
SLIME on Emacs with paredit in repl - how to prevent execution of incomplete but balanced expressions?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2021-02-20 06:38:46
问题 I use paredit on emacs with SLIME's repl. This means that at any point during my typing on the repl, my s-expressions are balanced. However, they may not be complete, and I might want to continue typing inside them in another line, as follows: CL-USER> (defun print-hello () ) When I start a new line by pressing the enter key, however, the SLIME repl executes my incomplete expression. I want it to wait for me to complete the expression, as follows: CL-USER> (defun print-hello () (format t

SLIME on Emacs with paredit in repl - how to prevent execution of incomplete but balanced expressions?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-20 06:35:34
问题 I use paredit on emacs with SLIME's repl. This means that at any point during my typing on the repl, my s-expressions are balanced. However, they may not be complete, and I might want to continue typing inside them in another line, as follows: CL-USER> (defun print-hello () ) When I start a new line by pressing the enter key, however, the SLIME repl executes my incomplete expression. I want it to wait for me to complete the expression, as follows: CL-USER> (defun print-hello () (format t

In a Emacs + Slime + Clojure + Windows setup, failure to load clojure-auto

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-01-23 05:50:07
问题 I followed this very helpful guide on getting this development environment set up. When running the emacs.bat I get the following error in Emacs: File error: Cannot open load file, clojure-auto Unfortunitely I am completely new to both Clojure and Emacs, so any help in even figuring out where to begin looking would be helpful. Also, as a side note the last step in the guide is: Start up Emacs using the emacs.bat file. Then, just type "M-x slime", and the REPL will come up, and you're on your

Man or javadoc-style documentation for common lisp

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-13 19:12:11
问题 Is there any kind of common lisp docs like javadoc, man or even intellisense-like popups? I've just started learning common lisp and do not have enough hand memory. I am using emacs and slime — it has tab completion, but it seem not very informative. Thanks! 回答1: Just in case this question was meant to ask where the reference is - there are several Hyperspecs available online. If you search Google for something like "hyperspec function-name" there's a good chance you will land on one of them.

Equivalent of 'lein swank' to other Lisp/Scheme implementations with emacs/slime

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-02 05:42:06
问题 I've been using emacs/slime for coding lisp, but with Clojure I found 'lein swank'. I must say that it's pretty useful, as I can connect to a server that runs clojure. How about the other Lisp implementations? What Lisp implementations provide the equivalent of 'lein swank' in Clojure? I mean, is there any other Lisp implementations that provide server connectivity so that I use 'M-x slime-connect', not just 'M-x slime'? 回答1: Non-clojure swank backends don't need a lein swank equivalent since

Changing a program while it is running

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-30 12:25:13
问题 Not sure if this is an emacs-SLIME issue or a CL issue or SBCL issue. I've heard it said that the interactive nature of Lisp allows for changing a program while the program is running. Not knowing the specifics of what is meant by this, I tried the following, placing this in a separate file: (defparameter repl-test-var 5) (defun repl-test () (format t "repl-test-var is: ~a" repl-test-var) (fresh-line) (when (not (equal (read-line) "quit")) (repl-test))) Then I compile and run (repl-test) and

Changing a program while it is running

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-30 12:24:03
问题 Not sure if this is an emacs-SLIME issue or a CL issue or SBCL issue. I've heard it said that the interactive nature of Lisp allows for changing a program while the program is running. Not knowing the specifics of what is meant by this, I tried the following, placing this in a separate file: (defparameter repl-test-var 5) (defun repl-test () (format t "repl-test-var is: ~a" repl-test-var) (fresh-line) (when (not (equal (read-line) "quit")) (repl-test))) Then I compile and run (repl-test) and

How to get SLIME up and running based on documentation?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-25 08:49:36
问题 I'm trying to get started with SBCL (for macOS). I've installed SBCL, but now I'm trying to get Emacs (for macOS) and SLIME working. However, I must be missing something in the docs because when I try this: M-x package-install RET slime RET I get "[No match]". I'm following the instructions for SLIME and MELPA. I installed Emacs for macOS 24.5-1 because I'm not sure Emacs 25 has package.el built in. So what else am I missing? 回答1: You may have to make Emacs download the package list first by

Is it possible to collapse a function in emacs?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-22 18:15:46
问题 So, for a lisp homework assignment I have, it has a long defparameter expression that's a large data set. What I'm wondering is, does emacs or SLIME have anything to "collapse" that large defparameter into a single line, like, say, MATLAB does? 回答1: Like Bertfred mentioned, hideshow works great, and it comes build in with more recent versions of emacs. To use it simply add the following snippet to your init file: (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'hs-minor-mode) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c <right>")

How can I define the address that swank server should listen to?

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-22 05:53:18
问题 There is no argument for setting the address to bind to when starting swank server: * (describe 'swank:create-server) => ... Lambda-list: (&KEY (PORT DEFAULT-SERVER-PORT) (STYLE *COMMUNICATION-STYLE*) (DONT-CLOSE *DONT-CLOSE*) (CODING-SYSTEM *CODING-SYSTEM*)) ... How can I do it? 回答1: Bind swank::*loopback-interface* to a string containing the ip address for the swank server. It defaults to the localhost (""). For security, take care that the swank address is not wide open to the