
MS Access 2019 - SQL Server 2017 - Recordset cannot be updated

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-01-27 19:30:14
问题 I've created a table in a SQL Server 2017 database. Then I've created a form in MS Access 2019 that use an ADO Object as "record source". On the form, there is a Textbox with the controlsource property=Field. Then, when I open the form, everything works as expected (the content of Field shows up in the Textbox, I can move the cursor backwards and forwards and so on) except for one thing: It's not possible to change, add or delete records. Create a table On SQL Server (use SSMS): CREATE TABLE

MySQL Recordset Not Returning Values When it Should

那年仲夏 提交于 2021-01-01 04:14:43
问题 I'm trying to retrieve a recordset from MySQL through VBA (in Excel) using ADODB. I can successfully connect to the MySQL database over the network and can even return a list of the tables using ADOX, however when I try to return a recordset the recordcount is -1 and it is empty. When I enter the same SQL statement into MySQL Workbench the result is returned as expected. I have been successfully connecting to an Access database with ADO and now want to move that database to MySQL and have run

MySQL Recordset Not Returning Values When it Should

三世轮回 提交于 2021-01-01 04:08:35
问题 I'm trying to retrieve a recordset from MySQL through VBA (in Excel) using ADODB. I can successfully connect to the MySQL database over the network and can even return a list of the tables using ADOX, however when I try to return a recordset the recordcount is -1 and it is empty. When I enter the same SQL statement into MySQL Workbench the result is returned as expected. I have been successfully connecting to an Access database with ADO and now want to move that database to MySQL and have run

MySQL Recordset Not Returning Values When it Should

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-01-01 04:03:57
问题 I'm trying to retrieve a recordset from MySQL through VBA (in Excel) using ADODB. I can successfully connect to the MySQL database over the network and can even return a list of the tables using ADOX, however when I try to return a recordset the recordcount is -1 and it is empty. When I enter the same SQL statement into MySQL Workbench the result is returned as expected. I have been successfully connecting to an Access database with ADO and now want to move that database to MySQL and have run

VBA Update table/recordset in Access using Loop with values from another table/recordset?

梦想与她 提交于 2020-07-19 19:04:11
问题 I need some help with some VBA for Access. I have a table "Client_Table" with 100 rows of data. I have another table "SalesRep_Table" where I have 10 distinct Sales Rep ID numbers (such as: AA1111 , and so on). My goal is to run a procedure that takes the first ID record "AA1111" and places it in the appropriate column on the Clients table named "AssignedSalesRepID" for the first 10 rows, then the next ID number in the SalesRep_Table gets inserted into the next 10 cells in the Clients table,

ADO: Excel: Is it possible to open recordset on table name?

a 夏天 提交于 2020-03-21 06:22:51
问题 I have looked on the web but did not find any answer. So i am putting it here. Code snippet: ( where case 1 is not working.. ) _bstr_t strCnn(L"Provider='Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0';DataSource=C:\\Book.xlsx;Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml; HDR = YES\""); hr = pConn->Open(strCnn, "", "", adConnectUnspecified); // success **LPCSTR strQuery = "select * FROM Table1"; // case1: Not working** LPCSTR strQuery = "select * FROM [Sheet1$]"; // case2: working LPCSTR strQuery = "select * FROM [Sheet1

How to create a record without saving it in database

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-02-03 16:22:05
问题 I'm using the Inventory addon of Odoo 12 (but my problem could happen with any module). In this addon, a StockMove model has a move_line_ids field. In the Detailed Operations dialog, we can see a tree view of all the move lines of the selected move. If we click the Add a line button, and set the fields, the values are stored in memory, but not in database unless we click the Confirm button. I would like to copy this behaviour in a @api.onchange() method of my custom StockMove model, but I don

Error 3421 Data Type Connection Error Multy Column Combobox

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-25 06:57:07
问题 I have a scenario where in I have to save "STATUS" code into table from a "COMBO BOX". This Combo Box shows "Status ID" and "Status Description" together. But while saving I need to save only "Status ID" Following is the code for the complete form functionality. Error is occurring on click of "SAVE" button. On line where I am assigning the value from combo to "Recordset Column" on line # 77 or 90. ' rs![status_ID] = Me.cboStatus.Column(1) Option Compare Database Option Explicit Dim db As

How do you remove specific fields from all entities of a record set in Lithium?

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-01-17 07:26:23
问题 I am using MySQL as the database connection adapter for all my models. I have a downloads model and controller with an index function that renders either an HTML table or a CSV file depending on the type passed from the request. I also have a CSV media type to handle an array of data, which is working as expected (outputs array keys as headers then array values for each row of data). I wish to do the same find query but then remove ID fields from the record set if a CSV file is going to be