
How do I configure the TortoiseSVN 'Global ignore pattern' properly?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-11-28 16:59:29
I would like TortoiseSVN (1.5.3) to ignore certain folders, their contents and certain other files wherever they might appear in my directory hierarchy but I cannot get the global ignore string right. Whatever I do, it either adds to much or ignores too much What is the correct 'Global ignore pattern' to ignore.... Folders : bin obj release compile Files : *.bak *.user *.suo Update: To help clarify... yes I am using this on windows. Currently I have the following in my Global Ignore Pattern: bin obj CVS .cvsignore *.user *.suo Debug Release .pdb test. Thumbs.db Works really well to ignore

Is there a concept of global ignores in svn?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-28 16:56:44
问题 Is there a way to setup a global list of Ignores for a SVN Repository or for the SVN Client on the PC? The only reason I'm using tools like Tortoise/Ankh/VisualSVN is because I want to only check in the files I need without all the bin/obj/Resharper stuff. I'm spoiled by .gitignore and .hgignore which I just copy to a repository and then use git commit -a without having to care about checking in junk. I know I can manually set it, but that's tedious to do and I think it had to be applied to

Protect files from svn commit

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-11-28 03:58:59
问题 Hey, imagine a plain webapp with a which is under version control. I can't add it to svn:ignore because its a mandatory file. If i make custom changes for development and i don't want to commit them, i have to watch out for accidently commits. For one file it's easy to handle, with 3 or more files it becomes creepy. Is there a way to disable these files temporary from svn commit? So its easiert to commit? I'm working with svn and subclipse . 回答1: The typical way to handle

Best practices for Subversion and Visual Studio projects

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-11-27 10:16:10
I've recently started working on various C# projects in Visual Studio as part of a plan for a large scale system that will be used to replace our current system that's built from a cobbling-together of various programs and scripts written in C and Perl. The projects I'm now working on have reached critical mass for being committed to subversion. I was wondering what should and should not be committed to the repository for Visual Studio projects. I know that it's going to generate various files that are just build-artifacts and don't really need to be committed, and I was wondering if anybody

Best practices for Subversion and Visual Studio projects

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-11-26 17:56:42
问题 I've recently started working on various C# projects in Visual Studio as part of a plan for a large scale system that will be used to replace our current system that's built from a cobbling-together of various programs and scripts written in C and Perl. The projects I'm now working on have reached critical mass for being committed to subversion. I was wondering what should and should not be committed to the repository for Visual Studio projects. I know that it's going to generate various