
Using Countifs to count distinct values and multiple criteria?

故事扮演 提交于 2020-06-02 01:28:15
问题 I am trying to count how many brands a certain client has passed through. I essentially have two columns a client list and a brand column. In some cases, there may be duplicates of the brand so I only need to count them once. I have tried to use several variants Countifs/Sumifs formulas but to no success. Totally lost and would appreciate any help Example Thanks 回答1: Try: =SUMPRODUCT(--(COUNTIFS($A:$A,$D2,$B:$B,$H$1:$H$10)>0)) You'll need to make a helper column which contains all the brands

Using Countifs to count distinct values and multiple criteria?

不问归期 提交于 2020-06-02 01:24:29
问题 I am trying to count how many brands a certain client has passed through. I essentially have two columns a client list and a brand column. In some cases, there may be duplicates of the brand so I only need to count them once. I have tried to use several variants Countifs/Sumifs formulas but to no success. Totally lost and would appreciate any help Example Thanks 回答1: Try: =SUMPRODUCT(--(COUNTIFS($A:$A,$D2,$B:$B,$H$1:$H$10)>0)) You'll need to make a helper column which contains all the brands

Using Countifs to count distinct values and multiple criteria?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-06-02 01:24:12
问题 I am trying to count how many brands a certain client has passed through. I essentially have two columns a client list and a brand column. In some cases, there may be duplicates of the brand so I only need to count them once. I have tried to use several variants Countifs/Sumifs formulas but to no success. Totally lost and would appreciate any help Example Thanks 回答1: Try: =SUMPRODUCT(--(COUNTIFS($A:$A,$D2,$B:$B,$H$1:$H$10)>0)) You'll need to make a helper column which contains all the brands

Fill missing dates in Google Sheets

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2020-05-16 07:50:11
问题 I have two columns: Col A Col B 01.02.2020 17 03.11.2020 24 03.11.2020 12 As I stated in another question, I tried to sum Col B, based on the month in Col A. The solution was the following formula (without the sort): =ARRAYFORMULA( SUMIF( MID(A:A, 4, 2), SORT(UNIQUE(MID(FILTER(A3:A, A3:A <> ""), 4, 2))), B:B ) ) Something I missed was the population of missing months. Therefore my question is: How can I populate the result table with the missing months and zeroes until values are entered? The

Fill missing dates in Google Sheets

折月煮酒 提交于 2020-05-16 07:50:06
问题 I have two columns: Col A Col B 01.02.2020 17 03.11.2020 24 03.11.2020 12 As I stated in another question, I tried to sum Col B, based on the month in Col A. The solution was the following formula (without the sort): =ARRAYFORMULA( SUMIF( MID(A:A, 4, 2), SORT(UNIQUE(MID(FILTER(A3:A, A3:A <> ""), 4, 2))), B:B ) ) Something I missed was the population of missing months. Therefore my question is: How can I populate the result table with the missing months and zeroes until values are entered? The

Calculations on a date column formatted as text

房东的猫 提交于 2020-02-25 04:46:08
问题 I need to calculate a sum in one column based on a date range in another. =SUMIFS(Data!$A:$A,Data!$B:$B,">4/1/2014") The caveat is that the date column is being loaded as text by someone else (cannot control this). And worse, I cannot create another column that does something like =DATEVALUE($A1) because I can't expect this person to fill that formula down every time new data is added. My only thought is to apply a DATEVALUE to the whole column, possibly as an array formula or similar. 回答1:

Calculations on a date column formatted as text

你。 提交于 2020-02-25 04:45:29
问题 I need to calculate a sum in one column based on a date range in another. =SUMIFS(Data!$A:$A,Data!$B:$B,">4/1/2014") The caveat is that the date column is being loaded as text by someone else (cannot control this). And worse, I cannot create another column that does something like =DATEVALUE($A1) because I can't expect this person to fill that formula down every time new data is added. My only thought is to apply a DATEVALUE to the whole column, possibly as an array formula or similar. 回答1:

VBA SUMIF based on Variables

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-02-06 08:47:06
问题 I'm new to VBA and trying to figure this one out, I did not work with functions yet. I'm trying to automate the SUMIF formula on my VBA sheet. The Rec sheet will contain a dynamic SUMIF formulas based on a variable/range in Column D based on Column B values. the SUM range will be coming from the CB sheet, matching column K and summing column L. The following code does not return any values for the SUMIF functions, no errors to report. Data Sample in the image below:


烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-31 04:58:56
目录 1、excel使用函数前须知: 2、excel基本聚合函数:count、sum、average、max、min 3、条件if、拼接&、左截取left、右截取right 4、首字母大写proper、查找元素位置find 5、Excel常用日期时间周期处理函数公式 6、排名rank、截取mid、分组排名sumproduct 7、累计求和、累计数量、分组累计求和、分组累计数量、排名、分组排名 8、条件聚合:countifs、sumifs 、averageifs 9、多表关联匹配基本方法vlookup 10、INDEX+MATCH实现多表关联匹配 11、位置替换replace、文本替换substitute 12、SUMPRODUCT乘积,条件乘积 13、返回列号COLUMN、行号ROW 1、excel使用函数前须知: F1键:获取帮助;F4键:切换相对引用和绝对引用;锁定行:=A$1;锁定列:=$A1;锁定行和列:=$A$1;拼接:& 2、excel基本聚合函数:count、sum、average、max、min 3、条件if、拼接&、左截取left、右截取right 4、首字母大写proper、查找元素位置find 5、Excel常用日期时间周期处理函数公式 字符串日期转化为标准格式:=--TEXT(A2,''0-00-00'') 根据时间提取年月:=YEAR(A1)&"年"

Google Sheet SUMIF not summing range

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-21 19:27:13
问题 I am trying to SUM all rows based on the condition that a row's value is greater than 0. However, the formula is only calculating the first row and ignoring the rest of the range. I encountered this issue on a different spreadsheet but I isolated the issue on a new spreadsheet to show you and ask questions. The answers should be B1 ($5), B2 ($15), B3 ($30). I followed the formula's usage as explained in the Google Docs The formula with