
Localization (i18N) in ASP.Net Multi-tenant SaaS application

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-06-25 16:21:13
问题 Problem scenario: Implement ASP.Net localization in a SaaS based application. Additional complexity: The tenant should be able to edit the localized content. Thus, if the hosted application has 10 tenants with each supporting 5 languages, we could end up with 50 units of translation content. Please suggest on what would be an ideal approach given the above scenario. Listed below, are approaches used in the past (for my other applications) and why they are not relevant now: Option 1: ASP.Net

Localization (i18N) in ASP.Net Multi-tenant SaaS application

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-06-25 16:21:11
问题 Problem scenario: Implement ASP.Net localization in a SaaS based application. Additional complexity: The tenant should be able to edit the localized content. Thus, if the hosted application has 10 tenants with each supporting 5 languages, we could end up with 50 units of translation content. Please suggest on what would be an ideal approach given the above scenario. Listed below, are approaches used in the past (for my other applications) and why they are not relevant now: Option 1: ASP.Net

Saas: Single-instance vs Multi-instance vs Single-tenant vs Multi-tenant?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-03-15 07:58:20
问题 I've been reading about instances and tenants and in the Saas architecture. My questions are as follows (please correct anything that you notice I've gotten wrong with any of the following terms): 1) Instance: Is an instance of a piece of software just a copy of that software with its own database? Is there anything more to it than that? 2) Tenant: Is a tenant a user / group of users that share a common set of access privileges to an individual instance? 3) Single-instance: If a Saas provider

IaaS, PaaS, SaaS 解释

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2020-03-01 05:07:19
一、定义: SaaS:Software as a Service,软件即服务;这层作用是将应用作为服务提供给客户。 PaaS:Platform as a Service,平台即服务;这层作用是将一个开发平台作为服务提供给用户。 IaaS:Infrastructure as a Service,基础设施即服务;这层作用是提供虚拟机或者其他资源作为服务提供给用户。 二、三层模式: SaaS模式 作用 通过SaaS这种模式,用户只要接上网络,并通过浏览器,就能直接使用在云端上运行的应用,而不需要顾虑类似安装等琐事,并且免去初期高昂的软硬件投入。SaaS主要面对的是普通的用户。 产品 主要产品包括:Salesforce Sales Cloud,Google Apps,Zimbra,Zoho和IBM Lotus Live等。   功能    谈到SaaS的功能,也可以认为是要实现SaaS服务,供应商需要完成那些功能?主要有四个方面: 随时随地访问: 在任何时候或者任何地点,只要接上网络,用户就能访问这个SaaS服务。 支持公开协议: 通过支持公开协议 (比如HTML4/5) ,能够方便用户使用。(注:原文这里可能有误,HTML4/5,我理解是指HTTP、HTTPS、SMTP等通信协议。) 安全保障: SaaS供应商需要提供一定的安全机制,不仅要使存储在云端的用户数据处于绝对安全的境地

Localisation on a SAAS application

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-01-16 01:04:48
问题 Scenario We have a SAAS product that has an Admin back-end with a public front-end. We want to give the user the option to change what language their front-end displays. There will be the option of 7+ different languages. Our product is built on C# and MVC3. The front-end only contains about 400 words. What is the best way to handle this? Could I store the different languages in resx files and have a flag in the DB to say which language the admin has chosen? So the admin selects his language

Localisation on a SAAS application

可紊 提交于 2020-01-16 01:04:07
问题 Scenario We have a SAAS product that has an Admin back-end with a public front-end. We want to give the user the option to change what language their front-end displays. There will be the option of 7+ different languages. Our product is built on C# and MVC3. The front-end only contains about 400 words. What is the best way to handle this? Could I store the different languages in resx files and have a flag in the DB to say which language the admin has chosen? So the admin selects his language

What is the best way to prevent user from using SaaS app after failed payment

自作多情 提交于 2020-01-06 20:38:56
问题 I am developing a SaaS application using Ruby on Rails. Each user has to subscribe to a specific plan to start using the application. This step has been done using Stripe The problem is I don't know how to prevent this user from using my application if the auto payment subscription is failed (he change his credit card, etc...). I am thinking of using a column in User model to mark this user as inactive and prevent him from signing in. But it does not work as I expected because I want this

How To Send Request Header To Jetty WebSocket From JavaScript Client

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-01-06 14:12:44
问题 How To Send Request Header To Jetty WebSocket From JavaScript Client ? What I am doing ? At Client Side. Need To add service name and service version in request header at client side Send to server At Server Side. Identify the service from the request header Using that create corresponding input translator (using GSON) Create service input using that translator Call the service. I can use org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.annotations.WebSocket as to get service name and version at server side.

Angular material md-button hover color change

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-01-04 02:38:05
问题 <div class="non-active" layout layout-align='space-around center'> <md-button ng-click="$ctrl.widget.type = 'chart'; $ctrl.validateForm()" layout='column' ng-class="{selIcon : $ctrl.widget.type == 'chart'}"> <md-icon md-menu-align-target md-svg-src="trending-up"></md-icon> <label>{{'LABELS.CHART' | translate}}</label> </md-button> <md-button ng-click="$ctrl.widget.type = 'card';$ctrl.validateForm()" layout='column' ng-class="{selIcon : $ctrl.widget.type == 'card'}"> <md-icon md-menu-align

PHP - Writing to Host file programmatically

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-25 09:15:56
问题 I am doing my project implementation in localhost Xampp installation Part of my project is , When the user sign up on my page he will be asked for his desired sub domain and from then on his URL will be : Everything works perfectly , except for sub domain i have to manually add the entries in windows host file as follows What i want was when the form submits the host file should be added up with a