
A*(Star) Prolog

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-02-08 05:57:38
问题 I have an A*(Star) Algorithm in prolog, and I need receive a list of destinations instead a single destination, and it should past for every element of the list and then back to the start. NOTE: It can pass in the same place twice. I tried it, but Swi-prolog returns false everytime, can I get any help? The code above receive a single destination, and it works, but as I said I need a list of destinations, and pass through them all. Example: astar(1,[2,2,4,6,8,9,10,13,15],C,P). /*area(Number

A*(Star) Prolog

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2021-02-08 05:56:19
问题 I have an A*(Star) Algorithm in prolog, and I need receive a list of destinations instead a single destination, and it should past for every element of the list and then back to the start. NOTE: It can pass in the same place twice. I tried it, but Swi-prolog returns false everytime, can I get any help? The code above receive a single destination, and it works, but as I said I need a list of destinations, and pass through them all. Example: astar(1,[2,2,4,6,8,9,10,13,15],C,P). /*area(Number

A star algorithm: Distance heuristics

若如初见. 提交于 2021-02-07 09:35:33
问题 I am using the A star algorithm as seen here (taken from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/578919-python-a-pathfinding-with-binary-heap/), but I have a problem I don't understand. The heuristics given here is the square of the distance between two points. I found that if I take the square root of it instead, my results are more accurate, but the running time of the function increases dramatically (i.e. it goes over many, many more loops than before). Why does the change in heuristics cause

A*, what's the best data structure for the open list?

北战南征 提交于 2021-02-06 21:42:03
问题 Disclaimer: I really believe that this is not a duplicate of similar questions. I've read those, and they (mostly) recommend using a heap or a priority queue. My question is more of the "I don't understand how those would work in this case" kind. In short: I'm referring to the typical A* (A-star) pathfinding algorithm, as described (for example) on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm More specifically, I'm wondering about what's the best data structure (which can be a

A*, what's the best data structure for the open list?

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-06 21:37:35
问题 Disclaimer: I really believe that this is not a duplicate of similar questions. I've read those, and they (mostly) recommend using a heap or a priority queue. My question is more of the "I don't understand how those would work in this case" kind. In short: I'm referring to the typical A* (A-star) pathfinding algorithm, as described (for example) on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm More specifically, I'm wondering about what's the best data structure (which can be a

A*, what's the best data structure for the open list?

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-06 21:36:51
问题 Disclaimer: I really believe that this is not a duplicate of similar questions. I've read those, and they (mostly) recommend using a heap or a priority queue. My question is more of the "I don't understand how those would work in this case" kind. In short: I'm referring to the typical A* (A-star) pathfinding algorithm, as described (for example) on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm More specifically, I'm wondering about what's the best data structure (which can be a

全志A33 Android4.4 RTL8723DS WIFI/BT驱动调试

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2020-12-23 11:31:22
平台:全志A33 Android4.4 模块:RTL8723DS 接口:SDIO、uart1(ttyS1) kernel:Linux3.4 一、 移植8723ds驱动,让驱动参与编译 1.将rtl8723ds驱动源码放到linux-3.4/drivers/net/wireless/目录下,并生成一个rtl8723ds目录 驱动下载地址: https://download.csdn.net/download/Mrdeath/13744931 注意:该驱动不是原版驱动,而是经过了我的修改去适配了A33 Android4.4的SDK,由于A33源码里面并没有8723ds的源码,所以sys_config.fex,以及rf目录下没有针对8723ds的电源控制,所以如果你是完全参考我方案来移植,请务必使用该版驱动。 2.修改配置文件添让驱动参与编译: (1).修改Kconfig文件 --git a/lichee/linux-3.4/drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig b/lichee/linux-3.4/drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig index 33409594d0..0055f4567c 100755 --- a/lichee/linux-3.4/drivers/net/wireless/Kconfig +++ b/lichee/linux


[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-11-02 11:37:43
广度优先算法(Breadth-First-Search, BFS) 广度优先算法实际上已经能够找到最短路径,BFS通过一种从起点开始不断扩散的方式来遍历整个图。可以证明,只要从起点开始的扩散过程能够遍历到终点,那么起点和终点之间一定是连通的,因此他们之间至少存在一条路径,而由于BFS从中心开始呈放射状扩散的特点,它所找到的这一条路径就是最短路径; 启发式搜索 改变广度优先算法原来队列的FIFO模式,给不同的点加入优先级,可以知道,距离终点的曼哈顿距离越小的点,该点的优先级越高 存在问题 然而这导致了先入为主地将最早遍历路径当成最短路径 Dijkstra算法 主要思想是从多条路径中选择最短的那一条:我们记录每个点从起点遍历到它所花费的当前最少长度,当我们通过另外一条路径再次遍历到这个点的时候,由于该点已经被遍历过了,我们此时不再直接跳过该点,而是比较一下目前的路径是否比该点最初遍历的路径花费更少,如果是这样,那就将该点纳入到新的路径当中去( A*算法 我们需要算法有方向地进行扩散(启发式),另一方面我们需要得到尽可能最短的路径,因此A*就诞生了, 它结合了Dijkstra和启发式算法的优点,以从起点到该点的距离加上该点到终点的估计距离之和作为该点在Queue中的优先级 LPA_star 是A_star的增量版本,它可以适应图形中的变化而无需重新计算整个图形

Hacker News 简讯 2020-08-08

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2020-10-30 06:44:36
最后更新时间: 2020-08-08 23:01 The Psychedelic Inspiration for Hypercard (2018) - (mondo2000.com) Hypercard迷幻灵感(2018) 得分:136 | 评论:58 Bootstrap finance and the cost of other people's money [pdf] - (cust.edu.pk) 自助融资与他人资金成本[pdf] 得分:62 | 评论:20 Google speakers are listening to more than just voice commands - (protocol.com) 谷歌的演讲者听的不仅仅是语音命令 得分:103 | 评论:71 Ask HN: What feature did you find after years of using macOS? 问HN:在使用macOS多年之后,你发现了什么特性? 得分:34 | 评论:41 Tunable Delete Aware LSM Engine - (bu.edu) 可调删除感知LSM引擎 得分:10 | 评论:0 So You Want to Learn Physics (2016) - (susanjfowler.com) 所以你想学物理(2016) 得分:161 | 评论


馋奶兔 提交于 2020-08-20 05:07:27
写在前面:上一篇当时是非常简单的了解一下A*,昨天还有一些问题没解决,就暂时把自己查阅的文坛摘抄了过来(毕竟人家写的比我要好的多 :> ) 今天终于解决了,就又写了这一篇,正好我自己再梳理一遍,把Unity的实现也记录一下(Unity版本:2019.3.7.f1) ==================================================================================== 一、Unity UI表现实现   UI制作很简单,如下图    Canvas          UGUI画布(参考官网文档)     我这边主要是在上面挂载一个寻路脚本CSPathFindManager_AStar.CS   2.Panel          这里我用的是UGUI创建的Panel,主要是用来生成寻路点,挂载生成脚本CopyManager.CS   3.Node          UGUI创建的Image,用的纯色,用来充当路径点,挂载路径点脚本CSNode.CS   4.F/G/H/Pos/Index          UGUI创建的Text,通过修改文件对齐方式,使他们的文字分别位于Node的上下左右和中间,用来方便显示相关的值 二、Unity UI显示代码 1 using System; 2 using System