
Dynamically style a WMS layer with Javascript from Geoserver

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-24 12:04:11
问题 My web application serves a WMS layer to an OpenLayers map from Postgis via Geoserver 2.6.0, which works fine and as expected. The user can filter certain elements of the WMS layer by its attributes (via drop down boxes in the HTML) and the layer updates as expected. I would like to now add an additional drop down box that alters the style of the WMS layer, depending on the additional drop down box value. The style options for the additional drop down are very simple, either 'normal' or

How to style transparent overlayed WMS layer

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-06 05:12:17
问题 I successfully overlayed a WMS layer in google maps v3, however, as the information on tiles is black on transparent, it is not well seen on dark background (like satellite map), see some tile for example: (This was the WMS link to retrieve that tile) Question: how to modify the above WMS request to change the foreground color (currently black) to some custom color (e.g. red)? In other words, how to style the layer? The server is apparently able to do it for this layer, since it is possible

How to style transparent overlayed WMS layer

可紊 提交于 2019-12-04 09:59:20
I successfully overlayed a WMS layer in google maps v3, however, as the information on tiles is black on transparent, it is not well seen on dark background (like satellite map), see some tile for example: ( This was the WMS link to retrieve that tile) Question: how to modify the above WMS request to change the foreground color (currently black) to some custom color (e.g. red)? In other words, how to style the layer? The server is apparently able to do it for this layer, since it is possible to do it via their web map application (which works in IE only), where you can select the color. See