
Detecting/Diagnosing Thread Starvation

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-02-18 20:17:39
问题 I am doing some performance/scalability testing of an IIS application that occasionally seems to slow down to a crawl in production. I'm able to reproduce the slowness consistently using NUnit. CPU and Memory do not spike during the testing, or when the slowness occurs in production. My strong suspicion is that the application is suffering from thread starvation, since it does not appear to be CPU, Memory, I/O, or database access that is causing the bottleneck. I do see signs of what appear

Detecting/Diagnosing Thread Starvation

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-02-18 20:13:39
问题 I am doing some performance/scalability testing of an IIS application that occasionally seems to slow down to a crawl in production. I'm able to reproduce the slowness consistently using NUnit. CPU and Memory do not spike during the testing, or when the slowness occurs in production. My strong suspicion is that the application is suffering from thread starvation, since it does not appear to be CPU, Memory, I/O, or database access that is causing the bottleneck. I do see signs of what appear

Detecting/Diagnosing Thread Starvation

假如想象 提交于 2021-02-18 20:13:34
问题 I am doing some performance/scalability testing of an IIS application that occasionally seems to slow down to a crawl in production. I'm able to reproduce the slowness consistently using NUnit. CPU and Memory do not spike during the testing, or when the slowness occurs in production. My strong suspicion is that the application is suffering from thread starvation, since it does not appear to be CPU, Memory, I/O, or database access that is causing the bottleneck. I do see signs of what appear

Detecting/Diagnosing Thread Starvation

点点圈 提交于 2021-02-18 20:13:03
问题 I am doing some performance/scalability testing of an IIS application that occasionally seems to slow down to a crawl in production. I'm able to reproduce the slowness consistently using NUnit. CPU and Memory do not spike during the testing, or when the slowness occurs in production. My strong suspicion is that the application is suffering from thread starvation, since it does not appear to be CPU, Memory, I/O, or database access that is causing the bottleneck. I do see signs of what appear

What is Starvation scenario in Spark streaming?

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-12 16:18:21
问题 In the famous word count example for spark streaming, the spark configuration object is initialized as follows: /* Create a local StreamingContext with two working thread and batch interval of 1 second. The master requires 2 cores to prevent from a starvation scenario. */ val sparkConf = new SparkConf(). setMaster("local[2]").setAppName("WordCount") Here if I change the master from local[2] to local or does not set the Master, I do not get the expected output and in fact word counting doesn't

Starvation of Akka actors who participate in a sequence process

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-12 03:53:42
问题 Bisuness Logic We have the following business logic to accomplish: 1 million times do: download the file in index i unzip the file extract some info from the file delete the file Current Akka solution The Akka solution that we have at the moment creates 1 million actors who are responsible for one file to download and once they are done they create an actor to take care of steps 2,3,4. The problem Once we run the process, we came across the situation where the Akka gives top priority to the