
Adding references in Visual Studio project template?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-19 05:55:07
问题 I'm creating a multi-project template for VS2015 where one of the created projects references the other. How do I add the reference using the template? If I add the reference using the VS GUI it will add the following to the .vcxproj file: <ItemGroup> <ProjectReference Include="path\xyz.vcxproj"> <Project>{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}</Project> </ProjectReference> And the GUID is a valid one, since VS knows the GUID of the referenced project. When I create the new projects from

How to add conditions in Visual Studio Template Schema and generate projects based on conditions

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-04-07 09:19:51
问题 I have a requirement to generate a custom project template using vsix and IWizard. Wizard will show three check boxes. for example (Bot, Tab , Chat). The output solution must have projects only for checkboxes selected in the wizard i.e if both Bot and Tab are selected then Bot.csproj and Tab.csproj projects will be generated in the solution. If all three of them are selected then all projects must be generated. Right now it generates all the projects irrespective of the selection because

How to add “Class Prefix” field while creating xcode project template

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-02-06 04:44:12
问题 I am using a custom template that was defined already by some one. When I use that template, Xcode is not asking for "Class Prefix" . Because of this, what ever the classes that are created using this template are having a class name as project name followed by the class name we are giving like "SampleProjectViewController.h" or "SampleProjectViewController.m" . Is there a way to add "Class Prefix" field and use this class prefix, while creating new classes, so that when I create a new class,

Cancel VS2010 project creation from wizard

十年热恋 提交于 2020-01-13 10:38:51
问题 I created a wizard for a custom template in VS2010 And it works like a charm. But since the wizard contains a form required to finish the creation of the project, i feel that the user should be able to cancel the creation of the project. So my question being.. Is it possible to cancel the creation of a project/template process from inside a wizard implementing IWizard? These are the events i got at my disposal. public void BeforeOpeningFile(ProjectItem projectItem) public void

Create a Visual Studio project programmatically

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-29 04:01:05
问题 As my question say I want to create a new project based in a template which already created an tested and works fine, but i have two problems when i tried to do it in C# code (in a mvc3 project). Which are the differences between EnvDTE80, EnvDTE90 and EnvDTE100 because i tried to do this example with EnvDTE100 but it doesn't work because the object handle it's Solution4 not Solution2 and Solution4 doesn't have the same behavior. How can I create the project without use the default path, but

GeneXus Platform SDK installer not working for Visual Studio 2015

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-24 09:26:37
问题 I'm trying to setup an environment to develop a Genexus extension for version 15. After installing Visual Studio Express 2015 (based on Genexus wiki instructions) I'm installing Genexus SDK Platform 15 Upgrade 3 The SDK installer pop up an error "Can't find VStudio 2005 or 2008", and continue installation. But Genexus projects templates are not available in VStudio 2015 after that. It worked fine for VS2008. I also try this GeneXus wiki suggestion but it doesn't work. It is about manually

How to add references and nugets in visual studio project template?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-24 01:54:57
问题 Is there any instructions to add nugets and references in project template? The best way is to add nuget without version. Nugets will be added not from but from internal corporate resource. What I mean. In the SolutionExplorer picture red boxes are references from nugets and blue boxes are references were included using Add reference . After I used Export template I don't see any references in zip folder. And when I create new project with my template I see errors on nuget

Editing “” to stop “UnitTest1.cs” being created

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-24 00:33:19
问题 I've been modifying the VS2010 item and project templates so each time we do a "new project" or "new item" we get it created in a format that works for us. This is all working fine; if we create a new class library we get it with the references we've set up and it doesn't create the "class1.cs" file - that all works. We've made a similar change to the file that lives in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Test\1033 Gone

MVVM visual studio project template for VS2010?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-23 16:53:50
问题 I am running VS2010 and Windows 7. I have seen many people with the template for MVVM. Where can I get this template? I already have WPFToolkit installed, but the template does not appear. I tried to go to the sites, like codeplex, that say they have it and it turns out to be the WPFToolkit installer. 回答1: try the first download here 回答2: you can use this template: WPF MVVM project template 回答3: For the benefit of other readers/, WPF Model-View-ModelView Toolkit v3.5.50211.1 may be downloaded

Assembly Programming in Visual Studio 2008

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-23 04:09:20
问题 Does anyone have a best practice Project Template for Visual Studio 2008 MASM projects? I don't know why Microsoft shipped VS with MASM but epxect you to use a blank C++ project when there is so much that could have been added by default using a Project Template. Also, is there a project connector for TFS 2008 for MASM projects as I have been unable to find one? 回答1: Well, after some checking, it appears that VS 2008 at least contains the masm .rules file (the one that gives you all the