

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-26 11:54:56
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> PJAX效果 通过url可以跟踪ajax的动态加载内容。这种技术尤其在two step view布局的视图中有很大的好处。无刷新加载页面,意味着响应速度和用户体验得到了极大的提升,在静态脚本和通用模块比较多的情况下,最大程度上节省了重用部分的开销。应用例子可以参考现在的google+、facebook和新版微博,同样是基于html5的pushState实现。g plus的表现最为明显,点击导航栏地址,箭头随目标移动,同时加载的页面淡入,效果很炫。 Dirty url 和 Clean url 在pjax出现之前,要实现页面的无刷新加载并通过url可以追踪,需要浏览器支持window.location.hash属性。通过判断url#锚后记录的地址来决定需要加载的内容,具体的构建方法是写一个hashchange的监视函数,当触发到hash改变时便判断加载内容。它的不足在于,对于低版本的浏览器例如ie6不支持hash,需要另外构建一个iframe来记录历史url实现前进和后退。最大的问题,便是#后生成的内容不会被搜索引擎索引到,google之前提供了 解决方案 ,提倡使用#!把地址引导到一个?escape_fragment=url的请求地址中,我在twitter、facebook、人人

How to Handle Page Reloads

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-24 20:11:44
问题 As I understand it the "conventional" way to handle page reloads is to duplicate functionality and presentation on the web stack using its controllers, views, and models. I'd appreciate insight on other (possibly better) ways to handle these situations. As well as feedback on the following two approaches: Reload the js framework based app/suite on every web (stack) app page thus forcing the js framework to handle all routing and rendering Use the web stack to route interactions and then use

Add query string using pushstate

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-24 16:31:09
问题 I am doing something like below if(history.pushState) { var stateObject = { dummy: true }; var url = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + '?myNewUrlQuery=1'; history.pushState(stateObject, jQuery(document).find('title').text(), + url); } I am getting pathname correct, but getting query string as Nan. For example I am getting result like http://example.com/mypage/Nan Instead of http://example.com/page/?myNewUrlQuery=1 Please tell me is it possible

Backbone.js PushState routes .htaccess only working as hash but nowhere else

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-23 16:49:57
问题 I have a website domain.com for example. I have backbone.js with pushstate and fallback and when I goto domain.com/about it loads up the index.html page and pushstates to about. everything is working. but if i want to goto a directory with a page inside like: www.domain.com/bio/moreinfo for example, it does not work and throws a invalid page. if i do it in IE it works fine. my htaccess file has the following: RewriteEngine on # html5 pushstate (history) support: <ifModule mod_rewrite.c>

Javascript history state incorrect

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-23 09:02:13
问题 I am trying to populate the index of the currently selected tab using history.pushState({tabSelected: 1}, null, ""); I have a handler to the popstate event in jquery which programmatically switches the jquery ui tabs. $(window).bind("popstate", function(event) { var state = event.originalEvent.state; ... } This works fine and the browser and I am able to switch between tabs using back and forward buttons. Also works with two layers of tabs. But in certain cases I want to push additional state

history.pushState does not update url for “share …” button on mobile Chrome

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-22 10:34:44
问题 I am using history.pushState to update URL as below: var state = {url: newLocation}; window.history.pushState(state, pagetitle, newLocation); On Mobile Chrome, the webpage URL (on the URL bar) and title do get updated as expected. But when clicking on the "Share..." button on the Chrome menu, the old URL (before calling history.pushState) is shared instead. Am I missing anything and how can I fix it? Thanks! 回答1: I found out that the rel="canonical" url should also be updated. $('link[rel=

HTML5 pushstate and SEO link

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-20 15:36:55
问题 I try to implement pushstate history on my website in order to load content from a single.php page inside a index.php container. My website have two main page : index.php and single.php . On the index.php there are links that call pushstate script: <a class="phplink" href="/Formlabs-3D-printer" title="Formlabs 3D printer">Post 12</a> <a class="phplink" href="/Minimal-Bumper-for-iPhone-5" title="Minimal Bumper for iPhone 5">Post 11</a> On my single.php page I use isset get method to

HTML5 pushstate and SEO link

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-20 15:35:10
问题 I try to implement pushstate history on my website in order to load content from a single.php page inside a index.php container. My website have two main page : index.php and single.php . On the index.php there are links that call pushstate script: <a class="phplink" href="/Formlabs-3D-printer" title="Formlabs 3D printer">Post 12</a> <a class="phplink" href="/Minimal-Bumper-for-iPhone-5" title="Minimal Bumper for iPhone 5">Post 11</a> On my single.php page I use isset get method to

using history.pushState in Firefox make my favicon disappear

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-19 07:57:06
问题 using something like history.pushState(null, document.title, "?#"); in my site make my favicon disappear in Firefox, But it works in chrome Is it a javascript/jQuery way to add favicon when the page is loading? 回答1: I had similar issue in IE. Whenever I called history.replaceState() favicon disappeared. Favicon was included via link tag like this: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/img/resources/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> After I placed favicon.ico to the root folder of my application

Page not reloading via 'back' when using pushState() / onpopstate

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-18 14:47:48
问题 I am refreshing some pages with AJAX and so an updating the history with the following code - /** Update the page history */ var pushState_object = { ajax_string: ajax_string, security: security, }; window.history.pushState(pushState_object, title, permalink); I am then calling this onPopState function on page load - window.onpopstate = function(e){ if(window.history.state !== null){ initiate_load_updated_page(window.history.state.ajax_string, window.history.state.security, 0) } } I am having