

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-05 06:05:44
打光是图像处理过程中的重要步骤,打光的好坏可能会影响整体效果的展示。打光方法也各有不同,MIT、谷歌等的一项新研究另辟蹊径,通过神经光传输方法进行图像的二次打光和视图合成,实现了相当不错的效果。 机器之心报道,编辑:魔王、杜伟、小舟。 图像合成早已不是新鲜话题,但是「打光」可是所有照片的难题。对于人类摄影师而言,打光就是件挺复杂的事,那么合成图像中的光线问题又该如何解决呢? 最近,来自 MIT、谷歌和加州大学圣地亚哥分校的研究人员进行了一项研究,试图 通过神经光传输(Neural Light Transport,NLT)对图像进行二次打光(relighting)和视图合成(view synthesis) 。 那么,这项研究提出的 NLT 方法效果如何呢?研究者在多个场景下进行了测试,包括 Directional Relighting、基于不同图像背景的打光、根据摄像头路径不同进行视图合成后的打光效果等等。 效果看起来不错,就是有点像鬼片……(瑟瑟发抖 具体而言,在 Directional Relighting 场景下,NLT 实现了如下效果: 在基于图像的 Relighting 场景下,人物的打光效果随着背景图像的变换而不断调整: 那么在涉及视图合成时,效果如何呢? 同时进行二次打光和视图合成呢? 想查看更多效果?请戳以下视频: https://v.qq.com/x/page

2020 牛客多校7 C A National Pandemic(树链剖分)

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-08-04 10:10:31
题意 有 \(T\) 组样例,第二行给 \(n\) , \(m\) ,分别为点的个数和询问个数,接下来 \(n-1\) 行为边,之后是 \(m\) 行询问 询问有三种, \(1\) \(x\) \(w\) , 表示点 \(x\) 增加 \(w\) ,其他所有点增减 \(w-dis(x,y)\) (点 \(y\) 树上到 \(x\) 的距离) \(2\) \(x\) ,表示将点 \(x\) 的权值变为 \(min(F(x), 0)\) \(3\) \(x\) ,表示询问 \(x\) 的权值 \(F(x)\) 解法 对整颗树进行树链剖分(对各点做标记的部分只有两个dfs而已,不是很难),之后将重新标号的点映射到线段树上,并用线段树维护每个点的权值(除了2操作可以使用另外一个数组来维护每个点被减去的权值),操作1我们只需要维护一个全局变量,然后对x到根上所有的点的点权全部+2,这样我们就可以假装所有的1操作都是在根上操作的了 ( ̄▽ ̄)/ 。最后计算结果时的式子为 \(addw[x] - 1ll * cnt1 * dep[x] + golbal_wt + queryPath(1, x)\) 就是 \(2\) 操作的修改值 \(-\) 之前 \(1\) 操作的次数 \(*\) \(x\) 的深度 \(+\) 全局权值 \(+\) 树上 \(1\) 到 \(x\) 的点权 先拿例题中的图举例


空扰寡人 提交于 2020-05-07 20:11:46
方法一,$_POST $_POST或$_REQUEST存放的是PHP以key=>value的形式格式化以后的数据。 $_POST方式是通过 HTTP POST 方法传递的变量组成的数组,是自动全局变量。如使用$_POST['name']就可以接收到网页表单以及网页异步方式post过来的数据,即$_POST只能接收文档类型为Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded提交的数据。 方法二,使用file_get_contents(“php://input”) 对于未指定 Content-Type 的POST数据,则可以使用file_get_contents(“php://input”);来获取原始数据。 事实上,用PHP接收POST的任何数据均使用本方法。而不用考虑Content-Type,包括二进制文件流也是可行的。 同$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA比起来,它给内存带来的压力较小,并且不需要任何特殊的 php.ini 设置。 php://input无法读取Content-Type为multipart/form-data的POST数据,需要设置php.ini中的always_populate_raw_post_data值为On才可以。 php://input读取不到$_GET数据。是因为$_GET数据作为query

Is it possible to select HTML comments using QueryPath?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-03 01:58:20
问题 I see this is possible using jQuery, but how can it be done in QueryPath? Selecting HTML Comments with jQuery If not, can anyone suggest an HTML parser that can select comments? 回答1: QueryPath comes with an extension called QPXML that has several add-on methods. One of these is comment() . To use it, simply include it in your script: include 'QueryPath/QueryPath.php'; include 'QueryPath/Extensions/QPXML.php'; htmlqp($html, $selector)->comment(); This will retrieve the first comment attached

How to fetch custom or namespaced elements in QueryPath?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-18 07:15:24
问题 I'm trying to fetch my custom elements in QueryPath library. But QueryPath does not work. Can anyone please help me how I can do it in QueryPath? See sample code below; <plugin:text path="filename" /> Moreover, I also checked the PhpSimpleDom library in detail. Although it works good for me. But it does not provide the full support of css selectors and more. I also have face a very bad memory problem in PhpSimpleDom. Can anyone please help me to fetch above mentioned element in QueryPath?

How to fetch custom or namespaced elements in QueryPath?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-18 07:15:08
问题 I'm trying to fetch my custom elements in QueryPath library. But QueryPath does not work. Can anyone please help me how I can do it in QueryPath? See sample code below; <plugin:text path="filename" /> Moreover, I also checked the PhpSimpleDom library in detail. Although it works good for me. But it does not provide the full support of css selectors and more. I also have face a very bad memory problem in PhpSimpleDom. Can anyone please help me to fetch above mentioned element in QueryPath?

Querypath and Malformed HTML

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-13 16:11:51
问题 I'm using QueryPath to manipulate a pages DOM. The page I'm manipulating has some tags that QueryPath doesn't know how to interpret. I've tried passing the following as options but I still get errors: ignore_parser_warnings use_parser (html) I get the following errors with these enabled: Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Tag nobr invalid in Entity Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: htmlParseEntityRef: expecting ';' in Entity Any help would be

XPath is returning element including the tags

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-11 00:42:22
问题 I am using xPath to read an XML file, but when trying to get the contents of a certain element, it returns it including the tags <> . The XML file is structured like this: <item> <attribute01>something</attribute01> <attribute02>something</attribute02> <attribute03>something</attribute03> <attribute04> <category>Some category name</category> <category>Some other category name</category> </attribute04> </item> I am working in the context of //item and then using attribute04//category to get

Using multiple find in foreach with QueryPath

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-06 08:17:13
问题 I'm using QueryPath and PHP. This finds the .eventdate okay, but doesn't return anything for .dtstart: $qp = htmlqp($url); foreach ($qp->find('table#schedule')->find('tr') as $tr){ echo 'date: '; echo $tr->find('.eventdate')->text(); echo ' time: '; echo $tr->find('.dtstart')->text(); echo '<br>'; } If I swap the two, .dtstart works okay, but .eventdate doesn't return anything. Thus, it seems that find() in querypath destroys the element and only returns the value it needs, making iteration

Using multiple find in foreach with QueryPath

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-04 13:14:40
I'm using QueryPath and PHP. This finds the .eventdate okay, but doesn't return anything for .dtstart: $qp = htmlqp($url); foreach ($qp->find('table#schedule')->find('tr') as $tr){ echo 'date: '; echo $tr->find('.eventdate')->text(); echo ' time: '; echo $tr->find('.dtstart')->text(); echo '<br>'; } If I swap the two, .dtstart works okay, but .eventdate doesn't return anything. Thus, it seems that find() in querypath destroys the element and only returns the value it needs, making iteration over $tr not possible to search for multiple items. Here's example HTML for a TR I'm dealing with: <tr