
Get only “valid” points in 2D interpolation of cloud point using Scipy/Numpy

大憨熊 提交于 2021-02-07 13:34:25
问题 I have a cloud point obtained from photogrammetry from a person's back. I'm trying to interpolate it to get a regular grid, and for that I'm using scipy.interpolate with good results so far. The problem is: the function I'm using ( scipy.interpolate.griddata ) uses the convex hull of the cloudpoint in the plane x,y, thus giving as result some values that don't exist in the original surface, which has a concave perimeter. The following illustration shows the original cloudpoint at the left

Get only “valid” points in 2D interpolation of cloud point using Scipy/Numpy

China☆狼群 提交于 2021-02-07 13:32:34
问题 I have a cloud point obtained from photogrammetry from a person's back. I'm trying to interpolate it to get a regular grid, and for that I'm using scipy.interpolate with good results so far. The problem is: the function I'm using ( scipy.interpolate.griddata ) uses the convex hull of the cloudpoint in the plane x,y, thus giving as result some values that don't exist in the original surface, which has a concave perimeter. The following illustration shows the original cloudpoint at the left

C#/Unity Camera Follow Jitter due to Time.deltaTime

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-01-29 06:32:09
问题 Game: In a simple 2D Portrait Game made in Unity, I have a GameObject (Player) that has a fixed location and which is moving upwards. The Camera follows the Player and animated Obstacles are spawning from time to time moving left to right. The attached Screenshot shows the Scene. The Problem: The Movement is not smooth, as it seems like the Player is jittering. I think I already identified one of the causes: Big variation of Time.deltaTime. Average value is 0.0167, but I had variations.

How to smooth timeseries with yearly data with lowess in python

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-04-12 07:08:15
问题 I have some data that were recoreded yearly as follows. mydata = [0.6619346141815186, 0.7170140147209167, 0.692265510559082, 0.6394098401069641, 0.6030995845794678, 0.6500746607780457, 0.6013327240943909, 0.6273292303085327, 0.5865356922149658, 0.6477396488189697, 0.5827181339263916, 0.6496025323867798, 0.6589270234107971, 0.5498126149177551, 0.48638370633125305, 0.5367399454116821, 0.517595648765564, 0.5171639919281006, 0.47503289580345154, 0.6081966757774353, 0.5808742046356201, 0

Inferring/expressing the polynomial equation of a fitted smoothing spline?

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-01-25 06:52:45
问题 If I smooth a data vector with a smoothing cubic spline my understanding is that each ‘segment’ between knots should be representable as a cubic polynomial. Is it possible to infer the equation of each segment from the spline coefficients after e.g fitting by the smooth.spline function in R? This is straightforward for an interpolating spine as the array of polynomial coefficients is generated explicitly. However, I’ve not been able to find an answer as to whether this is possible with a

Inferring/expressing the polynomial equation of a fitted smoothing spline?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-01-25 06:52:17
问题 If I smooth a data vector with a smoothing cubic spline my understanding is that each ‘segment’ between knots should be representable as a cubic polynomial. Is it possible to infer the equation of each segment from the spline coefficients after e.g fitting by the smooth.spline function in R? This is straightforward for an interpolating spine as the array of polynomial coefficients is generated explicitly. However, I’ve not been able to find an answer as to whether this is possible with a

Smooth Mouse Movement using mouse_event with set delay C++

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-16 12:05:00
问题 I'm coding a mouse macro. It needs to meet certain points on the screen in a set delay between each point. For exammple, it must move (x 14, y 30) in 132ms. The issue I'm having is mouse_event jumps to that exact position so I need to include some sort of smoothing method so that it moves smoothly to each point. (the smoother the movement is the better the macro). Currently I am using this method of smoothing each movement. This works well but it has its limitations for example if it needs to

Using “rollmedian” function as a input for “arima” function

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-01-15 10:55:07
问题 My time-series data includes date-time and temperature columns as follows: rn25_29_o: ambtemp dt 1 -1.96 2007-09-28 23:55:00 2 -2.02 2007-09-28 23:57:00 3 -1.92 2007-09-28 23:59:00 4 -1.64 2007-09-29 00:01:00 5 -1.76 2007-09-29 00:03:00 6 -1.83 2007-09-29 00:05:00 I am using median smoothing function to enhance small fluctuations that are caused because of imprecise measurements. unique_timeStamp <- make.time.unique(rn25_29_o$dt) temp.zoo<-zoo(rn25_29_o$ambtemp,unique_timeStamp) m.av<