
In IIS rewrite rules, is it possible to return a CustomResponse statusCode with a URL?

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-01-27 21:50:08
问题 We are planning a maintenance window for some of our sites (say at, and What we would like to do is to return a 503 return code for a holding page sitting on our main site (which is powered by a Tridion CMS database) (say at as that site is not undergoing maintenance. Is that possible? We know you can create an app_offline.htm file in the root of each of the applications undergoing maintenance, but that would require us to build a

How do I pass a return code from an Oracle script back to the WINDOWS Batch script which called it?

我们两清 提交于 2020-02-07 02:37:12
问题 I'm running Windows 10-64 bit and Oracle 18.4 I have a Windows batch file (test1.bat) which calls a windows SQL script file. SQLPLUS -s (username)/(password) as sysdba @test1.sql Echo %errorlevel% I would then like to do some error checking on the %errorlevel% variable when I'm returned to Test1.bat from SQLPLUS. I'll create different processes depending on whether the return code is ORA-01940 (Cannot drop a user that is currently connected) or ORA-01918 (user 'MYUSER' does not exist), etc.

What is the Windows/cmd.exe equivalent of Linux/bash's $? — the program exit/return code? [duplicate]

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-14 08:49:07
问题 This question already has answers here : Closed 7 years ago . Possible Duplicate: How do I get the application exit code from a Windows command line? In Unix/bash, I can simply say: $ echo $? to find out the return/exit code of a program, both from interactive and non-interactive shells. Now, how can I do the equivalent in Windows/cmd.exe? 回答1: Use "errorlevel", like this: IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ERROR The errorlevel command is a little peculiar; it returns true if the return code was equal to

How does “set -e” work with subshells?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-29 06:40:31
问题 I was wondering whether set -e propagates through subshells (i.e. does a subshell inherit the -e setting of its parent), so I made some experiments. I found some strange results that I can't explain. First, here are some basic tests. They return what I expect. ( true; false ) # 1 ( false; true ) # 0 ( set -e; false; true ) # 1 Now I tried what happens if I put a subshell within my subshell. This expression returns 1, which suggests that it propagates. ( set -e; ( false; true ) ) Then I tried

Error 1316. The specified account already exists. Visual Studio 2017: Failed to install package. Return Code 1603

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-24 02:09:57
问题 Need to install Visual Studio for school, but run into this and one other error. Visual Studio fails to install "Microsoft.Net.CoreUWP,version=1.1.32" and "Win10SDK_10.0.16299,version=10.0.16299.0". +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Log for "Microsoft.Net.CoreUWP,version=1.1.32" : Package 'Microsoft.Net.CoreUWP,version=1.1.32' failed to install. Search URL;PackageAction=Install

Killing a process with taskkill /F returning code 0

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-12 18:18:17
问题 I need to kill a windows process (java.exe). I'm currently using: taskkill.exe /F /IM java.exe I need to use the /F option since is a critical process,but in this way I get a return code 1 instead I need a return code 0 (returned when I don't use /F for killing other not critical processes) how could I fix this problem? Many thanks 回答1: You can try with : TASKKILL /F /IM "notepad.exe" You can know more here. Visit this blog too. 回答2: Why don't you use PowerShell? Stop-Process -Name java.exe

Python 'return not' statement in subprocess returncode

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-07 16:49:55
问题 I just came across a very strange line of code in Python: .... self.myReturnCode = externalProcessPopen.returncode .... .... return not self.myReturnCode .... What exactly return not stands for? I am aware that the returncode of a Popen process is None while it's still running and a random number once it completes and exits successfully. But what exactly is the author of the code trying to achieve here? It might also be worth noting that the same author later on checks the return code like

How to set ExitCode in a VCL Forms Application

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-06 20:36:09
问题 I can't get ExitCode to work for a VCL forms application. Here is my test application. It was created from the File / New menu in the Delphi 2007 IDE. The only change is that I added the line ExitCode := 42; at the end. program Test; uses Forms, Unit27 in 'Unit27.pas' {Form27}; {$R *.res} begin Application.Initialize; Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; Application.CreateForm(TForm27, Form27); Application.Run; ExitCode := 42; end. Now, when I run it from the command line, %ERRORLEVEL%

Python 'return not' statement in subprocess returncode

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-06 02:54:09
I just came across a very strange line of code in Python: .... self.myReturnCode = externalProcessPopen.returncode .... .... return not self.myReturnCode .... What exactly return not stands for? I am aware that the returncode of a Popen process is None while it's still running and a random number once it completes and exits successfully. But what exactly is the author of the code trying to achieve here? It might also be worth noting that the same author later on checks the return code like this: if not testClass.testFunction(): logger.error('Failed to execute Function') .... not is a boolean

How to set ExitCode in a VCL Forms Application

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-05 00:29:41
I can't get ExitCode to work for a VCL forms application. Here is my test application. It was created from the File / New menu in the Delphi 2007 IDE. The only change is that I added the line ExitCode := 42; at the end. program Test; uses Forms, Unit27 in 'Unit27.pas' {Form27}; {$R *.res} begin Application.Initialize; Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; Application.CreateForm(TForm27, Form27); Application.Run; ExitCode := 42; end. Now, when I run it from the command line, %ERRORLEVEL% doesn't get set: >.\Test.exe >echo %ERRORLEVEL% 0 I was expected the value in %ERRORLEVEL% to be 42, but it