
How to remove a ssh key?

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-28 03:07:28
I've currently an old SSH key uploaded on the server. The problem is I lost my ~/.ssh directory (with the original id_rsa and files). Consequently, I want to remove the old SSH key directly on the server and upload a new one. I tried the following command without success: $> ssh-add -D Is there a way to completely remove a SSH key? VonC Note that there is at least two bug report for ssh-add -d/-D not removing keys: " Debian Bug report #472477: ssh-add -D does not remove SSH key from gnome-keyring-daemon memory " " Ubuntu: ssh-add -D deleting all identities does not work. Also, why

How to remove an ssh key?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-11-27 05:03:05
问题 I currently have an old SSH key uploaded on a server. The problem is I lost my ~/.ssh directory (with the original id_rsa and files). Consequently, I want to remove the old SSH key directly on the server and upload a new one. I tried the following command without success: $> ssh-add -D Is there a way to completely remove an SSH key? 回答1: Note that there is at least two bug report for ssh-add -d/-D not removing keys: "Debian Bug report #472477: ssh-add -D does not remove SSH key

SSH key generated by ssh-keygen is not recognized by Paramiko: “not a valid RSA private key file”

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-11-27 02:01:51
I have the following code: ssh_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(key_filename) the key looks like this: -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAABFwAAAAdzc2gtcn NhAAAAAwEAAQAAAQEAqdgmJ2AQlmvpCsDWjbpIvIrx4AwtKn2t10wmGZIN9pqcJgQpo3HD and is valid: $ ssh-keygen -l -f <mykeyfile> $ 2048 SHA256:x8jlUAObU3q2KXRtuGpxwhnGvB/ZoeD2IUqSA1OkCmI thomas@Thomas-MBP-2017 (RSA) but I get the the following error: not a valid RSA private key file This is on MacOS, Python 2.7, Paramiko 2.4.2 What am I doing wrong? For OpenSSH 7.8 up, you have to trick it

SSH key generated by ssh-keygen is not recognized by Paramiko: “not a valid RSA private key file”

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-11-26 09:52:15
问题 I have the following code: ssh_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(key_filename) the key looks like this: -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAABFwAAAAdzc2gtcn NhAAAAAwEAAQAAAQEAqdgmJ2AQlmvpCsDWjbpIvIrx4AwtKn2t10wmGZIN9pqcJgQpo3HD and is valid: $ ssh-keygen -l -f <mykeyfile> $ 2048 SHA256:x8jlUAObU3q2KXRtuGpxwhnGvB/ZoeD2IUqSA1OkCmI thomas@Thomas-MBP-2017 (RSA) but I get the the following error: not a valid RSA private key file This