
navigate to next view on image tap?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-12 02:54:33
问题 I am using dataview itemTpl to display my images (thumbnail view). I am able to display the images properly. How can I add itemtap on these images? So that when I tap on a particular image a new view is shown with the tapped image? I tried this with controller but no luck. Can you help me solving this. I am using Sencha Architect 2 for my example. I am trying this code .Please correct me First View Ext.define('MyApp.view.MyPanel', { extend: 'Ext.Panel', alias: 'widget.galleryview', config: {

sencha touch How to make navigation like Touch-Theming example by sencha touch

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-12 02:54:07
问题 I am creating an app in which I have to create the popup like sencha touch theming expample to select the navigation items. I tried to see its code on github for a hint but don't know what I am missing hare is my code for header bar and the list button. Ext.define('ov_app.view.HeaderBar', { xtype : 'HeaderBar', extend:'Ext.Toolbar', config: { // xtype : 'toolbar', ui: 'plain', docked: 'top', cls: 'menuBar', border:0, defaults:{ border: 0, }, items: [ { iconCls: 'list', iconMask: true, ui:

JSONP request issue with Sencha Touch 2.1.1

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-12 02:44:12
问题 According to Sencha Touch 2.1 documentation, you make a json request with the following method When I use it I get: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'request' of undefined". I get the same error whith Ext.util.JSONP.request(). How to make a jsonp request with Sencha Touch 2.1.1 ? 回答1: I guess you have not imported required classes. To work with , you need to add a require like requires:[''] in corresponding class. I

itemtap is not getting fired in list

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-11 12:48:13
问题 i have loaded json data into list in sencha touch using itemTpl , everything is getting displayed properly as of now but somehow itemtap event of the list is not getting fired. i don't know what is the reason, following is my code where one can see the listeners inside config and nothing happens there. Ext.define('demo.view.ProfileList',{ extend:'Ext.dataview.List', xtype:'profilelist', requires:[ '', 'Ext.plugin.ListPaging' ], config:{ plugins: [{ xclass: 'Ext.plugin

PhoneGap, iOS 6.1 shows weird alert on launch and hangs at load screen

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-11 10:34:33
问题 I've built the app in Sencha Touch 2.1.1. It's packaged using PhoneGap. It runs fine as a packaged web app. As soon as the app in the simulator gets past the initial Cordova splash screen I get an alertbox this alert: I'm not sure what's causing this alert. Also, after I click OK it just hangs at the loading screen. 回答1: Maybe this answer can be useful for someone else who find this question searching for a solution. I had the same problem and I solved it: the problem was that the cordova-2.7

Changing the view - Sencha

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-11 01:16:09
问题 I want to change view on itemtap and i have done that itemtap : function(list, index, target, record, event) { var id = index + 1; if(id == '1'){ Ext.Viewport.remove(Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem(), true); Ext.Viewport.add([ { xtype: 'publishedword' } ]); } now, I am trying it to apply in view as shown in below pic where 1st view contains an Menu with populated item and now onclick of those item I want to open new view in Homepage replacing HomePage View. How can i achieve this? Container for

Re formatting JSON data to fit into tree store

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-10 14:55:46
问题 I want to make Nested list of shopping categories using data provided by server which looks something like this: { "status":{"statusCode":15001}, "data":[ {"itemId":1, "name":"Men", "subCategories":[ {"itemId":2, "name":"Clothes", "subCategories":[ {"itemId":3, "name":"Formals", "leaf":true,"subCategories":[]}, {"itemId":4, "name":"Casual", "leaf":true,"subCategories":[]}, {"itemId":5, "name":"Sports", "leaf":true,"subCategories":[]} ]}, {"itemId":6, "name":"Accessories", "subCategories":[ {

How to Give a Overlay Panel in sencha touch a transparent background

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-10 10:48:55
问题 The code below only changes the color of the border around the panel but not the panel itself. var overlay = Ext.Viewport.add({ xtype: 'panel', centered: true, style:'background-color: transparent;', modal: { style: 'opacity: 0' }, hideOnMaskTap:true, width:'20%', height: '50%', styleHtmlContent:true, items:[{ xtype:'button', test:'hey', cls:'notrans', style: 'opacity: 1' }] }); 回答1: You need to change the x-panel-inner cls for your panel when it is centered . So what you want to do is give

pass data from controller to existing view in sencha tocuh

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-08 14:23:25
i am trying to pass a data from controller to existing view , i have tried following but non of them are working , i want to pass a data so that i can show it over an existing panel. from controller 1. Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem('profileinfo'); Ext.Viewport.setData(; 2. Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem('profileinfo').setData(; 3. Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem('profileinfo', {}); 4. Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem({ xtype:'profileinfo',}); where profileinfo is the panel where there is a titlebar and i am displaying title as {member_data} which is part

How can I open a URL in external browser using Phonegap+cordova in sencha touch app for ios?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-08 10:04:22
问题 I'm building a sencha touch app for ios. In order to open URL in external browser , I have included phonegap and cordova. I tried using both this functions to open URL.but didn't work.please help me. Ext.device.Device.openURL('');'',{ openExternal:true }); 回答1: Simple'') should work and if you want to open the web page in a browser instance within your app, you should consider using InAppBrowser