
Notification Badges in Android O

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-02-18 12:00:11
问题 Im testing with Google Nexus 5x with Android Oreo SDK.I cant find Notification Badges in App icon in Homescreen,even i got notification from App And app shortcut is not showing Number.The following is snippet: final NotificationManager mNotific=(NotificationManager)getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); CharSequence name="Ragav"; String desc="this is notific"; int imp=NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH; final String ChannelID="my_channel_01"; NotificationChannel mChannel=new

Notification Badges in Android O

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-18 12:00:06
问题 Im testing with Google Nexus 5x with Android Oreo SDK.I cant find Notification Badges in App icon in Homescreen,even i got notification from App And app shortcut is not showing Number.The following is snippet: final NotificationManager mNotific=(NotificationManager)getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); CharSequence name="Ragav"; String desc="this is notific"; int imp=NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH; final String ChannelID="my_channel_01"; NotificationChannel mChannel=new

How do I override Ctrl+Shift+0 (zero) for WinForms RichTextBox?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2021-02-10 12:13:45
问题 For my subclassed RichTextBox class, I can capture, suppress the default behaviour of and re-purpose Ctrl+Shift+#, as long as # is between 1 and 9. For Ctrl+Shift+0, I can't. I have experimented with ProcessCmdKey in the form class and onKeyDown and PreProcessMessage in the control class. Here is sample code meant for the control class that should suppress Ctrl+Shift+0 but does not: public override bool PreProcessMessage(ref Message msg) { bool cancel = false; int vKeyCode = (int)msg.WParam;

How do I override Ctrl+Shift+0 (zero) for WinForms RichTextBox?

一世执手 提交于 2021-02-10 12:13:12
问题 For my subclassed RichTextBox class, I can capture, suppress the default behaviour of and re-purpose Ctrl+Shift+#, as long as # is between 1 and 9. For Ctrl+Shift+0, I can't. I have experimented with ProcessCmdKey in the form class and onKeyDown and PreProcessMessage in the control class. Here is sample code meant for the control class that should suppress Ctrl+Shift+0 but does not: public override bool PreProcessMessage(ref Message msg) { bool cancel = false; int vKeyCode = (int)msg.WParam;

How do I override Ctrl+Shift+0 (zero) for WinForms RichTextBox?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2021-02-10 12:13:08
问题 For my subclassed RichTextBox class, I can capture, suppress the default behaviour of and re-purpose Ctrl+Shift+#, as long as # is between 1 and 9. For Ctrl+Shift+0, I can't. I have experimented with ProcessCmdKey in the form class and onKeyDown and PreProcessMessage in the control class. Here is sample code meant for the control class that should suppress Ctrl+Shift+0 but does not: public override bool PreProcessMessage(ref Message msg) { bool cancel = false; int vKeyCode = (int)msg.WParam;

Search and replace: What's the proper shortcut?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-07-04 13:27:26
问题 Very simple dilemma. A user needs to be able to do a search-and-replace in a large piece of text. Code to do this is a piece of cake. No problems there. Works like a charm! Don't break your head over that. That's solved! It's a non-issue... No, problem is defining a good shortcut for this function. While I would prefer to use CTRL + R as shortcut for this functionality (and CTRL - F for finding text) I noticed that Microsoft is using CTRL - H as shortcut! (And F3 to find text, although CTRL +

Search and replace: What's the proper shortcut?

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-07-04 13:26:06
问题 Very simple dilemma. A user needs to be able to do a search-and-replace in a large piece of text. Code to do this is a piece of cake. No problems there. Works like a charm! Don't break your head over that. That's solved! It's a non-issue... No, problem is defining a good shortcut for this function. While I would prefer to use CTRL + R as shortcut for this functionality (and CTRL - F for finding text) I noticed that Microsoft is using CTRL - H as shortcut! (And F3 to find text, although CTRL +

What is the shortcut key for Run to cursor

一世执手 提交于 2020-04-29 06:06:38
问题 What is the shortcut key for Run to cursor in Visual Studio 2008? 回答1: The shortcut key is CTRL + F10 . 回答2: The default is CTRL + F10 but it can be overridden. The place to find what your current shortcuts are and change them is T ools C ustomize... K eyboard... Show c ommands containing: Debug.RunToCursor or T ools O ptions E nvironment K eyboard Show c ommands containing: Debug.RunToCursor 回答3: While on debug mode click on ' Run ' you will see ' Run to Line ' there in-front of it there


我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-04-12 14:03:35
上一篇写了打包脚本中设置安装时开机启动,这一篇写由node.js来控制程序是否随windows系统开机启动. 首页在项目package.json中加入对windows-shortcuts的引用(手动下载地址 "dependencies": { "windows-shortcuts":"*" } 在 npm install windows-shortcuts,加入快捷方式的第三方包.再判断系统,根据系统生成启动目录地址,最后用window-shortcuts生成快捷方式,在启动目录创建成功后就能开机启动了. var shortcut = require('windows-shortcuts'); var fs=require("fs"); //windows下的开机启动 if(process.platform.match(/^win/)){ //开机启动目录 var startupMenu=""; //APPDATA目录中有Roming的是win7,win8等同类系统开机目录 if(/Roaming/.test(process.env.APPDATA)){ startupMenu=process.env.APPDATA+"\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\

How to show AccessKey without pressing Alt in WPF?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-24 14:19:12
问题 I am using AccessText to show my text, where I need my Access Key should display by default without pressing Alt key. The Insert Table dialog (Office 2010) in MS word contains text which showing Access keys by default. I need such thing. Is there any possibility? Regards Jawahar 回答1: I think this is a windows setting. If u are using win7 look at the following. OS_forum 回答2: You can kind of fool the UI. <Button x:Name="btnAccessG" Height="40" Width="100" Click="btnAccess_Click"> <Grid> <Grid