
Google Sheet SUMIF not summing range

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-01-21 19:24:05
问题 I am trying to SUM all rows based on the condition that a row's value is greater than 0. However, the formula is only calculating the first row and ignoring the rest of the range. I encountered this issue on a different spreadsheet but I isolated the issue on a new spreadsheet to show you and ask questions. The answers should be B1 ($5), B2 ($15), B3 ($30). I followed the formula's usage as explained in the Google Docs The formula with

Exclude addition in sumifs if unique value is not in the same status in Excel

感情迁移 提交于 2020-01-16 11:32:15
问题 I am trying to get the sum of the following data below but I'm stuck in formulating the logic. Basically, what I am trying to get is the sum of all settled amount per month . I have accomplished that using SUMIFS . However, I want to be able to take into account the Code column. Please see sample data below. MONTH |CODE |CONTRIBUTION|STATUS JANUARY |CS-111|500 |Settled JANUARY |CS-121|500 |Settled FEBRUARY|CS-131|200 |Settled FEBRUARY|CS-131|200 |Waiting FEBRUARY|CS-141|300 |Settled MARCH |CS


懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-09 23:04:21
看了小蚊子的博客关于Excel多条件匹配的文章,自己也尝试一下,发现实际操作还真的是会学到更多的东西。目前Excel多条件匹配的方法主要有三种: SUMPRODUCT函数,SUMIFS函数(注意不是sumif),高级筛选功能 1.SUMPRODUCT() 在给定的几组数组中,将数组间对应的元素相乘,并返回乘积之和。 语法 SUMPRODUCT ( array1 ,array2,array3, ...) Array1, array2, array3, ... 为 2 到 255 个数组,其相应元素需要进行相乘并求和。 说明 数组参数必须具有相同的维数,否则,函数 SUMPRODUCT 将返回错误值 #VALUE!。 函数 SUMPRODUCT 将非数值型的数组元素作为 0 处理。 实例: 不过今天我们使用的功能比它本身更有意思。首先原始数据和筛选需求数据如下: 使用sumproduct()函数 2.SUMIFS() 对某一区域内满足多重条件的单元格求和。 要点 SUMIFS 和 SUMIF 的参数顺序不同。具体而言,sum_range 参数在 SUMIFS 中是第一个参数,而在 SUMIF 中则是第三个参数。如果要复制和编辑这些相似函数,确保按正确顺序放置参数。 语法 SUMIFS ( sum_range , criteria_range1 , criteria1 ,criteria

Criteria range in SUMIFS array formula

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-05 04:48:43
问题 =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ROW(A:A)=1,"Spend",SUMIFS(Expenses!G:G,Expenses!D:D,A:A,Expenses!B:B,"Budget"))) Doesn't produce a result If I change the criteria that was "A:A" to a certain field it works =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ROW(A:A)=1,"Spend",SUMIFS(Expenses!G:G,Expenses!D:D,"A1",Expenses!B:B,"Budget"))) If I use simple SUMIF the first version also works =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ROW(A:A)=1,"Spend",SUMIF(Expenses!D:D,A:A,Expenses!G:G))) How come not as SUMIFS? 回答1: could it be u need to use sumproduct() function? you


独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-30 09:32:00
工作中最常用的12个函数公式 数字自加 打开Excel表格程序,进入程序主界面中,输入好一个数字。 点击该单元格右下角的“加号”,往下拖动。 将内容填充到以下的单元格。 在右下角点击加号标志,点击“填充序列”选项,点击打开。 可看到Excel中递增数字设置完成 条件判断: IF函数 。 目的:判断成绩所属的等次。 方法: 1、选定目标单元格。 2、在目标单元格中输入公式:=IF(C3>=90,“优秀”,IF(C3>=80,“良好”,IF(C3>=60,“及格”,“不及格”)))。 3、Ctrl+Enter填充。 IF函数是 条件判断函数 , 根据判断结果返回对应的值,如果判断条件为TRUE,则返回第一个参数,如果为FALSE,则返回第二个参数 最后结果: 条件求和:SUMIF、SUMIFS函数。 目的:求男生的总成绩和男生中分数大于等于80分的总成绩。 方法: 1、在对应的目标单元格中输入公式:=SUMIF(D3:D9,“男”,C3:C9)或=SUMIFS(C3:C9,C3:C9,">=80",D3:D9,“男”)。 SUMIF函数用于单条件求和 。暨求和条件只能有一个。易解语法结构为:SUMIF(条件范围,条件,求和范围)。 SUMIFS函数用于多条件求和 。暨求和条件可以有多个。易解语法结构:SUMIFS(求和范围,条件1范围,条件1,条件2范围,条件2,……条件N范围,条件N

Replicating an Excel SUMIFS formula

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-25 15:19:10
问题 I need to replicate - or at least find an alternative solution - for a SUMIFS function I have in Excel. I have a transactional database: SegNbr Index Revenue SUMIF A 1 10 30 A 1 20 30 A 2 30 100 A 2 40 100 B 1 50 110 B 1 60 110 B 3 70 260 B 3 80 260 and I need to create another column that sums the Revenue, by SegmentNumber, for all indexes that are equal or less the Index in that row. It is a distorted rolling revenue as it will be the same for each SegmentNumber/Index key. This is the

Replicating an Excel SUMIFS formula

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-25 15:18:09
问题 I need to replicate - or at least find an alternative solution - for a SUMIFS function I have in Excel. I have a transactional database: SegNbr Index Revenue SUMIF A 1 10 30 A 1 20 30 A 2 30 100 A 2 40 100 B 1 50 110 B 1 60 110 B 3 70 260 B 3 80 260 and I need to create another column that sums the Revenue, by SegmentNumber, for all indexes that are equal or less the Index in that row. It is a distorted rolling revenue as it will be the same for each SegmentNumber/Index key. This is the

How to use SUMIFS function for summing values if criteria range exists in a range?

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-25 02:34:59
问题 My data: A B C a 3 d b 1 a c 8 e d 5 I want to use SUMIFS function, sum range is B1:B4 , if the corresponding value in column A exists in column C , sum the values in column B , in this case the sum will be 3 + 5 = 8 I tried =SUMIFS(B1:B4,A1:A4, COUNTIF($C$1:$C$3,A1) but I get zero. 回答1: =SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(A1:A4,C1:C3,B1:B4)) Link for further reading: COUNTIFS: Multiple “OR” Criteria For One Or Two Criteria_Ranges 回答2: What you want is this: =SUMIFS(B1:B4,A1:A4,A1) Edit: I know you asked for a

How to do SUMIFS in R

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-24 12:20:18
问题 Data: set.seed(42) df1 = data.frame( Date = seq.Date(as.Date("2018-01-01"),as.Date("2018-01-30"),1), value = sample(1:30), Y = sample(c("yes", "no"), 30, replace = TRUE) ) df2 = data.frame( Date = seq.Date(as.Date("2018-01-01"),as.Date("2018-01-30"),7) ) I want for each date in df2$Date calculate the sum of df1$Value if date in df1$Date falls within df2$Date and df2$Date +6 Inshort I need to calculate weekly sums 回答1: Using data.table , create a range start/end, then merge on overlap, then

How to add every 3rd row's value (ex: a1, a4, a7, a10, etc) with over 240 entries?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-24 08:27:15
问题 I am trying to add the SUM of every 3rd row. I tried manually doing each one (ex: "H8+H11+H14" etc), but Excel halted the execution when I tried that (for 240'ish boxes), and refused to add each cell like that (it was too much for Excel to parse, process and execute). The rows I want to find the SUM of are (give or take) 245 rows at a time. | APPLICANTS | # | | INTERVIEWED | # | | HIRED | # | And there are about 245 entries (each with the "Applicants", "Interviewed" fields) of this nature I