
How to Change Mobile fonts mean install custom fonts, to system [duplicate]

北城余情 提交于 2020-01-04 11:01:56
问题 This question already has answers here : android - install font to android platform without root (2 answers) Closed last year . How to change or install custom fonts to the Android device, What class or method is usable in custom Launchers that change the system fonts, of an android device, 回答1: There isn't a clear cut place (that I could find at least) where it states you can't do it. However, a google search on how to set custom font android leads you to two, and only two ways: Root it Use

How to install a system font programmatically on a Samsung Android device?

早过忘川 提交于 2020-01-03 05:01:31
问题 As I understand it, it is not possible to set a custom font as a system font in standard Android devices that have not been rooted. However, I hear that it is possible to do on devices from certain manufacturers, like Samsung. So I would like to know how to install a bundled font from my app as a system font if the user has a Samsung phone. Or even if I can't install it directly, how do I make the font available for the user to go into settings to choose it? This is apparently possible since

Change the default systemFont used by controls

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-21 23:29:16
问题 I have a big App and need to change the Font but I don't want to touch every Label, Textfield and so on. How can I access the "systemFont" used in IB and in [UIFont systemFontOfSize:x] ? I already tryed this one: iOS 5: Curious about UIAppearance but that's not the solution, cause I have different FontSizes and Bold/Regular all over my App and I can't set it overall. Can I set it via UIApplication or somewhere in InfoPlist? 回答1: You can create Category for UILabel, UITextField and UIButton

How to check does method systemFontOfSize(fontSize: weight:) exist in iOS

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-10 18:31:58
问题 My application deployment target is iOS 7.0 I want to use method systemFontOfSize(fontSize: weight:) on devices with iOS 8+. iOS 7 doesn't support this method (with weight: parameter) and my application crashes. Specially for iOS 7 I want to set Helvetica Light font instead of SystemFont Light. What is the best way to check it? Do I need to check iOS version or I can check the method? how? I use swift and tried if let font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(12, weight: UIFontWeightLight) or

only change font size (and not font name)

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-08 13:05:45
问题 What I want to do is change the font size. I know below statement will change the font size, but it changes the font name because we are using systemFontOfSize [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 13.0]; I know alternate option is as mentioned below. [myLabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:@"Helvetica-Bold" size:13.0]]; but I don't want to use fontWithName as I am setting that in IB. I don't want to play with font name as my app is multi-language and hence I don't want to play with font name. Any idea how

Change the default systemFont used by controls

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-04 16:07:44
I have a big App and need to change the Font but I don't want to touch every Label, Textfield and so on. How can I access the "systemFont" used in IB and in [UIFont systemFontOfSize:x] ? I already tryed this one: iOS 5: Curious about UIAppearance but that's not the solution, cause I have different FontSizes and Bold/Regular all over my App and I can't set it overall. Can I set it via UIApplication or somewhere in InfoPlist? Paramasivan Samuttiram You can create Category for UILabel, UITextField and UIButton and can in the "awakeFromNib" method, you can just change the font name to new font and

How do I get Lucida Grande italic into my application?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-01 00:25:22
Unfortunately, Lucida Grande does not have an italic variant and I need one. My options here seem limited and I am hoping someone has a better one for me. First, I tried, applying a NSAffineTransform by doing the following: NSFont *theFont = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]]; const CGFloat kRotationForItalicText = -15.0; NSAffineTransform *italicTransform = [NSAffineTransform transform]; [italicTransform scaleBy:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]]; [italicTransform rotateByDegrees:kRotationForItalicText]; theFont = [NSFont

How do I get Lucida Grande italic into my application?

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-11-30 19:48:29
问题 Unfortunately, Lucida Grande does not have an italic variant and I need one. My options here seem limited and I am hoping someone has a better one for me. First, I tried, applying a NSAffineTransform by doing the following: NSFont *theFont = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]]; const CGFloat kRotationForItalicText = -15.0; NSAffineTransform *italicTransform = [NSAffineTransform transform]; [italicTransform scaleBy:[NSFont