

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-03-15 15:56:33
无论传统电信运营商愿意看到与否,以Skype为代表的VoIP软件已经在全球拥有越来越多的拥趸。Skype的工作原理究竟是什么?为什么会掀起如此巨大的波澜?从技术角度看它究竟有哪些优势?电信运营商在VoIP领域下一步该如何发展? Skype与 P2P 所谓P2P(Peer to Peer),其最本质的含义即“对等”,该技术最早是用于网络中对等节点之间的资源和信息共享的技术,通常人们所知道的是将P2P技术用在文件下载过程 中,即网络上的对等终端在下载共享文件的同时又作为一个“种子”为其他对等终端提供资源和信息。后来,Skype在网络通话业务系统中灵活应用了该技术。 由于冲击了传统通信领域,Skype在引起很多争议的同时也使人耳目一新,可以说,Skype是发展和演进了的P2P应用。目前对于P2P技术还没有规范 的定义,结合其已有的应用,就更广泛的意义而言, P2P技术是指网络中的所有节点都动态参与到路由、信息处理和带宽增强等工作中,而不是单纯依靠服务器来完成这些工作。 Skype是P2P技术演进到混合模式后的典型应用,它结合了集中式和分布式的特点,在网络的边缘节点采用集中式的网络结构,而在超级节点之间采用分布式的网络结构,混合模式的P2P网络模型如图1所示。 从网络模型来看,这种混合模式的P2P是经过多年的发展和演进而来的,严格讲,这已经不是纯粹的对等网络结构了,只能称做发展了的P2P


妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-02-26 23:07:43
我想在HTML文档中将电话号码标记为可调用链接。 我已经阅读 了微格式方法 ,我知道, tel: 方案将是标准的,但实际上没有实现。 据我所知,Skype定义了 skype: 和 callto: ,后者已经获得了一些人气。 我认为,其他公司有其他计划或跳过 callto: 火车。 标记电话号码的最佳做法是什么,以便尽可能多的人使用VoIP软件只需点击链接即可接听电话? 奖金问题:有没有人知道紧急号码的并发症,如美国的911或德国的110? 干杯, 更新: Microsoft NetMeeting在WinXP下采用 callto: scheme。 这个问题 表明,Microsoft Office Communicator将处理 tel: scheme而不是 callto: ones。 太棒了,雷德蒙! 更新2: 两年半以后。 这似乎归结为你想用这个数字做什么。 在移动环境中, tel: 是要走的路。 如果您认为您的用户更多是Skype用户( callto: 或者更有可能安装了Google Voice( tel: callto: ,那么定位桌面就取决于您。 我的个人意见是,如果有疑问,请使用 tel: 符合@Sidnicious的回答)。 更新3: 用户@ rybo111指出,Chrome中的Skype同时也加入了 tel: 潮流。 我无法验证这一点,因为手头都没有机器,但如果这是真的

Meta tags for URL with description and image (In Skype, Discord)

为君一笑 提交于 2020-02-13 05:45:37
问题 When somone send link in Skype or Discord, it can create image and description, like is shown on screenshots: I think its because of <meta> tags in HTML <head> . But in HTML can be hunderts of <meta> tags.. I found this page on GitHub, Link: And that's so many tags. Is there someone who know only tags, which is making these images and descriptions on Skype and Discord? I tried adding some meta tags, favicon, and title, but it not works, I don't

Skype: prevent display of image when receiving link

南楼画角 提交于 2020-01-15 09:55:14
问题 In Skype, when someone sends me a link (like ), I do not see the link as text but as an image. Clicking on the image opens the link; right click and Copy Link works, too. I just want to see the link text, not the image. How to achieve? 回答1: I just found how to achiev it: in Tools > Options > IM & SMS > IM appearance uncheck Show link previews . 来源:

Open chat screen Skype from other app

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-14 04:57:05
问题 Developing an application, In which I have many user's account_id(skype id), Now what I want is to open chat screen of Skype (already installed in device) when I click particular User's skype_id from my application. I did search on web but got no success Got the link how to start call on Skype but for chat? 1) Link 1 2) Link 2 回答1: You can use the Skype URI Scheme for this (Skype:echo123?chat). You can find out more information about the URI Scheme here :

Phone Number Recognition in Javascript

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-13 04:48:18
问题 Is there a javascript library the can recognize phone numbers in a web page? Just like what skype did on their firefox plugin. Or do you know a way on how to do it? Websites or any tutorial that do the same would be very helpful. Your reply is greatly appreciated. Best, 回答1: Someone else may have a better way of doing this, but this seems to give you a link around each phone number. I just used my simple regular expression, so you may want to substitute the one that Adam provided. $(document)

show skype as option when dialing from android application

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-01-07 05:46:05
问题 I want to show skype in the dialing option list as this image when dialing from my application. Where I need to change? Sorry if the question is too naive. 回答1: I'm not familiar with the Skype application, but I assume it is taking advantage of Android's Intent system: Have you tried something like: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL); intent.setData(Uri.parse("tel:+123456789")); startActivity(intent); 来源: https

Get Skype ID from Activity object Bot Framework V3

心已入冬 提交于 2020-01-07 03:40:53
问题 In the previous version of the Microsoft Bot Framework (v1) we were able to get the Skype ID (username) from the Message object. I have now updated to V3 and can no longer get the Skype ID, it returns a random ID in the ID field and the Skype Users name. I have already built the back end to use the Skype ID and don't want to change that. Is there anyway to get to the Skype ID? I did see this in the documentation "In the V3 version of the API a user is represented by a unique user ID per bot

Skype4Py - How to successfully add a contact?

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-05 10:13:42
问题 I'm working to implement a few fun features with a SkypeBot, and one of the features I'd like to implement is the ability to add a new contact. While reviewing the Skype4Py docs, I note this method: I am using the following code to try to access this: sky = Skype4Py.Skype() client = Skype4Py.client.Client(sky) sky.Attach() client.OpenAddContactDialog("test") However, when trying to utilize almost

Skype4Py - How to successfully add a contact?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-01-05 10:12:14
问题 I'm working to implement a few fun features with a SkypeBot, and one of the features I'd like to implement is the ability to add a new contact. While reviewing the Skype4Py docs, I note this method: I am using the following code to try to access this: sky = Skype4Py.Skype() client = Skype4Py.client.Client(sky) sky.Attach() client.OpenAddContactDialog("test") However, when trying to utilize almost