
Run a precommit hook in Git. Is there a way to verify that the script is running?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-01-01 16:12:10
问题 I wanted to run a Git and as suggested by the blogs, I used $git init to initialize the repository and then a .git folder is created where the hooks are present in the hooks directory. Then as suggested by the script I renamed pre-commit.sample as pre-commit it didn't work so I renamed it as it still didn't seem to be running in the background or I atleast didn't know it did. So, in order to have a clue as to whether it was running in the background I used an echo statement but

Enforcing code standards in git before commit is accepted

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-31 10:41:59
问题 Alright, here's the scenario: A team of developers wants to ensure all new code matches the defined coding standards and all the unit tests are passing before a commit is accepted. Here's the trick, all of the tests need to run on a dedicated testing machine and we do not have access to modify the git server so this must be done using a local commit hook on each dev machine. While the specs are pretty strict (we're not switching to windows or subversion, for example) this is a real world

git pre-commit hook, add file into index

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-30 11:33:51
问题 I'm trying to write a simple pre-commit hook to check if a file was modified, if so, compress it and add it into the current index, something like this #!/bin/sh # was the file modified? mf='git status | grep jquery.detectBrowser.js' # is the non-compressed file in the staging area? if [ $mf != "" ] then # alert the user echo "Javascript file modified, YUI Compressor will begin now." # go to rhino cd $HOME/apps/rhino/yuicompressor-2.4.7/build # compress my file java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.7

Can a Git hook automatically add files to the commit?

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-28 01:49:09
问题 I'd like to add an automatically generated file to the same commit using a pre- or post-commit hook in Git, dependent on the files that were modified in that commit. How would I go about this? I've tried this as a pre-commit hook, but no luck: #!/bin/sh files=`git diff --cached --name-status` re="<files of importance>" if [[ $files =~ $re ]] then echo "Creating files" exec bundle exec create_my_files exec git add my_files exec git commit --amend -C HEAD fi This successfully adds them to the

GIT pre-commit hook which searches non-UTF-8 encodings among modified/added files (and rejects commit if it finds any)

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-24 10:24:53
问题 I'm using Git for Windows (and TortoiseGit). My goal is to prevent commits which have at least one non-UTF-8 file among modified/added. Enumerating modified/added files: I've found the following code { git diff --name-only ; git diff --name-only --staged ; } Is this the best (correct and most concise) approach? Searching for non-UTF-8 files: I've found the following code { git diff --name-only ; git diff --name-only --staged ; } | xargs -I {} bash -c "iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-16 {} &>/dev/null |

GIt preCommit (maybe with help PhpStorm) and php-cs-fixer

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-24 10:10:08
问题 I want automatic process, when I commit file my php-cs-fixer trn and fix all files which add to commit, maybe PhpStorm have some opportunity, running external tools before commit or push. I found only after commit, but I don't need after, need before. And I try tune my git, using pre-commit event I create in my project file, like example, just without extension sudo gedit .git/hooks/pre-commit then add code #!/usr/bin/env bash ROOT="/home/ivan/host/master" echo "php-cs-fixer pre commit hook

Check if Java Class is commented in SVN Precommit hook

可紊 提交于 2019-12-23 19:33:30
问题 I want to ensure that a Java class is commented, before someone commits something into the SVN repository. So I want to realize the following workflow: User changes something in a class User wants to commit class Before executing the commit to the repository, SVN or something else checks if there are comments before the class and before public methods (for Java AutoDoc). If there are comments => Commit, Otherwise return Error message How can I realize this? I found a lot about pre-commit

Phpstorm and pre commit hooks that modify files

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-23 18:04:26
问题 TLDR: PhpStorm behaves in a weird way when a pre-commit hook modifies a file. I have this pre-commit hook that checks for modifications on js and css files, and if one of them has been modified, we want the hook to change a configuration file (a file that we use to force a cache reload on all browsers of that "client-side files") so that change would be included in the commit. The hook looks like this: #!/bin/bash JSCSSCHANGE=`git status|grep -E "(.css|.js)"|wc -l` if [ $JSCSSCHANGE -ne 0 ];

SVN pre-commit hook to restrict file extensions from getting commited

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-23 17:25:51
问题 Using the following code in the Collabnet SVN's pre commit script to restrict the specific file extensions to get committed, but it is committing all the files. Could you please tell where I'm going wrong. #!/bin/sh REPOS="$1" TXN="$2" SVNLOOK=/home/csvn/csvn/bin/svnlook LOGMSG=`$SVNLOOK log -t "$TXN" "$REPOS" | grep "[a-zA-Z0-9]" | wc -c` if [ "$LOGMSG" -lt 10 ]; then echo -e "\n===========================================================" 1>&2 echo -e "|| COMMENTS ARE MADE MANDATORY.PLEASE

How to beautify the output of phing?

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-23 02:36:33
问题 Phing, by default, or even with any of built-in loggers (phing.listener.NoBannerLogger, phing.listener.AnsiColorLogger, phing.listener.XmlLogger and phing.listener.HtmlColorLogger) has quite verbose output. My use-case is to use Phing for running tests as a pre-commit hook. Therefore I don't care about all that information in log phing may provide me. I just use it as a multiplatform tool for running tests. Example: Buildfile: /private/var/workspace/www/me_com/build.xml SBKSWWW > main: