
How to comment out chunk of code in multi-line macro?

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-01-29 05:37:39
问题 I have a complex multi line macro code in C++ (that process some geometry and computes its physical properties in RT) which is used many times and can not be converted to function (without huge space and performance hits). The problem is I sometimes need to configure the code inside disabling parts of code (in compile time for specific tasks/machines) something like this: #define some_macro \ bla; \ bla; \ if (0) \ { \ bla; \ bla; \ bla; \ } \ bla; As you can see this leads to multiples of

How JavaScript interpreter interpret code?

百般思念 提交于 2021-01-29 02:12:53
问题 I am trying to understand how javaScript is interpreted by the browser. I have following code var fName = "John"; var lName = "Snow"; function myName (fName, lName) { fName = "Sam"; lName = "Doe"; return fName + ' ' + lName; } fName; lName; myName(); Questions 1) When the code is interpreted does the engine first allocate memory for the variables from top to bottom first and then assign the values then or in the same time both operations are done by line by line? 2) In function myName when

How JavaScript interpreter interpret code?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-01-29 02:08:18
问题 I am trying to understand how javaScript is interpreted by the browser. I have following code var fName = "John"; var lName = "Snow"; function myName (fName, lName) { fName = "Sam"; lName = "Doe"; return fName + ' ' + lName; } fName; lName; myName(); Questions 1) When the code is interpreted does the engine first allocate memory for the variables from top to bottom first and then assign the values then or in the same time both operations are done by line by line? 2) In function myName when

“Syntax error on token ”module“, interface expected”

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2021-01-29 00:50:15
问题 this bit of code gives me the error message: "Syntax error on token "module", interface expected. Does anyone know why? module TeaThiever{ } 回答1: The module statement is only valid in a file and it must be used with Java 9 or above. In Eclipse set the 'Compiler compliance level' on the project 'Java Compiler' properties page to be Java 9 or above (you also need to have a suitable Java installed). 来源:

“Syntax error on token ”module“, interface expected”

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2021-01-29 00:35:46
问题 this bit of code gives me the error message: "Syntax error on token "module", interface expected. Does anyone know why? module TeaThiever{ } 回答1: The module statement is only valid in a file and it must be used with Java 9 or above. In Eclipse set the 'Compiler compliance level' on the project 'Java Compiler' properties page to be Java 9 or above (you also need to have a suitable Java installed). 来源:

How to do define-for-syntax in typed racket?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-01-28 19:37:58
问题 This works #lang racket (begin-for-syntax (define (foo n) (+ n 3))) So I would also expect this to work #lang typed/racket (: foo : Real -> Real) (define-for-syntax (foo n) (+ n 3)) But if fails with ; :: undefined; ; cannot reference an identifier before its definition After that I tried each of the following in turn in typed/racket (define-for-syntax (foo (n : Real)) : Real (+ n 3)) (begin-for-syntax (: foo (-> Real Real)) (define (foo n) (+ n 3))) (begin-for-syntax (define (foo (n : Real))

Difference between (sp) and [sp] in assembly

房东的猫 提交于 2021-01-28 11:00:52
问题 I was experimenting with the NASM assembler, when I came across a problem: mov (sp),bx mov [sp],bx The first instruction is assembled properly while the second one is not, and gives me the error: error: invalid effective address Why is this? What's the difference between the two? 回答1: (%sp) would be an AT&T syntax addressing mode. (Invalid because 16-bit addressing modes can't use SP directly, only BP|BX + SI|DI NASM x86 16-bit addressing modes; that's also the reason mov [sp], bx is invalid.

MySQL / MariaDB: how to find gaps in timebased data?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-01-28 01:05:17
问题 A logger system saves every 5 seconds a row of data (seconds==0,5,10,15,...,55; a time like 23:00:07 is not possible). Sometimes the logger doesn't save because of a communication error, and rows are simply missing from the table. I need to detect these gaps: I want to read the last line before the gap and the first line after the gap. These are the demo data: create table #time ( DateTime datetime not null, Value int not null ); insert into #time (DateTime, Value) values ('2018-08-23 00:00

NASM - is this the address, value?

风格不统一 提交于 2021-01-27 22:53:52
问题 TL;DR Is [memloc] referring to the value or the address? If it's referring to either, then why does it work both as a value and an address? (see code below, lines 4 and 5) Full question... Sorry for the long question. I'm confused by label dereferencing in NASM. Take this example: 01| section .text 02| ; exiting the program with exit code "15" 03| 04| mov [memloc], 15 ; move 15 into memloc 05| push [memloc] ; push memloc on stack 06| mov eax, 1 ; prepare exit syscall 07| call kernel ; invoke

What does the “=>” in “rescue Exception => e” do?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-01-27 16:45:03
问题 Given the example: def method_of_doom my_string = "I sense impending doom." my_string.ah_ha_i_called_a_nonexistent_method rescue NoMethodError => e: puts "PROBLEM: " + e.to_s rescue Exception: puts "Uhh...there's a problem with that there method." end On the line where it says: rescue NoMethodError => e: What is the '=>' doing? How is it different than this usage: module FighterValues BAMBOO_HEAD = { 'life' => 120, 'hit' => 9 } DEATH = { 'life' => 90, 'hit' => 13 } KOALA = { 'life' => 100,