
pandas - 'dataframe' object has no attribute 'str'

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-01-20 08:05:44
问题 I am trying to filter out the dataframe that contains a list of product. However, I am getting the pandas - 'dataframe' object has no attribute 'str' error whenever I run the code. Here is the line of code: include_clique = log_df.loc[log_df['Product'].str.contains("Product A")] If anyone has any ideas of suggestions, please let me know. I've searched many times and I'm quite stuck. Product is an object datatype. EDIT: import __future__ import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import

Promises basics. How to promisify async node code?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-01-17 06:12:11
问题 I am getting started with promises and trying to use them instead of callbacks to avoid a callback hell. The async functions are a mix of functions from MongoDB, Redis, bcrypt module, etc. I was able to get this far: var insert = Q.denodify(db.collection(USERS).insert); var createCollection = Q.denodify(db.createCollection); var sadd = Q.denodify(redisClient.sadd); var sismember = Q.denodify(redisClient.sismember); var genSalt = Q.denodify(bcrypt.genSalt); var hash = Q.denodify(bcrypt.hash);

How to properly throw and handle errors in promises in Sails.js?

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-01-14 09:20:09
问题 I'm starting to convert my callback code to promises in Sails.js, but I don't understand how I can raise custom errors and handle them in the promise chain. Sails.js uses Q as its promise library. User.findOne({email: req.param('professorEmail'), role: 'professor'}) .then(function (user) { if (user) { return Course.create({ user_id: user.id, section: req.param('section'), session: req.param('session'), course_code: req.param('course_code') }); } else { // At this point `user` is undefined

How to properly throw and handle errors in promises in Sails.js?

余生颓废 提交于 2020-01-14 09:19:09
问题 I'm starting to convert my callback code to promises in Sails.js, but I don't understand how I can raise custom errors and handle them in the promise chain. Sails.js uses Q as its promise library. User.findOne({email: req.param('professorEmail'), role: 'professor'}) .then(function (user) { if (user) { return Course.create({ user_id: user.id, section: req.param('section'), session: req.param('session'), course_code: req.param('course_code') }); } else { // At this point `user` is undefined

How to properly throw and handle errors in promises in Sails.js?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-01-14 09:18:41
问题 I'm starting to convert my callback code to promises in Sails.js, but I don't understand how I can raise custom errors and handle them in the promise chain. Sails.js uses Q as its promise library. User.findOne({email: req.param('professorEmail'), role: 'professor'}) .then(function (user) { if (user) { return Course.create({ user_id: user.id, section: req.param('section'), session: req.param('session'), course_code: req.param('course_code') }); } else { // At this point `user` is undefined

Can you avoid nesting altogether with Promises? [duplicate]

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-01-13 03:48:18
问题 This question already has answers here : How do I access previous promise results in a .then() chain? (17 answers) Closed 4 years ago . From what I understand one of the main selling points for Promises is the ability to write flat code (or, flatter than callback hell). Though it seems that in many cases we need to nest promises, in order to use closure. For example (from q's docs, though I use Bluebird): function authenticate() { return getUsername() .then(function (username) { return

Sequencing async operations followed by onResult call

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-01-07 09:26:23
问题 Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/smartdev101/eLxxpjp3/ Inside asyncAction function call, a promise has been created to sequence two async operations, getRecords and getTotal followed by a final call to onResult(data) on success or onFail(info) in case of exception. how to get onResult call upon completion of two async operations? asyncAction: function(url, params, resultFunction, faultFunction) { puremvc.asyncproxy.AsyncProxy.prototype.asyncAction.call(this, resultFunction, faultFunction); if(

ReferenceError: Strict mode forbids implicit creation of global property in for loop on promise

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-01-07 09:25:38
问题 I am having a really strange problem. I am trying to perform a for loop on a promise return value. When I run the code from a jasmine test it breaks. When I run it from a browser it breaks. The code is.... courseService.getCourseDates(8).then(function (data) { console.log(data[0]); --this works console.log(data[1]); --this works for (s in data) { console.log(data[s]); } } Expected output: '2014-06-14T00:00:00' '2014-06-14T00:00:00' '2014-06-14T00:00:00' '2014-06-14T00:00:00' Actual output

Node.js with typescript require and .d.ts files

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-05 22:23:33
问题 I want to create an server side script, for this I require "Q", so I include the q.d.ts file. And I use this to import q: var Q = require("q"); Now I recive this error: Duplicate identifier 'Q' Does somebody know how to solve this name conflict? The complete startup script:+ ///<reference path="Scripts/typings/q/Q.d.ts" /> ///<reference path="Server.ts" /> ///<reference path="Services/DatabaseProvider.ts" /> ///<reference path="Response/Response.ts" /> ///<reference path="Response

Node.js with typescript require and .d.ts files

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-05 22:23:29
问题 I want to create an server side script, for this I require "Q", so I include the q.d.ts file. And I use this to import q: var Q = require("q"); Now I recive this error: Duplicate identifier 'Q' Does somebody know how to solve this name conflict? The complete startup script:+ ///<reference path="Scripts/typings/q/Q.d.ts" /> ///<reference path="Server.ts" /> ///<reference path="Services/DatabaseProvider.ts" /> ///<reference path="Response/Response.ts" /> ///<reference path="Response