
Pause css animation

寵の児 提交于 2021-01-27 07:49:26
问题 I made a slideshow in html and css and I want to pause the slideshow when my mouse goes over it. I tried to do this with -webkit-animation-play-state: paused; , but this only pauses 1 image and therefor messes up the slideshow. Is there a way to pause all the images on hover? 回答1: #slideshow:hover .photo { -webkit-animation-play-state: paused; animation-play-state: paused; } When you hover #slideshow you will pause all .photo

Pause css animation

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-01-27 07:43:11
问题 I made a slideshow in html and css and I want to pause the slideshow when my mouse goes over it. I tried to do this with -webkit-animation-play-state: paused; , but this only pauses 1 image and therefor messes up the slideshow. Is there a way to pause all the images on hover? 回答1: #slideshow:hover .photo { -webkit-animation-play-state: paused; animation-play-state: paused; } When you hover #slideshow you will pause all .photo

Which Javascript I need for a carousel with random photos from specific folder?

百般思念 提交于 2020-12-27 06:44:47
问题 I have a problem that seems small, but it is no longer making me sleep at night, I am probably thinking about it too much and I have lost sight of the correct path! I'm using Bootstrap 4 as Framework. I have to insert an automatic, interaction-free, full-page Carousel that displays images in random order each time the page is refreshed. It has to get the images from a specific folder, because I have a large number of images. Anyone can help me with the Javascript that i need for do that??

Adding multiple images to ViewPager

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-12-08 06:10:35
问题 I'm new to Android programming. I'd like to make a very simple app where you can browse a few predefined images fullscreen. I tried the following tutorial: Android is a bit complicated to me with the .xml files for resources etc. I thought XML was just to define the individual resources, but I realized they also act similarly to HTML pages when I want to create a view. I managed to display one image by replacing the

Adding multiple images to ViewPager

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-12-08 06:10:25
问题 I'm new to Android programming. I'd like to make a very simple app where you can browse a few predefined images fullscreen. I tried the following tutorial: Android is a bit complicated to me with the .xml files for resources etc. I thought XML was just to define the individual resources, but I realized they also act similarly to HTML pages when I want to create a view. I managed to display one image by replacing the

How can I have multiple “Swiper” slideshows on a single page

心不动则不痛 提交于 2020-07-06 09:48:48
问题 I'm using Swiper Slideshow. I'm using this particular version. Here's the exact code I'm using. When adding a second "Swiper", the pagination doesn't work properly. I tried giving a different class to the second "swiper" container but it didn't work. How can I have two of this in the same page??? Thanks. 回答1: Their support sent me this DEMO. It works! You don't need to do anything to the JS File. All you need is to add an extra class to pagination, add an extra class also to the slideshow,


你。 提交于 2020-02-27 08:39:18
作者:HelloGitHub- 小鱼干 不知道各位前端 & 移动端同学拿到 UI 同学给你的动效图,心里是什么想法。小鱼干曾混迹某个国内技术论坛,里面的大佬们对动效有惊人的一致评论: 砍死设计师系列 , 花里胡哨系列 , 有时间再做 , 一点都不实用 …统一下,大部分的开发对动效的感觉是没啥卵用徒增工作量的 Task,不过也有部分开发小伙伴觉得 App / Web 大多数时候并不是都注重的是功能,功能都能实现的情况下,想要博得用户,UI(动效) 也很重要。 那么有什么方法让产品锦上添花又不会增加过多的开发量呢?答案很简单:就是开源的动效库,这里小鱼干推荐几款 BlingBling 的动效库,如果你有别的好收藏记得在评论区或者 HelloGitHub issue 区交流下心得哟~ 1. 3D 动态墙:Slideshow Slideshow 是一个采用 SceneKit 写的 3D 动态图片墙,虽然效果很酷炫但是性能便不是很好,如果你要是使用该动效建议优化下。 GitHub 地址: 2. 定制动画:DDAnimatedSwitch DDAnimatedSwitch 是一个可定制的开关动画。它支持你使用任何帧动画来当 icon,你不仅可以为开关设置动画,还可以为拇指设置动画,可播放、调整比例大小、循环播放

Slideshow on key press not working properly

久未见 提交于 2020-02-23 04:36:25
问题 So I have this code. I'm doing something wrong. I want the left arrow to go back (show the previous image) but it isn't working. It shows the next image (like the right arrow). Whatever arrow I click, left or right it shows the next image. I've tried millions of different things and I can't seem to find the problem. Can anyone help me? I also like the sources to loop. When the last source from the array has been reached, I want to loop back to the first source again (and to the last source