
Vlookup and Count String Occurrences in Separate Table R to new Column

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-02-10 19:53:25
问题 I have two data frames. Below are samples but should be easily reproducible for illustration. df1 <- data.frame(School = c("Omaha South", "Omaha Central", "Grand Island"), Enrollment = c(2166, 2051, 1982)) df2 <- data.frame('Away Score' = c(25, 57, 76), 'Away Team' = c("Omaha South", "Omaha Central", "Grand Island"), 'Away Score' = c(52, 88, 69), 'Away Team' = c("Omaha Central", "Grand Island", "Omaha South"), Date = c("1/11/2020", "1/12/2020", "1/13/2020"), Winner = c("Omaha Central", "Grand

sqldf: How to query based on a date condition

不羁的心 提交于 2021-02-10 05:44:45
问题 I have spent a couple of hours researching this but I am getting nowhere unfortunately. I am trying to get a subset of data by using sqldf to query a data frame, result. This is the structure of result: > str(result) 'data.frame': 316125 obs. of 6 variables: $ ID : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... $ dt : Date, format: "1999-12-31" "1999-12-31" "1999-12-31" "1999-12-31" ... $ Ticker: chr "0111145D US" "0113357D US" "0202445Q US" "0203524D US" ... $ px : num 32.5 20.6 34.2 21.4 11 ... $ High : num

Difference between dates in SQLDF in R

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2021-02-08 07:37:45
问题 I am using the R package SQLDF and am having trouble finding the number of days between two date time variables. The variables ledger_entry_created_at and created_at are Unix Epochs and when I try to subtract them after casting to julianday , I return a vector of NA 's. I've taken a look at this previous question and didn't find it useful since my answer to be given in SQL for reasons that are outside the scope of this question. If anyone could help me figure out a way to do this inside SQLDF

Difference between dates in SQLDF in R

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2021-02-08 07:37:03
问题 I am using the R package SQLDF and am having trouble finding the number of days between two date time variables. The variables ledger_entry_created_at and created_at are Unix Epochs and when I try to subtract them after casting to julianday , I return a vector of NA 's. I've taken a look at this previous question and didn't find it useful since my answer to be given in SQL for reasons that are outside the scope of this question. If anyone could help me figure out a way to do this inside SQLDF

filter by date range in sqldf

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2021-01-28 12:22:10
问题 I'm trying to filter a dataframe based on a date range using sqldf, like the example code below. I have data like the example data below. The datedf dataframe that gets returned by sqldf has no records. There are records in the SHV dataframe in that date range, can anyone see what I'm doing wrong and let me know how to filter by date range in sqldf. Dates are always tricky in r for me. Code: datedf<-sqldf("select field1 ,fieldDate from SHV where fieldDate between '2004-01-01' and '2005-01-01'

How can I concatenate strings in SQLDF in R

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-01-28 01:15:37
问题 I am looking for a function to concatenate two strings inside SQLDF in R, that works like paste(), but could not find any. The reason for doing that is I want to concatenate two columns while joining two data frames. Instead of using merge() to do the join then use paste(), I sometimes want to use sqldf(). 回答1: Just use the syntax for concatenation in SQL, e.g., d <- data.frame(x = c("a", "b"), y = c("1", "2")) sqldf("select *, x||y from d") # x y x||y # 1 a 1 a1 # 2 b 2 b2 来源: https:/

sqldf returns zero observations

十年热恋 提交于 2020-03-05 03:12:10
问题 I have a number of large data files (.csv) on my local drive that I need to read in R, filter rows/columns, and then combine. Each file has about 33,000 rows and 575 columns. I read this post: Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes and decided to use "sqldf". This is the short version of my code: Housing <- file("file location on my disk") Housing_filtered <- sqldf('SELECT Var1 FROM Housing', file.format = list(eol="/n")) *I am using Windows I see "Housing_filtered" data.frame is

sqldf returns zero observations

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-03-05 03:11:05
问题 I have a number of large data files (.csv) on my local drive that I need to read in R, filter rows/columns, and then combine. Each file has about 33,000 rows and 575 columns. I read this post: Quickly reading very large tables as dataframes and decided to use "sqldf". This is the short version of my code: Housing <- file("file location on my disk") Housing_filtered <- sqldf('SELECT Var1 FROM Housing', file.format = list(eol="/n")) *I am using Windows I see "Housing_filtered" data.frame is

(R) Error when trying to load the SQLDF package

十年热恋 提交于 2020-03-05 00:26:59
问题 I have been having some trouble running the following code: install.packages("sqldf",dep=TRUE) library(sqldf) install.packages("RSQLite",dep=TRUE) library(RSQLite) After running this, my intention is to use the sqldf function to run some queries, but I've gotten stuck on an error I'm not sure how to solve and I've had trouble finding any other answers on Stack Overflow that could be helpful. The following is the error I receive after running the first line: Loading required package: RSQLite

Spotfire : Syntax issue or Window functions not allowed?

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-15 09:28:30
问题 I am using Data functions in Spotfire. I have the sqldf package installed. Here is the query: #Package to run sqls library(sqldf) #Input data frame op1 <- sqldf("SELECT Prod_parnt,prodct_grop,year,month,week, count(distinct id) as prd_cnt, Sum(Count(distinct id)) over (partition by modlty,prodct_grop order by year,month,week rows between 12 preceding and current row) as cumu_prd_cnt, avg(rate) as sal_rate FROM ip1 group by Prod_parnt,prodct_grop,year,month,week") The error I am facing: "TIBCO