
Spring integration TCP/IP close connection problem

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-01-01 09:56:14
问题 I use spring integration as a Full Duplex communication system's gateway module. that flow is client app <--> spring-integration-ip-module (siid) <--> server app The problem is when client app closed, ssid can't closed connection with server app side? here is my code // siid connet to client @Bean public TcpNetServerConnectionFactory server(){ TcpNetServerConnectionFactory server=new TcpNetServerConnectionFactory(1234); server.setMapper(new TcpSerMapper()); // use 'mapper' attribute in XML

TcpReceivingChannelAdapter vs TcpSendingMessageHandler

偶尔善良 提交于 2019-12-25 01:22:09
问题 Why channel can be set on TcpReceivingChannelAdapter , the inbound adapter, but not on TcpSendingMessageHandler , the outbound adapter? Why outbound adapter is called TcpSendingMessageHandler, why handler , not adapter? One would intuitively expects that inbound adapter and outbound adapter would be "mirrors" of each other, just with different directions. My question is variation of Spring Integration - Inbound vs Outbound Channel Adapters question, but focused on Spring Integration DSL API

Echo socket service in Spring Integration DSL using Channels and Gateways

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-11 19:15:51
问题 This is variant of my question How to implement simple echo socket service in Spring Integration DSL. A good working solutions was introduced but I would like to explore alternatives. Particularly I am interested in solution based on using inbound and outbound channels explicitly, in client and server implementations. Is that possible? So far I was able to come up with: HeartbeatClientConfig ... @Bean public IntegrationFlow heartbeatClientFlow( TcpNetClientConnectionFactory

How to implement simple echo socket service in Spring Integration DSL

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-11-29 18:09:56
Please, could you help with implementation of a simple, echo style, Heartbeat TCP socket service in Spring Integration DSL? More precisely how to plug Adapter/Handler/Gateway to IntegrationFlows on the client and server side. Practical examples are hard to come by for Spring Integration DSL and TCP/IP client/server communication. I think, I nailed most of the code, it's just that bit about plugging everything together in the IntegrationFlow . There is an sample echo service in SI examples, but it's written in the "old" XML configuration and I really struggle to transform it to the

How to implement simple echo socket service in Spring Integration DSL

你。 提交于 2019-11-28 12:17:45
问题 Please, could you help with implementation of a simple, echo style, Heartbeat TCP socket service in Spring Integration DSL? More precisely how to plug Adapter/Handler/Gateway to IntegrationFlows on the client and server side. Practical examples are hard to come by for Spring Integration DSL and TCP/IP client/server communication. I think, I nailed most of the code, it's just that bit about plugging everything together in the IntegrationFlow . There is an sample echo service in SI examples,