
Create mask from skimage contour

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-02-18 14:56:52
问题 I have an image that I found contours on with skimage.measure.find_contours() but now I want to create a mask for the pixels fully outside the largest closed contour. Any idea how to do this? Modifying the example in the documentation: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage import measure # Construct some test data x, y = np.ogrid[-np.pi:np.pi:100j, -np.pi:np.pi:100j] r = np.sin(np.exp((np.sin(x)**2 + np.cos(y)**2))) # Find contours at a constant value of 0.8 contours

Create mask from skimage contour

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-18 14:56:44
问题 I have an image that I found contours on with skimage.measure.find_contours() but now I want to create a mask for the pixels fully outside the largest closed contour. Any idea how to do this? Modifying the example in the documentation: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage import measure # Construct some test data x, y = np.ogrid[-np.pi:np.pi:100j, -np.pi:np.pi:100j] r = np.sin(np.exp((np.sin(x)**2 + np.cos(y)**2))) # Find contours at a constant value of 0.8 contours

Create mask from skimage contour

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-18 14:54:48
问题 I have an image that I found contours on with skimage.measure.find_contours() but now I want to create a mask for the pixels fully outside the largest closed contour. Any idea how to do this? Modifying the example in the documentation: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage import measure # Construct some test data x, y = np.ogrid[-np.pi:np.pi:100j, -np.pi:np.pi:100j] r = np.sin(np.exp((np.sin(x)**2 + np.cos(y)**2))) # Find contours at a constant value of 0.8 contours

Create mask from skimage contour

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2021-02-18 14:54:47
问题 I have an image that I found contours on with skimage.measure.find_contours() but now I want to create a mask for the pixels fully outside the largest closed contour. Any idea how to do this? Modifying the example in the documentation: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from skimage import measure # Construct some test data x, y = np.ogrid[-np.pi:np.pi:100j, -np.pi:np.pi:100j] r = np.sin(np.exp((np.sin(x)**2 + np.cos(y)**2))) # Find contours at a constant value of 0.8 contours

How to apply a ScikitLearn classifier to tiles/windows in a large image

社会主义新天地 提交于 2021-02-08 20:53:36
问题 Given is a trained classifer in scikit learn, e.g. a RandomForestClassifier . The classifier has been trained on samples of size e.g. 25x25. How can I easily apply this to all tiles/windows in a large image (e.g. 640x480)? What I could do is (slow code ahead!) x_train = np.arange(25*25*1000).reshape(25,25,1000) # just some pseudo training data y_train = np.arange(1000) # just some pseudo training labels clf = RandomForestClassifier() clf.train( ... ) #train the classifier img = np.arange(640

Marking boundary given mask

别来无恙 提交于 2021-02-08 09:32:28
问题 I have a volume of image slices and their according masks. I've been trying to use skimage.segmentation library to mark the object in mind for each slice according to its mask. import numpy as np from skimage.segmentation import mark_boundaries import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_marked_volume(marked_image_volume, mask): for slice in range(len(marked_image_volume)): if np.count_nonzero(mask[slice,:,:]): plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) edges_pz = mark_boundaries(marked_image_volume[slice,:,:]

Error Opening PGM file with PIL and SKIMAGE

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-05 07:10:33
问题 I have following Image file: Image I used PIL and Skimage to open it but I get following errors First with PIL (tried with and without trucate option): Code: from PIL import Image, ImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True img ="image_output.pgm") Erorr: OSError: cannot identify image file 'image_output.pgm' And with Skimage: Code: from skimage import io img = io.imread("image_output.pgm") Error: OSError: cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='image_output.pgm

Error Opening PGM file with PIL and SKIMAGE

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-02-05 07:02:46
问题 I have following Image file: Image I used PIL and Skimage to open it but I get following errors First with PIL (tried with and without trucate option): Code: from PIL import Image, ImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True img ="image_output.pgm") Erorr: OSError: cannot identify image file 'image_output.pgm' And with Skimage: Code: from skimage import io img = io.imread("image_output.pgm") Error: OSError: cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='image_output.pgm

Using regionprops in Python

徘徊边缘 提交于 2021-02-04 19:59:36
问题 I am trying to analyze greyscale TIFF stacks, in which a given frame will look like this. I filter it (using Gaussian blur), and then binarize it (using Otsu's method for threshold). MATLAB code, which works great: image_conncomp = bwconncomp(image_binary); # entire stack is held in image_binary for i=1:image_conncomp.NumObjects object_size = length(image_conncomp.PixelIdxList{i}); end Each white spot in the example image is picked up, and its volume (in pixels) is pretty accurately given by

Using regionprops in Python

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-02-04 19:59:32
问题 I am trying to analyze greyscale TIFF stacks, in which a given frame will look like this. I filter it (using Gaussian blur), and then binarize it (using Otsu's method for threshold). MATLAB code, which works great: image_conncomp = bwconncomp(image_binary); # entire stack is held in image_binary for i=1:image_conncomp.NumObjects object_size = length(image_conncomp.PixelIdxList{i}); end Each white spot in the example image is picked up, and its volume (in pixels) is pretty accurately given by