
ML IDE and Compiler for Windows or Linux or Mac

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-17 07:45:09
问题 I have to write some code in ML and it is my first time I`m going to use the language. Is there any Development Environment for Standard ML? (preferably under Windows). I tried googling (and stackOverFlowing ! ) but all I found was plain compilers for Linux (at most with an interactive console), but no IDE nor Eclipse/NetBeans plugin. Any suggestions ? 回答1: How to Configure SML with Sublime Text 2 For those who prefer Sublime Text instead of Emacs as the editor of choice to program SML, the

Problem with GSList (GLib)

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-11 13:28:48
问题 HI, I'm trying to use GSList from glib.h but I'm having problems when filling the list with char * elements. Here's the code: GSList * res = NULL; char * nombre; while (...) { nombre = sqlite3_column_text(resultado, 1); res = g_slist_append (res, nombre); } printf("number of elements: %i\n", g_slist_length(res)); printf("last element: %s\n", g_slist_last(res)->data); When I print the number of elemnts, I see the list is not empty. But when I print the last element, It doesn't show anything...

How do libraries/programming languages convert floats to strings

空扰寡人 提交于 2021-02-10 03:21:00
问题 This is a mystery that I was trying to figure out when I was 15, but I failed. I still don't know the answer. Here's a naive and flawed solution (like some other failed attempts I've seen here on Stack Overflow): const numberToString = number => { let result = ''; let multiplier = Math.floor(Math.log10(number)); while (number > 0) { const currentDigit = Math.floor(number / 10 ** multiplier); if (multiplier === -1) result += '.'; result += `${currentDigit}`; number -= 10 ** multiplier *

How do libraries/programming languages convert floats to strings

最后都变了- 提交于 2021-02-10 03:19:24
问题 This is a mystery that I was trying to figure out when I was 15, but I failed. I still don't know the answer. Here's a naive and flawed solution (like some other failed attempts I've seen here on Stack Overflow): const numberToString = number => { let result = ''; let multiplier = Math.floor(Math.log10(number)); while (number > 0) { const currentDigit = Math.floor(number / 10 ** multiplier); if (multiplier === -1) result += '.'; result += `${currentDigit}`; number -= 10 ** multiplier *

why does size of any data type depend on the machine?

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-07 04:05:30
问题 we know it depends on machine or compiler..but why and how? 回答1: For starters, the machine's architecture, say 16 bit or 64 bits, will determine how wide the address bus is, and that effectively determines how much memory you can access without resorting to tricks like virtual memory. Usually, the hardware registers inside the CPU will have the same bit width as most of the rest of the architecture; so on a 32 bit CPU it will usually be most efficient to load and store data in 32 bit chunks.

why does size of any data type depend on the machine?

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-07 04:05:10
问题 we know it depends on machine or compiler..but why and how? 回答1: For starters, the machine's architecture, say 16 bit or 64 bits, will determine how wide the address bus is, and that effectively determines how much memory you can access without resorting to tricks like virtual memory. Usually, the hardware registers inside the CPU will have the same bit width as most of the rest of the architecture; so on a 32 bit CPU it will usually be most efficient to load and store data in 32 bit chunks.

why does size of any data type depend on the machine?

核能气质少年 提交于 2021-02-07 04:04:53
问题 we know it depends on machine or compiler..but why and how? 回答1: For starters, the machine's architecture, say 16 bit or 64 bits, will determine how wide the address bus is, and that effectively determines how much memory you can access without resorting to tricks like virtual memory. Usually, the hardware registers inside the CPU will have the same bit width as most of the rest of the architecture; so on a 32 bit CPU it will usually be most efficient to load and store data in 32 bit chunks.

How does an interpreter run code?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-01-27 12:06:38
问题 Reading all the compiled vs interpreted articles it seems like compiled means the machine will run the compiled code directly whereas interpreted, the interpreter will run the code. But how does the interpreter run the code if it's on a machine? Doesn't it still end up having to convert what it's interpreting into machine code and STILL having the machine run it? At the end of the day, everything has to end up being machine code in order for the machine to run it right? It seems like

What is the := operator?

南楼画角 提交于 2021-01-20 23:54:12
问题 In some programming languages, I see (ex.): x := y What is this := operator generally called and what does it do? 回答1: In all languages that support an operator := it means assignment. In languages that support an operator := , the = operator usually means an equality comparison. In languages where = means assignment, == is typically used for equality comparison. does := mean = ? I can't recall any languages where := means the same as = . In MySQL := and = are both used for assignment,

Is “almost pure” Prolog expressive?

…衆ロ難τιáo~ 提交于 2021-01-13 09:37:11
问题 @false commented earlier: Yes, you can implement a Turing machine without dif/2 . But you cannot even implement intersection or similar predicates. Suppose we do extend pure Prolog (Horn FOL + CWA + UNA) with call/N , dif/2 , and (=)/3 , to be used in if_/3 , would there still be gaps in its expressiveness, i.e. things that are trivial to define in, say, Scheme, but are much harder to state in such extended (almost pure) Prolog? In particular, does such a Prolog allow manipulating Prolog