
Configuring shardsWhitelist in Solr 6.6

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-19 04:23:18
问题 Need help to configure shardsWhitelist in Solr 6.6. I have the below line in Solr.xml <str name="shardsWhitelist">${solr.shardsWhitelist:}</str> And I added the following in solrconfig.xml <requestHandler name="/select" class="solr.SearchHandler"> <shardHandler class="HttpShardHandlerFactory"> <int name="socketTimeOut">1000</int> <int name="connTimeOut">5000</int> <str name="shardsWhitelist">https://<URL1>/solr/core0,<URL2>/solr/core0,<URL3>/solr/core0</str> </shardHandler> But, I can’t get

primary shards in mongodb

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2021-01-27 08:17:46
问题 I am trying to go through the documents for mongodb sharding and I am a bit confused about how the primary shards are assigned and the meaning of primary shards As per the documentation it stats that Every database has a primary shard that holds all the un-sharded collections for a database. The primary shard has no relation to the primary in a replica set. does this mean that a primary shard is the shard (or the collection of servers) in the shard where the database was first created ? Say I

primary shards in mongodb

夙愿已清 提交于 2021-01-27 08:16:22
问题 I am trying to go through the documents for mongodb sharding and I am a bit confused about how the primary shards are assigned and the meaning of primary shards As per the documentation it stats that Every database has a primary shard that holds all the un-sharded collections for a database. The primary shard has no relation to the primary in a replica set. does this mean that a primary shard is the shard (or the collection of servers) in the shard where the database was first created ? Say I

Primary shard is not active or isn't assigned is a known node ?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-12-01 02:18:31
问题 I am running an elastic search version 4.1 on windows 8. I tried to index a document through java. When running a JUNIT test the error appears as below. org.elasticsearch.action.UnavailableShardsException: [wms][3] Primary shard is not active or isn't assigned is a known node. Timeout: [1m], request: index {[wms][video][AUpdb-bMQ3rfSDgdctGY], source[{ "fleetNumber": "45", "timestamp": "1245657888", "geoTag": "73.0012312,-123.00909", "videoName": "timestamp.mjpeg", "content": "ASD123124NMMM" }

Primary shard is not active or isn't assigned is a known node ?

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-12-01 02:17:52
问题 I am running an elastic search version 4.1 on windows 8. I tried to index a document through java. When running a JUNIT test the error appears as below. org.elasticsearch.action.UnavailableShardsException: [wms][3] Primary shard is not active or isn't assigned is a known node. Timeout: [1m], request: index {[wms][video][AUpdb-bMQ3rfSDgdctGY], source[{ "fleetNumber": "45", "timestamp": "1245657888", "geoTag": "73.0012312,-123.00909", "videoName": "timestamp.mjpeg", "content": "ASD123124NMMM" }

Primary shard is not active or isn't assigned is a known node ?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-12-01 02:16:11
问题 I am running an elastic search version 4.1 on windows 8. I tried to index a document through java. When running a JUNIT test the error appears as below. org.elasticsearch.action.UnavailableShardsException: [wms][3] Primary shard is not active or isn't assigned is a known node. Timeout: [1m], request: index {[wms][video][AUpdb-bMQ3rfSDgdctGY], source[{ "fleetNumber": "45", "timestamp": "1245657888", "geoTag": "73.0012312,-123.00909", "videoName": "timestamp.mjpeg", "content": "ASD123124NMMM" }