
Ruby Shoes packager including Shoes in the app

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-06 04:40:14
I can't seem to get the Ruby Shoes packager to correctly create an exe with Shoes included. I'm using the Raisins release (0.r1134), with the pack.rb replaced from github. The exe's the packager makes are all 70-80K files (they obviously don't include shoes or ruby). These exe's will run on my XP machine that already has Shoes on it. but when I copy them to another laptop they start a "Shoes is downloading" dialog that does nothing and then goes away. I need to make standalone Windows exe's, and my understanding was that the "Yes, I want Shoes included" option in the packager would do that.

Where to put ruby .gem files so that Shoes.setup can find them?

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-05 17:54:31
A lot of questions have been asked about gem support in Shoes, but none have answered where to put them. I've got Shoes Raisins 1134 on Windows XP, and I've downloaded dbi-0.4.1.gem and am trying to get the following to work: Shoes.setup do gem 'dbi' end require 'dbi' ... end When I run this, I get the dialog that says Installing dbi -- Looking for dbi which sits for hours not finding the gem file. I've tried putting it in all of the following places to no avail: The folder that contains the above script D:\Program Files\Common Files\Shoes\0.r1134\ruby\gems D:\Program Files\Common

Can Shoes.rb Create Self-Contained Applications?

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-05 12:07:25
It's encouraging that Shoes (the Ruby GUI framework) has excellent packaging functionality, but I'm concerned that it doesn't actually 'wrap' itself around created applications. Packaging for OSX outputs a shoes installer and a shoes file in a .app system. Is there any way that shoes could create a .app that contains shoes - that doesn't make you install shoes to run it? I'm working on creating a tiny application - just a start button and a stop button for a subprocess, etc. Hey, sorry I didn't see this question sooner. I have good news, and I have bad news: you can absolutely do this, but

Shoes and Gems

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-04 16:19:46
Code: Shoes.setup do gem 'mechanize' end require 'rubygems' require 'mechanize' Running Shoes on it says: no such file to load -- mechanize Thank you. I did: sudo gem install mechanize and the following seems to be working: Shoes.setup do gem 'mechanize' end require 'mechanize' It says 'Building native extensions' and is taking forever, but seems to be the norm according to . rubygems needs to be required before any gems. require 'rubygems' require 'mechanize' Shoes.setup do gem 'mechanize' end 来源:

Does Shoes have a list view control?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-04 12:51:43
I was taking a look at Shoes which seems like a very nice tool for quick GUI applications. The common elements/controls, however, don't seem to include the equivalent of a list/report view ( e.g. , ListView in Windows, NSTableView in OS X). Did I just miss this, or does it not (yet) exist? If you mean output a large quantity of textual data such as a report or table then there's a nice simple app in the shoebox called the Simple Table Class which works very nicely. Before I found it i was ready to give shoes up - but this class solved my problem in minutes. Looking for it i stumbled across

How do I change the icon of my Shoes App?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-04 11:33:27
I was wondering if it was possible to change the my Shoes app's icon? I imagine its style-oriented, but I haven't been able to find anything on it. Is this possible? I don't believe this is possible from within Shoes. This is based on extensive searching, both online and in the source code. However, there are a couple things external to Shoes that work. One is to simply change the file #{DIR}/static/shoes-icon.png , which is where the runtime pulls its icon from. The other is to change the hardcoded value in the file (or your OS's equivalent); you could use a hex editor, or any

Programming a simple IRC (Internet-Relay-Chat) Client

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-04 07:35:17
问题 I started using IRC at a young age, and I have always been fascinated with it. As a language exercise, I was thinking about programming a simple IRC client in Ruby with Shoes as a graphical front-end. My question to you, kind-sirs, what do I need to become familiar with to start on this great adventure (besides shoes and Ruby of course)? I imagine there is some-sort of specification on IRC Protocol. Any pointers? 回答1: An earlier post mentioned RFC1459. While it is a very good introduction to

Creating Ruby applications for Windows

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-04 03:41:52
I want to develop a Windows application. Honestly I care little about cross-platforms for now (but still would be good) I want to use Ruby, since it has quite a simple syntax and is so.. well, simple and easy to learn. My application is like a "game level creator", where you can design your own level and then run it with another application which is a "game level player" by reading the project file created by the creator app. You get the idea. Now, I got a new PC and is completely clean. Absolutely no trace of my old Ruby experiments and fails. First of all, I will need to choose a GUI

How do I get content from a website using Ruby / Rails?

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-03 19:19:19
I want to copy some specific content from a website using ruby/rails. The content I need is inside a marquee html tag, divided by divs. How can I get access to this content using ruby? To be more precise - I want to use some kind of ruby gui (Preferably shoes). How do I do it? This isn't really a Rails question. It's something you'd do using Ruby, then possibly display using Rails, or Sinatra or Padrino - pick your poison. There are several different HTTP clients you can use: Open-URI comes with Ruby and is the easiest. Net::HTTP comes with Ruby and is the standard toolbox, but it's lower

My classes can't use Shoes methods like para

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-02 03:52:12
Tldr: how do I 'include Shoes methods' into the Array class and classes ive created, with minimal code, without totally restructuring everything? I've written a functioning program in Ruby, and now I want to make a Shoes app from it. I'm having the problem described at the beginning of the manual - is a sort of block in itself, so self always refers to it, and Shoes methods like "para" aren't necessarily going to be available everywhere the way "puts" is in Ruby. But I'm not smart enough to fix it (I've only just got my head around using self and return in pure Ruby, bear with me)