
How to change table data in react with buttons in modal

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-11 18:20:53
问题 Hi i have problem with my react components. I don't know how to update element in table from shared modal for all elements. In my real case i have students timetable and i have to edit columns with subjects. After I click on subject in table, modal should open and after i choosed which subject i want to input it should change. I prepeared basic model of situation on codeblox. Please how should i access to specific column throught this modal and update that column with value of button. Thx for

React with bootstrap and Radio buttons

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2021-02-11 15:59:27
问题 I'm trying to use radio buttons in React (that I always used) but this time with react-bootstrap . I have two radio buttons and I want just one to be checked and get that value. import React, { useState } from "react"; import { Form, Button } from "react-bootstrap"; const StandAdd = () => { const [item, setItem] = useState({ kindOfStand: "" }); const { kindOfStand } = item; const handleInputChange = event => { event.preventDefault(); setItem({ ...item, []:

Mapping multiple Array in React

烂漫一生 提交于 2021-02-10 14:18:29
问题 I am trying to achieve this : While trying, I created an JavaScript Object(JSON like object) to access it. Here's the code: export default [ { weekMonth: 'February', weekDayofWeek: ['Thur', 'Thur', 'Thur', 'Thur'], weekDays: [ '04', '11', '18', '25'], weekStatus: 'Available +', className: 'February' }, { weekMonth: 'March', weekDayofWeek: ['Thur', 'Thur', 'Thur', 'Thur'], weekDays: [ '04', '11', '18', '25'], weekStatus: 'Available +', className: 'March' }, { weekMonth: 'April', weekDayofWeek:

collapseOnSelect in react-bootstrap navbars with react-router-dom NavLinks

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-07 20:01:00
问题 I'm making a website where I'm using react-router-dom's NavLink components to prevent rerenders for a single page application experience. As I am trying to make the site responsive, I have been trying to make the responsive navbar from react-bootstrap collapse after selecting a NavLink, but the collapseOnSelect behaviour doesn't seem to work for anything other than the Nav.Link components that come with react-bootstrap. Other solutions have recommended passing down props to the nav

React Bootstrap - how to animate ProgressBar when value is increasing but not when resetting to 0%?

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-07 10:19:17
问题 I'm using the React Bootstrap ProgresBar component with animation turned on. In the current behavior, animation works both when increasing and decreasing the progress. I have a use-case where I slowly increase the progress from 0 to 100, and then I reset the progress back to 0 and increase it slowly again. When resetting from 100 to 0 the progress animates backwards which is very confusing for my users. The desirable behavior is: animate when (gradually) increasing from 0 to 100, but don't

React Bootstrap - how to animate ProgressBar when value is increasing but not when resetting to 0%?

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-02-07 10:19:06
问题 I'm using the React Bootstrap ProgresBar component with animation turned on. In the current behavior, animation works both when increasing and decreasing the progress. I have a use-case where I slowly increase the progress from 0 to 100, and then I reset the progress back to 0 and increase it slowly again. When resetting from 100 to 0 the progress animates backwards which is very confusing for my users. The desirable behavior is: animate when (gradually) increasing from 0 to 100, but don't

React Bootstrap - how to animate ProgressBar when value is increasing but not when resetting to 0%?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-02-07 10:18:30
问题 I'm using the React Bootstrap ProgresBar component with animation turned on. In the current behavior, animation works both when increasing and decreasing the progress. I have a use-case where I slowly increase the progress from 0 to 100, and then I reset the progress back to 0 and increase it slowly again. When resetting from 100 to 0 the progress animates backwards which is very confusing for my users. The desirable behavior is: animate when (gradually) increasing from 0 to 100, but don't

What does the '…rest' stand for, in this spread operator example

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-02-05 08:10:36
问题 I'm reading about unknown-prop warnings in react, particularly because I'm using the react-bootstrap package and have stumbled upon them there. i've read that: 'To fix this, composite components should "consume" any prop that is intended for the composite component and not intended for the child component', on here: and an example is given for how the spread operator can be used to pull variables off props, and put the remaining

Close button isn't working for react-bootstrap modal component

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-01-29 15:32:12
问题 I'm trying to show another component using the react-bootstrap modal and react state. I'm following a react-bootstrap modal code and trying to customize the state my own way. I am able to create the state to open the modal without using React.useStae. But the problem is the modal isn't closing when I click the close button. So, How can I fixe this problem with the state? This is the react-bootstrap modal code that I'm following: and this is my code where I'm trying to open another component

React-Bootstrap: Customize Navbar's hamburger menu with Font Awesome SVG

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-01-29 14:43:11
问题 I'm using React-Bootstrap and building a Navbar. I want to replace the React-Bootstrap hamburger menu icon with a Font Awesome hamburger icon. How do I go about changing the built in hamburger menu? Here is my Navbar: <Navbar expand="lg"> <Navbar.Brand href="#home"> <FontAwesomeIcon icon="gem" color="#20FC8F" size="2x" /> </Navbar.Brand> <Navbar.Toggle aria-controls="basic-navbar-nav"/> <Navbar.Collapse id="basic-navbar-nav"> <Nav className="mr-auto"> <Nav.Link href="#home">Home</Nav.Link>