitment to keeping it supported. An advantage of Microsoft.Data.Sqlite is that it is developed by Microsoft

System.Data.SQLite vs Microsoft.Data.Sqlite

北战南征 提交于 2020-01-29 00:53:07
问题 What are the differences between System.Data.SQLite and Microsoft.Data.Sqlite? I understand that System.Data.SQLite is older and got .NETStandard support after Microsoft.Data.Sqlite, but now both of them support .NETStandard 2. What are the advantages of one over the other? 回答1: An advantage of System.Data.SQLite is that it is developed by the SQLite team who have stated a long-term commitment to keeping it supported. An advantage of Microsoft.Data.Sqlite is that it is developed by Microsoft