
Subscript vs. Superscript conflict

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2021-02-09 11:59:05
问题 Background: I'm trying to write a module to concatenate strings with it's formatting. Therefor I'm looking in all Font properties that could matter, including Subscript and Superscript . Sample Data: Imagine in A1 : Sample Code: Sub Test() With Sheet1.Range("B1") .Value = .Offset(0, -1).Value For x = 1 To .Characters.Count .Characters(x, 1).Font.Subscript = .Offset(0, -1).Characters(x, 1).Font.Subscript .Characters(x, 1).Font.Superscript = .Offset(0, -1).Characters(x, 1).Font.Superscript Next

Recognizing superscript characters using OCR

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2021-02-07 08:32:25
问题 I've started a simple project in which it must get an image containing text with superscripts and then by using OCR (currently I'm using tesseract) it has to recognize the superscript characters + the normal ones. For example, we have a chemical equation such as Cl², but when I use the tesseract to recognize it, it gives me Cl2 (all in one line). So, what is the solution for this problem? Is there any other OCR API that has the ability to read superscripts? 回答1: Very good question that

Superscript in C++ console output

允我心安 提交于 2020-11-27 12:23:46
问题 I'd like to have my program output "cm 2 " (cm squared). How do make a superscript 2? 回答1: As Zan said, it depends what character encoding your standard output supports. If it supports Unicode , you can use the encoding for ²(U+00B2). If it supports the same Unicode encoding for source files and standard output, you can just embed it in the file. For example, my GNU/Linux system uses UTF-8 for both, so this works fine: #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "cm²" << std::endl; } 回答2:


廉价感情. 提交于 2020-07-25 11:52:05
原表 目标统计汇总表 VBA代码 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim arr, i&, n&, d As Object, s$, a() arr = Sheet1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") For i = 3 To UBound(arr) s = arr(i, 7) & "|" & arr(i, 2) & "|" & arr(i, 3) & "|" & arr(i, 4) & "|" & arr(i, 5) If Not d.Exists(s) Then n = n + 1: ReDim Preserve a(1 To 12, 1 To n) d(s) = arr(i, 6) a(1, n) = arr(i, 2) '名称 a(2, n) = arr(i, 7) '材质 a(3, n) = arr(i, 3) '长 a(4, n) = arr(i, 4) '宽 a(5, n) = arr(i, 5) '厚 Else d.Item(s) = d.Item(s) + arr(i, 6) End If Next Sheet3.Range("A5:L10000").ClearContents Sheet3.Range("A5

How to display text with subscripts or superscripts in the Title Bar?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-05-12 02:44:06
问题 I would like to be able to show subscripted text in the Title Bar of a Windows Form or WPF Window. The reason for this is simple. Our project team has written a molecule editor: Instead of just displaying its name, 'ACME', we would like to show something like: ACME - Editing C 6 H 12 Cl where the text is subscripted (and possibly superscripted) and whether the control is shown in a Windows Forms or WPF host. 回答1: The original question was asking how to insert a RichTextBox in a Form's Caption


…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2020-05-04 21:52:36
Web的基本概念 什么是Web? 中文翻译“网页”,它是一些列技术的总称,(包括网站的前台布局、后台程序、美工、数据库开发等),我们称它为网页。 Web标准 结构标准(HTML) 网页的结构网页该有什么,(就像一辆车的基本框架结构这辆车该有什么) 表现标准(CSS) 设计网页的版式、颜色、大小外观。主要用CSS实现(就像一辆车的外观和内饰要什么颜色款式,现有的零件拼装成你想要的车) 行为标准(JavaScript) 网页的交互反馈以及动画效果,主要用JavaScript实现。现在的CSS3也能实现简单的动画效果。(框架外观都有了要让车跑起来不然就只能摆着看了) WWW www(world wide web, 万维网)不是网络,也不代表Internet,它只提供网页浏览服务 URL URL(Uniform Resource Locator,统一资源定位符)其实就是Web地址,俗称”网址”比如 就是百度的网址。万维网上的所有文件(HTML、CSS、图片、音乐、视频等)都有唯一的URL。URL可以是“本地磁盘”,也可以是局域网上的计算机。只要知道URL就能访问。 DNS DNS(domain Name System,域名解析服务),域名与IP地址是一一对应的。域名(例如虽然方便记忆,但是计算机只认识IP地址

How to use simultaneously superscript and variable in a axis label with ggplot2

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-03-13 13:04:59
问题 I would like to use together a variable (here the vector element "type") and a unit containing a superscript (here m^2) inside n axis label. data <- list(houses = data.frame(surface = c(450, 320, 280), price = c(12, 14, 6)), flats = data.frame(surface = c(45, 89, 63), price = c(4, 6, 9))) I achieve to display "m^2" using an expression, for (type in c('houses', 'flats')){ p <- ggplot(aes(x = surface, y = price), data = data[[type]]) + geom_point() + xlab(expression(paste('surface of this type

How do I write superscript word for checkbox text in java?

南楼画角 提交于 2020-01-09 11:48:54
问题 I made few checkboxes using swing in Java. I want to write a superscript text for the checkboxes but I'm not sure how. The code currently looks like this. JCheckBox hCheckBox = new JCheckBox("[M + H]+"); I want to have "+" sign inside the JCheckBox parameter superscripted. What's an easy way to do this? Thank you in advance. 回答1: Java buttons support html in their text. You need to format the string a little differently though. Try this: JCheckBox hCheckBox = new JCheckBox("<html>[M + H]<sup>

How do you print superscript in Python?

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-01-08 13:23:49
问题 I am aware of the \xb function in python, but it does not seem to work for me. I am aware that I may need to download a third party module to accomplish this, if so, which one would be best? I am a noob with Python, and with StackOverflow hence my basic question. Now a bit about the context... I am currently writing a binomial expansion solver, to try and use skills which I am teaching myself. The problem arises when I attempt to display the user input-ed expansion to the use for confirmation

jQuery execCommand for superscript and subscript not properly toggling

岁酱吖の 提交于 2020-01-05 05:45:46
问题 I'm trying to create a text editor using jQuery and execCommand . Everything was going good until I noticed that both superscript and subscript aren't properly toggling. This jsFiddle ( should illustrate the problem. It is possible that it is simply my browser, but I'm using the latest version of Chrome for Mac. 回答1: Turned out the issue was that the stylesheet normalize.css was setting the sub and sup tags' vertical-align to baseline and this was preventing the