

余生长醉 提交于 2020-12-25 10:23:07
桔妹导读 :离天空最近的地方,是父亲的肩膀。在这个特别的日子里,小编也搜集了一些滴滴年轻的工程师奶爸们的分享,听他们聊一聊当爸的初体验。也借此机会祝福所有做了父亲的工程师们,节日快乐! 内心充满激动和紧张 @张军 娃刚出生第五天黄疸严重,在医院住了五天,每天都会去医院给娃送母乳,但是医院管理严格,全程见不到娃,内心甚是想念。最难忘的是出院那天,去医院的路上,一想到就能见到娃,内心很是激动,那感觉已经超越了第一次约姑娘见面时内心的忐忑和紧张,也终于理解了父母对孩子的爱有多深。 见证了她 每一个 版本的「迭代」 @王道含 # Changelog # # 0.0.1 2019-3-21 feat: init # # 0.2.10 2019-5-31 feat: grab # # 0.3.2 2019-6-22 feat: turn over # # 0.5.7 2019-8-28 feat: sitting feat: climb # # 0.10.18 2020-2-8 feat: run # 1.0.5 2020-3-26 feat: say papa 作为我为数不多准时上线的产品,也见证了她一个一个版本的迭代。从一个脆弱的功能单一的噪音系统,通过硬件和软件的不断升级,逐步变成了一个人形自走多媒体交互语音系统。在陪伴和观察她成长的过程中,我也会有更多的想要去努力的动力

R: How make dump.frames() include all variables for later post-mortem debugging with debugger()

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-01-14 12:44:08
问题 I have the following code which provokes an error and writes a dump of all frames using dump.frames() as proposed e. g. by Hadley Wickham: a <- -1 b <- "Hello world!" bad.function <- function(value) { log(value) # the log function may cause an error or warning depending on the value } tryCatch( { a.local.value <- 42 bad.function(a) bad.function(b) }, error = function(e) { dump.frames(to.file = TRUE) }) When I restart the R session and load the dump to debug the problem via load(file = "last

Debugging in ruby 1.9

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-17 02:42:20
问题 What do you guys use for debugging in ruby 1.9? rdebug doesn't seem to be compatible.. is there anything out there? 回答1: Note: this answer was correct but is now out of date. See the below correct answer. TL;DR: use 'debugger' now. ruby-debug is now available with Ruby 1.9.x. See http://www.github.com/mark-moseley To install (using gem on 1.9 Ruby installation): gem install ruby-debug19 (with perhaps the necessary 'sudo' in front of it). 回答2: ruby-debug19 is not maintained anymore. All the

Ideas for troubleshooting emacs error: “apply: Spawning child process: exec format error”

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-08 07:54:36
问题 I'm trying to use rdebug with emacs and cygwin and I'm running into trouble. Whenever I do a M-x rdebug and give it the appropriate script to run, it stops with the error "apply: Spawning child process: exec format error" From some googling, it seems like this could happen if I'm trying to launch a cygwin executable via the windows command prompt or vice versa. It could also happen if the path to the executable is a unix style link. I'm trying to figure out the place where rdebug is being

Debugging in ruby 1.9

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-11-26 14:19:23
What do you guys use for debugging in ruby 1.9? rdebug doesn't seem to be compatible.. is there anything out there? Mark Moseley Note: this answer was correct but is now out of date. See the below correct answer. TL;DR: use 'debugger' now. ruby-debug is now available with Ruby 1.9.x. See http://www.github.com/mark-moseley To install (using gem on 1.9 Ruby installation): gem install ruby-debug19 (with perhaps the necessary 'sudo' in front of it). iblue ruby-debug19 is not maintained anymore. All the other answers are outdated. But there's an alternative: debugger to the rescue! Put this in your