
Stripping html tags using php

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-13 18:59:21
问题 How can i strip html tag except the content inside the pre tag code $content=" <div id="wrapper"> Notes </div> <pre> <div id="loginfos">asdasd</div> </pre> "; While using strip_tags($content,'') the html inside the pre tag too stripped of. but i don't want the html inside pre stripped off 回答1: You may do the following: Use preg_replace with 'e' modifier to replace contents of pre tags with some strings like @@@1@@@, @@@2@@@, etc. while storing this contents in some array Run strip_tags() Run

Apply htmlentities to stripped tags

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-13 01:22:54
问题 Researched links: How do you apply htmlentities selectively? and PHP function to strip tags, except a list of whitelisted tags and attributes They are close but not as expected. What have I tried? <?php define('CHARSET', 'UTF-8'); define('REPLACE_FLAGS', ENT_HTML5); function htmlcleaned($string) { $string = htmlentities($string); return str_replace( array("<i>", "<b>", "</i>", "</b>", "<p>", "</p>"), array("<i>", "<b>", "</i>", "</b>", "<p>", "</p>"), $string); } echo htmlcleaned("<p>How are

TinyMCE stripping HTML

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-11 04:49:09
问题 Originally I thought the problem was with the iframe, but now I've realized the problem is with TinyMCE stripping HTML from the Text. I'm trying to make TinyMCE stop from stripping the iframe tags for me to save into the database. I tried to use the extended_valid_elements, but TinyMCE doesn't obey to the configuration and keep stripping the iframe's tags. I've been looking for 2 days already and I think i've missed something very basic because I just can't seem to find a solution, nor

strip_tags not working

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-11 01:58:20
问题 I am truing to filter html characters out like this $user = $_POST["user"]; //Get username from <form> mysql_real_escape_string($user); //Against SQL injection strip_tags($user); //Filter html characters out But for some reason this is not filtering html characters out. I don't know why, could it by mysql_real_escape_string ? 回答1: ...But, do you mean: $user = $_POST["user"]; // Get username from <form> $user = mysql_real_escape_string($user); // Against SQL injection $user = strip_tags($user)

PHP Security (strip_tags, htmlentities)

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-07 05:23:53
问题 I'm working in a personal project and besides using prepared statements, I would like to use every input as threat. For that I made a simple function. function clean($input){ if (is_array($input)){ foreach ($input as $key => $val){ $output[$key] = clean($val); } }else{ $output = (string) $input; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $output = stripslashes($output); } $output = htmlentities($output, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } return $output; } Is this enought or should I use to the following code? $output

strip_tags disallow some tags

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-07 03:43:43
问题 Based on the strip_tags documentation, the second parameter takes the allowable tags. However in my case, I want to do the reverse. Say I'll accept the tags the script_tags normally (default) accept, but strip only the <script> tag. Any possible way for this? I don't mean somebody to code it for me, but rather an input of possible ways on how to achieve this (if possible) is greatly appreciated. 回答1: EDIT To use the HTML Purifier HTML.ForbiddenElements config directive, it seems you would do

PHP: strip the tags off the value inside array_values()

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-07 01:19:36
问题 I want to strip the tags off the value inside array_values() before imploding with tabs. I tried with this line below but I have an error, $output = implode("\t",strip_tags(array_keys($item))); ideally I want to strip off the line breaks, double spaces, tabs from the value, $output = implode("\t",preg_replace(array("/\t/", "/\s{2,}/", "/\n/"), array("", " ", " "), strip_tags(array_keys($item)))); but I think my method is not correct! this is the entire function, function process_data($items){

PHP Security (strip_tags, htmlentities)

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-05 08:55:39
I'm working in a personal project and besides using prepared statements, I would like to use every input as threat. For that I made a simple function. function clean($input){ if (is_array($input)){ foreach ($input as $key => $val){ $output[$key] = clean($val); } }else{ $output = (string) $input; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $output = stripslashes($output); } $output = htmlentities($output, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } return $output; } Is this enought or should I use to the following code? $output = mysqli_real_escape_string($base, $input); $output = strip_tags($output); Sorry this could be a silly

strip_tags disallow some tags

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-05 07:53:11
Based on the strip_tags documentation, the second parameter takes the allowable tags. However in my case, I want to do the reverse. Say I'll accept the tags the script_tags normally (default) accept, but strip only the <script> tag. Any possible way for this? I don't mean somebody to code it for me, but rather an input of possible ways on how to achieve this (if possible) is greatly appreciated. EDIT To use the HTML Purifier HTML.ForbiddenElements config directive, it seems you would do something like: require_once '/path/to/'; $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(

PHP: strip the tags off the value inside array_values()

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-05 05:18:12
I want to strip the tags off the value inside array_values() before imploding with tabs. I tried with this line below but I have an error, $output = implode("\t",strip_tags(array_keys($item))); ideally I want to strip off the line breaks, double spaces, tabs from the value, $output = implode("\t",preg_replace(array("/\t/", "/\s{2,}/", "/\n/"), array("", " ", " "), strip_tags(array_keys($item)))); but I think my method is not correct! this is the entire function, function process_data($items){ # set the variable $output = null; # check if the data is an items and is not empty if (is_array(