
Access Dropdown to filter subform

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-13 03:07:30
问题 Apologies if this has been answered but being new to access i cant see what will help me, I have a access form that as a subform in it that displays an engineer name and a tickbox to select when logging downtime for the engineering team. however there is 4 teams and they are generally getting bigger which now means we have to scroll through the names to get to an engineer we want. I have a list of all the engineers and what team they are associated to on 1 table and on the main form there is

Requery subform from another subform, problems

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-12 12:13:11
问题 I have 2 subforms on the main form. Sub_2 displays the details for the item chosen in sub_1, in a list. For both subform, I use the continue form, and they are bounded to 2 querys, with one field in common, say 'id'. What I have done is adding code in the DClick event on sub_1 to set the sub_2's filter like Me.Parent.sub_2.Form.Filter = "id=" & "'" & Me.Recordset!id & "'" Then a requery Me.Parent.sub_2.Form.Requery But no luck, when I double click the record in sub_1, no change in sub_2. I

Setting Filter in Subform

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-12 11:03:50
问题 I've a main form "Properties", which has two subforms, one of which displays the rooms in that property, the other one occupants in each room. As you change the property, the rooms change in the first subform, which is continuous. As you scroll down the room subform, making a new room active, I want the occupants to change in the second subform. So far I've written this in the Current event of the "properties" main form: Dim dblRoomID As Double dblRoomID = Forms.Properties

Add a subform to a form with ajax on submit

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-07 01:53:57
问题 I read this article: That was very interesting and it works fine. I need to do the same but with a SubForm. I mean that when a user presses a button, I call, via ajax, an action that adds, attaches and displays a subform to my existing form. For example: I have a form where a user must fill in the name and surname of his children, so there is a button "Add Child". When the user presses that button a SubForm

populate a many-to-many table with access

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-06 07:16:45
问题 I have two tables ( persons and projects ) which are in a many-to-many table, thus linked together by a third table persons_projects In ms access I now created a form showing data from the projects table. What I want is to have a subform showing all persons - datasets which participate in this project. In this subform it should also be possible to add (or delete) persons from this project—a drop-down seems the best choice here. How can I do this? I’m able to show all participants, but I’m not

Add a subform to a form with ajax on submit

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-05 07:42:58
I read this article: That was very interesting and it works fine. I need to do the same but with a SubForm. I mean that when a user presses a button, I call, via ajax, an action that adds, attaches and displays a subform to my existing form. For example: I have a form where a user must fill in the name and surname of his children, so there is a button "Add Child". When the user presses that button a SubForm should be added to my existing form and displayed. On submit it will validate exactly like the example in

populate a many-to-many table with access

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-04 14:10:39
I have two tables ( persons and projects ) which are in a many-to-many table, thus linked together by a third table persons_projects In ms access I now created a form showing data from the projects table. What I want is to have a subform showing all persons - datasets which participate in this project. In this subform it should also be possible to add (or delete) persons from this project—a drop-down seems the best choice here. How can I do this? I’m able to show all participants, but I’m not able to add them. seems like I have the “insert into view” problem again, since I need persons and

How to Load Form inside panel other form in win app

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-04 08:19:09
问题 I Create a Windows Forms application with C#. I have a general Form and a panel on it. I show subForm into this panel with code: SubForm objForm= SubForm.InstanceForm(); this.IsMdiContainer = true; objForm.TopLevel = false; pnlSubSystem.Controls.Add(objForm); objForm.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; objForm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; objForm.Show(); now I want to show other form on subForm of this panel, But I dont know how to do it. 回答1: I think your problem resolved

How to Load Form inside panel other form in win app

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-02 23:54:37
I Create a Windows Forms application with C#. I have a general Form and a panel on it. I show subForm into this panel with code: SubForm objForm= SubForm.InstanceForm(); this.IsMdiContainer = true; objForm.TopLevel = false; pnlSubSystem.Controls.Add(objForm); objForm.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; objForm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; objForm.Show(); now I want to show other form on subForm of this panel, But I dont know how to do it. I think your problem resolved by this code: SubForm objForm= SubForm.InstanceForm(); objForm.TopLevel = false; pnlSubSystem.Controls.Add

Referring to a Subform from a Query

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-02 11:49:22
In MS Access 2010, I have a Query which quotes the following in the Criteria; [Forms]![frm_Add_Item_Subform].[ActiveControl].[Caption] This lets me use the "Caption" text of a Button within the query. The following code is on the Button to capture the click. Private Sub cmdClickMe_Click() Debug.Print Me.cmdClickMe.Caption Debug.Print Screen.ActiveControl.Caption End Sub I obtained information on how to do this at the following StackOverflow URL. use caption of pressed button from main form in query of other form The functionality works ok when used in a Form. But doesn't when its used within a