
How to detect and indent json substrings inside longer non-json text?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-05-17 06:25:47
问题 I have an existing Python application, which logs like: import logging import json logger = logging.getLogger() some_var = 'abc' data = { 1: 2, 'blah': { ['hello'] } }"The value of some_var is {some_var} and data is {json.dumps(data)}") So the function is given: The value of some_var is abc and data is {1: 2,"blah": {["hello"]}} Currently my logs go to AWS CloudWatch, which does some magic and renders this with indentation like: The value of some_var is abc and data

How to detect and indent json substrings inside longer non-json text?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-05-17 06:25:28
问题 I have an existing Python application, which logs like: import logging import json logger = logging.getLogger() some_var = 'abc' data = { 1: 2, 'blah': { ['hello'] } }"The value of some_var is {some_var} and data is {json.dumps(data)}") So the function is given: The value of some_var is abc and data is {1: 2,"blah": {["hello"]}} Currently my logs go to AWS CloudWatch, which does some magic and renders this with indentation like: The value of some_var is abc and data

Prevent Visual Studio 2015 from removing line continuation characters (_) in VB.NET files

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-02-24 17:49:10
问题 I'm opening some old VB.NET projects in Visual Studio 2015 and when I edit the code, VS changes the syntax: It removes "_" in concatenations: 'Before myString = "ABC" & _ "DEF" 'After myString = "ABC" & "DEF" or add a space before !: 'Before myDatatable.Rows(0)!myColumn 'After myDatatable.Rows(0) !myColumn This syntax isn't compatible with Visual Studio 2010 or 2013. How can I disable this changes? 回答1: I had the same problem, and I was able to fix it by disabling the "Pretty listing" option

Angular2 typescript - print pretty XML

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2020-02-13 08:10:47
问题 I have this following XML string I got from the server: <find-item-command xmlns:xsi="" find-method="Criteria" item-class="com" only-id="false" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <criteria> <criterion> <descriptors> <descriptor>DPSystemEventItem</descriptor> </descriptors> <value></value> </criterion> </criteria> </find-item-command> But I want to beautify it in my module: <find-item-command xmlns:xsi="

Angular2 typescript - print pretty XML

故事扮演 提交于 2020-02-13 08:10:24
问题 I have this following XML string I got from the server: <find-item-command xmlns:xsi="" find-method="Criteria" item-class="com" only-id="false" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <criteria> <criterion> <descriptors> <descriptor>DPSystemEventItem</descriptor> </descriptors> <value></value> </criterion> </criteria> </find-item-command> But I want to beautify it in my module: <find-item-command xmlns:xsi="

How to pretty print in ipython notebook via sympy?

北慕城南 提交于 2020-01-25 10:12:09
问题 I tried pprint , print , the former only prints Unicode version, and the latter doesn't do pretty prints. from sympy import symbols, Function import sympy.functions as sym from sympy import init_printing init_printing(use_latex=True) from sympy import pprint from sympy import Symbol x = Symbol('x') # If a cell contains only the following, it will render perfectly. (pi + x)**2 # However I would like to control what to print in a function, # so that multiple expressions can be printed from a

pretty print to a file in ruby

大憨熊 提交于 2020-01-22 10:34:09
问题 I am trying to pretty print a hash to a file. I tried unix redirects [added different flags to it incrementally] : `echo #{pp mymap} | tee summary.out 2>&1` and File IO my_file ="/myfile.out",'w+') my_file.puts `#{pp get_submap_from_final(all_mapping_file,final_map)}` It always prints to console and doesnt write to a file. Also there has to be an easier way to write to file in one line in ruby ? instead of doing and then writing to a file ? 回答1: require 'pp'