

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:51:01
如果经常使用 JDBC(Java DataBase Connectivity) 连接到数据库,那就把这个功能做成一个工具类,可以在不同的地方重复使用 例如:创建一张学生表 student package class01; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class Demo01 { public static void main(String[] args){ Connection conn = null; Statement statement = null; String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db_test"; String user = "root"; String pwd = "lemon"; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,pwd);//创建数据库连接 statement = conn.createStatement();//创建一条 SQL 语句对象 statement.executeUpdate("create table student


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:43:01
LDM: STM: (store much)多数据存储,将寄存器的值存到地址上 (1) IA: (Increase After) 每次传送后地址加4,其中的寄存器 从左到右执行 ,例如:STMIA R0,{R1,LR} 先存R1,再存LR (2) IB: (Increase Before)每次传送前地址加4,同上 (3) DA: (Decrease After)每次传送后地址减4,其中的寄存器 从右到左执行 ,例如:STMDA R0,{R1,LR} 先存LR,再存R1 (4) DB: (Decrease Before)每次传送前地址减4,同上 (5) 满递减堆栈 (每次传送前地址减4) (6) FA: (7) 空递减堆栈 (每次传送前地址加4) (8) EA: 注意:其中在数据块的传输中是STMMDB和LDMIA对应,STMMIA和LDMDB对应 而在堆栈操作是STMFD和LDMFD对应,STMFA和LDMFA对应 格式: 其中 数据块的传输-实例: Ldr R1 LDMIB R1 /*传送前地址加+4, 所以地址加4,R0=0X1000004地址里的内容, 地址加4,R4=0X10000008地址里的内容, 地址加4,R5=0X1000000C地址里的内容, 地址加4,R6=0X10000010 地址里的内容, 由于!, 最后的地址写回到R1中,R1= 0X10000010

How should I make a clojure STM program persistent?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-02 22:46:00
I am writing a clojure program which uses the STM. At the moment I am populating the STM (using refs) at startup from a database, and then asynchronously updating the database whenever a dosync transaction succeeds. I have no idea if I am doing this the right way though, or if there is a better standard technique for doing this. Could anyone explain to me how they make the ACI properties of STM into ACID in their Clojure programs? In general, adding the 'D' in ACID to any program is not trivial and depends on the program's requirements. There is one important specification that needs to be

Poor performance / lockup with STM

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-02 20:32:38
I'm writing a program where a large number of agents listen for events and react on them. Since Control.Concurrent.Chan.dupChan is deprecated I decided to use TChan's as advertised. The performance of TChan is much worse than I expected. I have the following program that illustrates the issue: {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent import System.Random(randomRIO) import Control.Monad(forever, when) allCoords :: [(Int,Int)] allCoords = [(x,y) | x <- [0..99], y <- [0..99]] randomCoords :: IO (Int,Int) randomCoords = do x <-

WIFI网络(ESP8266)升级STM32: STM32使用http下载程序文件,乒乓升级方式,支持程序回滚,支持MQTT通信控制 (WIFI模块AT,TCP透传方式)

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-02 10:14:17
实现功能概要 BootLoader程序:     如果没有更新标志位,则尝试加载用户程序.     如果有更新标志位,STM32控制WIFI模块以TCP方式连接Web服务器,然后发送Get 协议获取程序文件,写入Flash后,重启!     每次写入Flash 切换Flash的写入位置,加入更新状态检测,更新失败则运行上一版程序(程序回滚) APP用户程序:     处理MQTT接收的数据,如果接收到更新指令,则置位升级标志位,重启 MQTT通信升级规定的协议: WIFI设备订阅的主题 "user/设备MAC地址" 列如: "user/dc:4f:22:11:5d:33" WIFI设备发布的主题 "device/设备MAC地址" 列如: "device/dc:4f:22:11:5d:33" 一,上位机通过MQTT发送获取设备信息指令 {"data":"updata","cmd":"DeviceInfo"} //设备回复 {"data":"updata","model":"STM32_AT8266","version":"1.0.2"}//假设现在的型号是STM32_AT8266,当前设备硬件版本是1.0.2 二,上位机根据型号使用http访问云端存放的记录更新信息的文件 "型号" 列如:""+STM32_AT8266+"/"+

WIFI网络(ESP8266)升级STM32: STM32使用http下载程序文件,乒乓升级方式,支持程序回滚 (WIFI模块AT,TCP透传方式)

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-02 10:13:28
实现功能概要 BootLoader程序:     如果没有更新标志位,则尝试加载用户程序.     如果有更新标志位,STM32控制WIFI模块以TCP方式连接Web服务器,然后发送Get 协议获取程序文件,写入Flash后,重启!     每次写入Flash 切换Flash的写入位置,加入更新状态检测,更新失败则运行上一版程序(程序回滚) APP用户程序:     每隔10S,控制WIFI以TCP方式连接Web服务器,获取当前程序版本,如果版本不一致,写入更新标志,重启单片机! Flash配置: 测试 来源:

Haskell: TVar: orElse

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-01 15:22:24
Is the "else" part of orElse called when a transaction is retried due to another transaction writing to a TVar it had read, or only when retry is explicitly called? If you have orElse a b then b is only run if retry is called explicitly in a . Otherwise orElse would essentially become nondeterministic. (The rerunning of transactions that is done by the STM runtime is transparent and should not effect the outcome of any computation.) 来源:

How do nested dosync calls behave?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-11-30 11:58:31
What happens when you create nested dosync calls? Will sub-transactions be completed in the parent scope? Are these sub-transactions reversible if the parent transaction fails? If you mean syntactic nesting, then the answer is it depends on whether the inner dosync will run on the same thread as the outer one . In Clojure, whenever a dosync block is entered, a new transaction is started if one hasn't been running already on this thread . This means that while execution stays on a single thread, inner transactions can be said to be subsumed by outer transactions; however if a dosync occupies a

Are TChan writes integrated into Haskell STM?

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-11-30 03:46:52
问题 If an STM transaction fails and retries, does the call to writeTChan get re-executed so that you end up with two writes, or does the STM only actually perform the write if the transaction commits? i.e., is this solution to the sleeping barber problem valid, or might a customer get two haircuts if the transaction in enterShop fails the first time? import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import System.Random import Text.Printf runBarber :: TChan Int -> TVar


筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-28 16:30:44
硬件上的内存归为3类: heap     堆 stack     栈 SRAM    静态存储区(全称为Static Random Access Memory) Flash    闪存 SRAM:从编译开始就存在,在整个程序的运行周期一直存在,用于存放局部变量global,静态变量static Flash:一般用于存放程序代码,掉电不消失,也可用于保存数据,还有一种EEPROM的内存也是数据掉电不消失,但是EEPROM的内存一般很小,只有几百Byte,而Flash一般都是MB级别的,Flash是以扇区为最小单位存在的,EEPROM则可以对单个地址的数据修改。 stack:用于存放局部变量,当变量所在函数运行完后,立即释放 heap:由malloc函数或者new指针分配,由free函数或者delect运算符释放,期间一直存在(慎用,小型硬件系统易崩溃) 在STM32F429IGT6中,芯片本身的SRAM有256KB,Flash有1024KB,堆和栈的大小我不太清楚,但是在CUBEMX生成工程时可以看到:  但是如果运行UI界面或者算法,SRAM是无法满足庞大的内存需求的,因此一般的开发板上都会帮你拓展一块静态存储区,我用的正点原子家的核心板上就嵌入了一块W9825G6KH,一块32MB的SDRAM(synchronous dynamic random access memory