
Python zip

好久不见. 提交于 2020-01-20 09:36:03
import numpy as np letters = ['a', 'b', 'c'] nums = [1, 2, 3] for letter, num in zip(letters, nums): print("{}: {}".format(letter, num)) # 将多个list的数据组合成tuple的list # 得到: [(4, 1), (5, 2), (6, 3)]. # 相当于通过两个数组,组合成了一个矩阵 arr=list(zip([4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3])) res = np.array([[3,4,5], [6,7,8]]) loc = np.where(res >= 0.1) print(loc) print(type(loc)) for pt in zip(*arr[::-1]): print('----------------') print(pt) print(pt[0]) print(pt[1]) 。 来源:


我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-01-14 00:26:12
from docx import Document from docx.shared import RGBColor from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH from docx.shared import Pt from docx.oxml import OxmlElement from docx.oxml.ns import qn from docx.shared import Inches from docx.shared import Cm #打开文档 document = Document() #报告标题 head = document.add_heading() head.paragraph_format.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.CENTER head.paragraph_format.space_before = Pt(36) run = head.add_run(u"生成的报告") run.font.size=Pt(36) run.font.color.rgb=RGBColor(0x00,0x00,0x00) #标题颜色 document.styles['Normal'] = u'Arial' #字体1 document.styles['Normal'].


时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-01-11 16:46:41
摄像头数据的读出 首先需要将摄像头采集到的数据读出,那么就需要摄像头采集到数据的基本格式以及相关操作函数: typedef struct VideoDevice { int iFd ; int iPixelFormat ; int iWidth ; int iHeight ; int iVideoBufCnt ; int iVideoBufMaxLen ; int iVideoBufCurIndex ; unsigned char * pucVideBuf [ NB_BUFFER ] ; /* 函数 */ PT_VideoOpr ptOPr ; } T_VideoDevice , * PT_VideoDevice ; 函数结构体: typedef struct VideoOpr { char * name ; int ( * InitDevice ) ( char * strDevName , PT_VideoDevice ptVideoDevice ) ; int ( * ExitDevice ) ( PT_VideoDevice ptVideoDevice ) ; int ( * GetFrame ) ( PT_VideoDevice ptVideoDevice , PT_VideoBuf ptVideoBuf ) ; int ( * PutFrame ) ( PT

Pointtype command for gnuplot

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-01-01 01:16:23
问题 I'm having trouble using the pointtype command on gnuplot. I've tried several ways such as: set pt 5 set pointtype 5 plot " " w pt 5 plot " " w pointtype 5 And for some reason nothing seems to work. I tried using the "help" feature, and apparently my version of gnuplot doesn't have "pt" or "pointtype" as an option. Is this perhaps listed as some other feature. I know the points are there, when I plot multiple sets of data, the point type automatically changes, but I have no personal control


不问归期 提交于 2019-12-30 06:03:01
这里介绍了一些 Javascrīpt IDE 工具,最近调试Javascrīpt发现很困难, 听说 微软的MSE7.EXE好用,但没找到配置自动提示 代码 功能的参数,于是上网找Javascrīpt IDE 工具,发现大部分工具功能不强或者根本就不能调试;经过我筛选,推荐 1st Javascrīpt Editor Pro,希望对大家有帮助。 1st Javascrīpt Editor Pro V3.5 Javascrīpt 脚本编辑软件,有着丰富的代码编辑功能(Javascrīpt, HTML, CSS, VBscrīpt, PHP ,ASP(Net)语法加亮),内置预览功能,提供了完整的HTML 标记, HTML 属性, HTML 事件, Javascrīpt 事件和Javascrīpt 函数等完整的代码库,可轻松插入到网页中。与其它编辑器不同的是它能指出错误位置和具有代码提示功能。 代码提示 调试提示(少引号) 预览代码 下载地址: Javascrīpt Menu Master V2.5 利用这个程序,无需懂得或书写任何复杂的Javascrīpt和 HTML 代码,就可以为你的站点建立简洁,交互,便利的以Javascrīpt为基础强大的下拉导航菜单.这个程序的界面友好且方便使用,你可以对内容


对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-21 18:56:15
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 前言 CSS通常来讲不太被重视,可是里面的东西都繁琐,需要大量的时间和经验的积累,平时我们定义大小或者宽高使用的都是px单位,也就是像素.CSS所提供的单位不止px一种,还有em和pt. 正文 我们日常使用最多的是px,也就是像素,它是相对于显示器分辨率的而言的相对长度.但是一些网页放大功能,尤其是在IE下无法放大.em是一个什么样的单位呢? 按照CSS2.0的定义,em也是一个相对单位,相对于当前对象内文本大小.如果当前对象内文本大小未被设置,则按照浏览器默认大小. 如果按照这么说,我们可以理解,px是相对于显示器的,em是相对于当前文本的,所以px对于我们来说就是绝对单位了,而em则是相对的大小.通常来讲如果你的浏览器未经调整,那么默认的字体高度是16px,所以这里的16px = 1em. em 如果大家关注过Bootstrap的CSS的话,经常可以看见这种定义font-size: 62.5%;这个其实就是为了em的设置,之前说过了默认情况下16px = 1em.为了方便计算我们通常可以在body中声明font-size:62.5%;这样的话就变成16px * 0.625 = 1em,也就是px只要除以10就可以换成em单位了. em没有固定的大小,是真正的相对单位,并且em会继承父元素的字体大小

plastics company list - Oxford Performance Materials, Inc.

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-20 09:18:39
BioMar | food production Graydon | information services Evoqua Water Technologies | environmental services Munters | mechanical or industrial engineering Ovivo | renewables & environment DEUTZ AG | machinery Royal Copenhagen | luxury goods & jewelry Fleetguard Filters Pvt. Ltd. | automotive Ingevity | chemicals Camfil Air Pollution Control | machinery ARGO-HYTOS | machinery Clear Edge Filtration | mechanical or industrial engineering BRADEN; A Global Power Company | oil & energy Northwest Biotherapeutics | biotechnology FilterBoxx Inc., an Ovivo company | environmental services HYDAC

Moving from Page A to Page B in Asp.Net. What is the “Best” way?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-13 03:59:38
问题 I have a user on what we will call PageA.aspx. This user needs to get to PageB.aspx. The obvious way is have a hyperlink that simply sends them to PageB.aspx. That got me thinking about the other ways to get between pages. One could use javascript to do a client side jump. There is also the seemingly bulky server side redirection. What I would like to know is what, if any, are the performance hits between these different methods. I am going to assume the server side is a bit more heavy weight

How to get the correct font sizes from Photoshop into iOS

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-09 04:39:39
问题 I have a design in an psd file. So I copied all text properties (fontname, size (in pt), color, etc) into code and run it. I did a screenshot and compared that to the design. I am wondering, why is iOS (in my case) rendering the font sizes (in pt) smaller than Photoshop does? Does pt depend on the screen resolution? Is there maybe a helper function that i could calculate it from a px size? Thanks... 回答1: I think the easiest way (not sure if the most accurate one) would be to take pixel values


邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-06 23:27:26
字号 <-> 磅(pt) <-> 像素(px) pt和px的换算公式可以根据pt的定义得出: pt=1/72(英寸), px=1/dpi(英寸) 因此 pt=px*72/dpi 以Windows下的96dpi来计算, pt=px*72/96=px*3/4 px是像素单位,em是相对单位,pt是绝对单位。 em的优点很多,比如在一个页面上,你给定了一个父元素的字体大小,这样就可以通过调整一个元素来成比例的改变所有元素大小。它可以自由缩放,比如用来制作可伸缩的样式表。 在网页设计css中,经常用到字体,而字体大小的设置单位,常用的有2种:px、pt。这两个有什么区别呢? 先搞清基本概念:px就是表示pixel,像素,是屏幕上显示数据的最基本的点;而pt就是point,英文音译为“磅因”,中文读作“点”,是排版印刷中常用的文字大小单位。 这样很明白,px是一个点,它不是自然界的长度单位,谁能说出一个“点”有多长多大么?可以画的很小,也可以很大。如果点很小,那画面就清晰,我们称它为“分辨率高”,反之,就是“分辨率低”。所以,“像素”的大小是会“变”的,也称为“相对长度”。 pt全称为point,但中文不叫“磅”,正确的说法是一个专用的印刷单位“点”,1点=0.376毫米=1.07英美点=0.0148英尺=0.1776英寸。 因为点制排版印刷系统传入国内后,国内行业素质参差不齐